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Internationalisation économique du sport. Les clubs de football sur les traces des entreprises multinationales

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Arnauld Kayembe Tabu Nkang'Adi Nzu
Université d'Anvers - Master en Management international et développement 2000

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy
1.B.3.b. The logic of production.

«A company can have commercial representations abroad, but it will be really multinational only if it produces whole or part of its products outside its own territory... the logic of the production, insists MUCCHIELLI, dominates. » (1998, p. 18). Admittedly, our effort will have consisted in establishing parallelism in the strategy of internationalization between the clubs of football and the multinational corporations. The concept ambiguity of production is not likely to facilitate the comparison.

Nevertheless, we think that the recruitment of the young players, like aim had by Paris Saint-Germain, approaches an activity of production, of which it would be, mutatis-mutandis, the corresponding elixir. Because, ultimately, which account here is more the finality of recruitment than recruitment itself. By this process, Paris hoped to improve its success what results in the expression « prepare the future » that reports the PSG News-, its results in various competitions and of course, its finances.

But, the choice of Africa is not a mere chance. If « players with weak remunerations coming from Africa » (Késenne S., 2000, p. 97), because of their talent, appreciated well and are sought by the European clubs, how much stronger reason on the spot they in Africa would cost, so that the clubs do not want to make of it the hinged plate of their economy of scale ! UDRY (1998) answers that « these young players buy for one anything ». And MUCCHIELLI (1998, p. 135) calls this strategy « the research of lower cost », for which a firm also can multinationaliser.

The strategy and the logic of production, at the base of the activity of the PSG in Burkina Faso, are detailed by NYS J.F (1999, 30): « The vast exodus of the sportsmen of the developing countries concerns currently more than 700 Brazilian players, and the clubs refine their strategies of recruitment by organizing true networks. In this respect, let us quote the project of the PSG to open a center of formation in Burkina Faso. This center would see becoming about 6.000 young 14 year old players, resulting from all the countries bordering on Burkina Faso. Only the best would emerge and go to Tunis ; they would be involved in the center of formation of the Hope of Tunis and would go then to Geneva, where the PSG signed a convention with Servette. Lastly, both or three players likely to evolve/move in the team first of the PSG would be found in Paris ». Questioned quite front on this project of investment, Roy Claude (1997), then directing sportsman of the club, began again that «we discovered extraordinary people, much of young players come from all the African continent and a particularly gifted attacker ».

  It should be added that the French club had conceived to reach several cooperation agreements with clubs of football of the countries as well developed as under development. Such is the case of the agreement of partnership which it planned to sign with the Hope of Tunis «in order to exchange technical experts and to locate the best African or even Asian players » (PSG News of January 05, 1998) which défraient the chronicle of the Tunisian sport more and more, in phase of professionalism (HTTP/

In fact, the strategy of the PSG would be liked planetary or total. Thus in addition to the cooperation agreement with the Swiss club of Servette, the French club had in its pocket the project to conquer Brazil, where Ray, his former member, would be used to him as commissioned agent, but also China (PSG News of January 05, 1998). All these agreements with sporting goal are recut with the strategies which the multinational corporations concoctent and implement in order to be internationalized. Indeed, as MARTINEZ (1996, p. 71) recognizes it « in this process complexes, but increasingly obvious, the universalization of the international economy generated all the others : that of technology, the means of communication, the culture » and why not that of the sports !

Schematically, one can consider Paris Saint-Germain as the firm team related to formation and manufacturing units located a little everywhere in the world, either by cooperation agreements (strategic alliance, case of the agreement with Espérance of Tunis, conceived with an only aim of exchanging technical experts and of locating better African and Asian players), or by a kind of greenfield investment, i.e., the creation abroad of a had manufacturing unit with 100% by the head office (case of the International center Planet Champions, PC I).

But of recent information in our possession inform that Paris Saint-Germain would have sold the International center of formation Planet Champions in private Burkinabés and foreigners. In spite of that, Planet, which does not declare less association with humane vocation, in this acknowledged direction that it frames the désoeuvrés children, but talented, continuous to play the same function, that to train the young players come from a little everywhere from Africa.

It contacts managers of the prestigious clubs of Europe and proposes the best sportsmen on sale to them. The Planet Champions defectors are numerous, each season, to press the Parisian ground or other towns of France and rest of Europe, to make tests, which very often prove to be conclusive. The allowances of sale are copious and do not return all in the pockets of the families of the players concerned. Therefore, the role of a manufacturing unit of this center is well maintained, in spite of the fact that it does not depend any more of Paris Saint-Germain, his initiator and creator. Certain clubs of France, for example do not avoid any more combining their effort of recruitment of new players with Planet Champions. Such is the case of Saint-Etienne.



Espérance deTunis


The experiment tried by Paris Saint-Germain could be followed. But that of Ajax of Amsterdam appears to be an alternative for it, with the clear characteristics of a direct foreign investment. It is what we will show.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Enrichissons-nous de nos différences mutuelles "   Paul Valery