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Compensation du jeun préopératoire en chirurgie pédiatrique. Cas du bloc opératoire de l'hôpital gynéco- obstétrique et pédiatrique de Yaoundé

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Issah Ngandji
Ecole des infirmiers spécialistes de Yaoundé - Infirmier anesthésie réanimation 2012

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


Anesthesia is a complex area of specialized medicine which requires more skills. Pediatric patients awaiting surgery are subjected to a fast few hours before the operation.

This restrictive situation is not entirely without risk for the patient. Therefore, for the anesthetic management of a child, all aspects of the surgical indication should be carefully explored during the pre-anesthetic consultation.

As part of our study which focused on:

Compensation for preoperative fasting in pediatric surgery: The case of the Yaoundé Gyneco-Obstetric and pediatric Hospital, our goal was to describe nursing practice with respect to compensation for fasting in children at the operating theater of the YGOPH.

To achieve this goal, we set the following operational objectives:

- To identify the indications for surgery;

- To determine the duration of preoperative fasting in children;

- To list the fluids used for the compensation of preoperative fasting;

-To describe the steps used in compensating for pre-operative fasting in


- To propose a compensation algorithm for preoperative fasting in pediatric


The study was cross-sectional and descriptive. For our study, we

recruited all children admitted to the operating theater of the YGOPH

irrespective of surgical indication. We excluded pediatric emergency surgery

and children whose parents' consent had not been obtained.

Our study spanned a period of 05 months from January to May 2012. The

variables analyzed for this purpose were:

- The indication for surgery;

Travail de fin d'étude rédigé et présenté par : NGANDJI ISSAH Page xv

Compensation Lu jeûne préopératoire en chirurgie péLiatrique : cas Le l'HGOPY

- The duration of preoperative fasting;

- The means of compensation for preoperative fasting;

- The techniques used in compensating for preoperative fasting.

Using probability sampling, we conducted our investigation after which we

obtained the following results:

> 50% of patients were infants, with an average age of 53 months; > The most recurrent indication for surgery was hernia with 25%; > 30% of patients had a preoperative fasting period of 9 hours;

> 35% of patients had received 5% and 10% glucose solutions to compensate for preoperative fasting;

> 45% of patients were properly compensated. The average quantity of fluid used was 324 ml.

Considering these results, it is important that significant steps be taken to ensure more safety in compensating for preoperative fasting in children. We made some suggestions which may be considered as the beginning of a practical solution to this problem. These are:

To the nurse anesthetists of the YGOPH.

- The use of the compensation algorithm for preoperative fasting in pediatric anesthesia;

- The systematic calculation of the duration of preoperative fasting for all pediatric surgery;

-Compliance with the two-phase compensation for preoperative fasting in pediatric surgery.

-The use of syringe pumps for the exact quantification of fluids in compensating for preoperative fasting in all children.

Travail de fin d'étude rédigé et présenté par : NGANDJI ISSAH Page xvi

Compensation Lu jeûne préopératoire en chirurgie péLiatrique : cas Le l'HGOPY

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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