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Facteurs déterminants la faible utilisation des services des soins curatifs dans la zone de santé de Karisimbi

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Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales de Goma - Licence en santé publique 2011

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


The adequate use of the health services is important for the improvement of the health of the population. Before leading this survey, we had noted a weak use of the services of the curative care in the zone of health of Karisimbi as indicate these numbers well: 38.8% in 2008; 43.9% in 2009 and 41% in 2010. It is in this setting that this survey has been led in order to answer the fundamental question to know: what are the factors determining the weak use of the services of the curative care in this zone. To arrive there us achieved an investigate-household to the close to 372 households left in 10 areas of health. This survey is analytic transversal and the introverted data have been analyzed thanks to the Test of Khi - square of Pearson. The software as MS Word and Excel have been used for the seizure and the stake forms some data. So after having investigated, stripped and analyzed the data, we succeeded to the following results:

1. the results bound to the sociocultural factors:

"The level of instruction of the household chief: 24.63% of them investigated of primary level had used the service against 55.4% for those that pass the primary level. This variable has been revealed determining for the use of the curative services;

"The non adherence to the mutual of health: 86.15% of the members of the mutual of health had used the service against 42.01% for the non mutual. Also this variable is determining for the use of the health services.

"The confidence towards the staff: 51.51% of them investigated that have confidence towards the staff used against 49.08% for those there that doesn't have confidence. There is not a meaningful relation between the two variables.

"The self-medication: No individual used the service for those there that makes resort to the self-medication against 185 either 75.51% of those that use.

"The company of the natural medicine: No individual used the service for those there that makes resort to the natural medicine against 63.35% of those that use.

2. results bound to the socio-economic factors

"The weak income of the household: 44% of the individuals whose income is lower to the cost of the care against 54%pour those there whose cost is superior to the income of the household.

"The cost of the care raised: 44% of the individuals whose cost is superior to the income of the household used the service against 54% for those whose cost is lower to the income of the household.

Unemployment: 22.82% of them investigated unemployed person had used against 58.57% of the workers. All these three variables appeared explanatory for the weak use of the services of the care.

3. result bound to the demographic factors

"The size of the household: The households whose size is> to 6 used the service to 32.02% against 62.10% for those - there whose size is <to 6.Elle influences the use of the services of care also.

4. results bound to the organizational factors, it is about of:

"Quality of the care: Those that affirm that the quality is good used to 49.38% against 50 for those that hate the quality of the care.

"Visits at home: The recipients of the visits used the services at home to 44 .44% against 52.43% of the non recipients.

"Communal relays: The recipients of the visits of the communal relays used the services to 53.84% against 48.39 non recipients. He/it is to note that all these three variables didn't appear determining for the use of the services.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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