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Thomas Sankara et la condition féminine: un discours révolutionnaire?

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Poussi SAWADOGO
Université de Ouagadougou - Maà®trise sciences et techniques de l'information et de la communication 1999

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


With the advent of the RDP, only some women assume raised responsibilities, in particular in the sectors of health, the social affairs and teaching. However it should be noted that these fields are generally feminized whereas the sectors of the economic financial capacity, or of defense are defended to them. The political role of the women seems practically null. It misses a framework in which the women can profit from a political formation. Conscious of the numerical importance of the women and the young people, Sankara their fact call to consolidate the revolutionary movement53(*). Concerned of the Women's Liberation, it works with the creation of the UFB (Union of the Women of Burkina) and the DMOF (Direction of the Mobilization and the Organization of the Women). These revolutionary structures will contribute to the political awakening of the women. The authorities of the RDP are shown very voluntarist. The participation of the woman in the revolutionary process in particular and the process of development economic in general is a Master word in the plans and programs of development. The effective division of the capacity with the women becomes a reality. It is the time of the advent in quantity and quality of the women at stations of political responsibility54(*). All the ministries are opened to the women : Budget, Finances, Tourism, Culture, family Rise55(*). In 1987, the participation in the political life and the decision-making power in Burkina Faso is significant. 56(*) :

Burkina Faso appears as a country where the political power is feminized. « The promises made in the political speech of orientation of president Sankara were held »57(*).

As of April 1984, three women take in hand territorial commands putting an end to the myth of the ordering man58(*). Belemsaga Denise becomes prefect of Sore-Dioulasso and Bila Odette that of Ouagadougou, Ouédraogo Joséphine is seen entrusting the post of Secretary-general of the Town hall of Ouagadougou. The process continues and, in August 1984, three women make their entry with the government59(*) : Adele Ouédraogo with the Budget, Rita Sawadogo with the sport and of the leisures and Joséphine Ouédraogo with family rise and national solidarity. The two first occupy of the stations which are out of the field « privileged » of feminization of the capacity. In 1986, five women reach the governmental decisional authorities, accounting for 20% of the team (5/25 members)60(*).

« dephallocratisation » of the administration becomes a tangible reality. Four women are High-Commissioners : Baited Traoré (Passoré), Eve Sanou (Sanguié), Béatrice Damiba (Bazèga) and German Pitroipa (Kouritenga). Thomas Sankara imposes women in the army. « One saw a presidential escort composed exclusively of women, which is not without pointing out the female guards (them «amazones ») of the kingdom of Abomey »61(*). The men and the women are compelled with the Popular National Service (SERNAPO) which wants to be a military and civic formation. The authorities of CNR are convinced of the need for the Women's Liberation, and Alice Tiendrébéogo, Secretary of State to the Social action with the ministry for Health in the Popular Front, supports that « what is important also, it is the fact that our leaders are sincere, i.e. that they really believe in the emancipation of the woman. Since August 4, 1983, there were enormously actions which were launched in favor of the women burkinabé »62(*). Despite everything, the change of mentalities intervenes only in a very modest way. The women take part in work of common interests, but remain dumb at the general Assemblies and go away with the take care-debates. Those which militate are criticized and of the revolutionists even prefer to keep their wives at the house63(*).

However, by the means of the female organizations, the women continue their walk towards the emancipation. In March 1985, after a deep reflection, the women subject to the government recommendations and resolutions. This document is presented in the form of a summary of the principal concerns of the women on the plans legal, educational and socio-economic. It is the first time that they try to work out an action to be taken to support a true emancipation. They included/understood « that a slave is not released, it is released »64(*) and themselves the chains of their condition are invested to break.

All in all, the history and sociology reveal that the woman is always reduced to her biological role of wife and mother. Thomas Sankara reaches the capacity and commits himself being the irreducible lawyer of the women.

« Our revolution interests all oppressed, all those which are exploited in the current company. It interests consequently the woman, because the base of its domination by the man is in the system of organization of the political and economic life of the company. The revolution by changing the social order which oppresses the woman, creates the conditions for its true emancipation65(*) ».



* 53 TARRAB (G), COp cit., p. 85.

* 54 UNICEF, COp cit., p. 45.

* 55 BADINI-FALANE (D), COp cit., pp. 157-160. See Appendix II

* 56See Appendices I and II

* 57 TARRAB (G), COp cit., p. 72.

* 58 TIAO (L.A), «  At the last Council of Ministers. Women take in hand territorial commands  » in African Crossroads N 827 of April 20, 1984, P. 9.

* 59 ZERBO (S), «  The RDP and the woman burkinabé  : After the word given  », in Sidwaya, N 105 of Wednesday September 12, 1984, p. 3.

* 60 BADINI-FOLANE (D), COp cit. pp. 157-160. See Appendix I

* 61 TARRAB (G), COp cit., p. 72. See Appendix IV

* 62 TARRAB (G), COp cit., p 32.

* 63 DAMIBA (B). «  CDR  : one year of popular exercise of capacity. Friendly assets also of the tears  », in African Crossroads N 842 of August 4, 1984, p. 11.

* 64 DAMIBA (B), COp cit., p. 12.

* 65 GAKUNZI (D), COp cit., pp. 63-64.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Soit réservé sans ostentation pour éviter de t'attirer l'incompréhension haineuse des ignorants"   Pythagore