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Panmobilism and optimism in teilhardian humanism

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Denis Ghislain MBESSA
Université de Yaoundé I - D.E.A 2009

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

5.3.1. A spiritual phenomenon

"Globalisation", according to Teilhard de Chardin, would be the effect of an irresistible attraction to the Omega Point, point of Universal convergence. The word "totalisation" manifests this energy. He writes in this regard:

K Representons-nous [...] un homme devenu conscient de ses relations personnelles avec un Personnel supreme, auquel il est conduit a s'agreger par le jeu entier des activites cosmiques. En un tel sujet, et a partir de lui, il est inevitable qu'un processus d'unification se trouve amorce, marque de proche en proche par les +tapes suivantes : totalisation de chaque operation par rapport a l'individu ; totalisation de l'individu par rapport a lui-meme ; totalisation enfin des individus dans le collectif humain. - Tout cet K impossible » se realisant naturellement sous l'influence de l'amour. »=

convergence coinciding and culminating at its summit, with Him in quo omnia constant, that Heaven taught me to love.

I None of these words appears in Claude Cuénot's Le nouveau lexique Teilhard de Chardin, Paris, Seuil, I968.

2 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, L'Energie humaine (6 aoat I937), Oeuvres VI, pp. I82-I83. Let us represent ourselves [...] a man who has become aware of his personal relationships with the Supreme Personal, to which he is lead to merge through the entire cosmic activities. With such a subject and from him, it is inevitable that a process of unification begins, marked step by step through the following stages: totalisation of each operation related to the individual; totalisation of the individual with himself; and finally, totalisation of individuals in the human togetherness. - All this "unbelievable" being realised naturally under the influence of love.

5.3.2. Creation as a continuous process

According to Teilhard de Chardin, because the creation of the universe takes its source in the "pure Multiple" or the "creatable nothingness", it is a continuous phenomenon:

« Non, la Création n'a jamais cessé. Mais son acte est un grand geste continu, espacé sur la Totalité des Temps. Elle dure encore ; et, incessamment, bien qu'imperceptiblement, le Monde émerge un peu plus au-dessus du Néant »1.

This creation which is always in becoming is the very expression of Evolution. It is neither a blind nor an automatic mechanism. It implies and demands the active participation of the actors who are engaged in it. Men are called to build the earth and Teilhard de Chardin insists on the fact that man is co-creator of the world both through his great achievement and in the least important of his works:

g Nous nous imaginions peut-titre que la Création est depuis longtemps finie. Erreur, elle se poursuit de plus belle, et dans les zones les plus élevées du monde... Et c'est a l'achever que nous servons, meme par le travail le plus humble de nos mains. »2

Hence, globalisation as these intuitions suggest would be a collective project participating in the advance of the universe. It is a risky project, an adventure full of chaos and disorder. Teilhard de Chardin, who does not abide to the conception of those who are totally against globalisation, remains optimistic. In this vein, he wonders:

I Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Ecrits du temps de guerre, Oeuvres XII, I9I7, p. I49. No, Creation has never ceased. But its act is a great continuous gesture, spaced on the Totality of Time. It is ongoing, and, everlastingly, although imperceptibly, the World emerges a little more above Nothingness.

2 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Oeuvres IV, I926-I927, p.50. We may imagine that Creation has been over ever since. This is a mistake, Creation continues, unabated, and in the highest areas of the world...We are called to bring it to its fulfilment even through the most humble work of our hands.

~Mal de desordre et d'insucces :...], Mal de decomposition :...]. Mal de solitude et d'angoisse :...] Douleurs et fautes, larmes et sang, 1...] Voila donc, en fin de compte, ce qui dans un premier temps d'observation et de reflexion, nous revele le spectacle du Monde en mouvement. Mais est-ce vraiment tout, -- et n'y a-t-il pas autre chose a voir 1 »1

Teilhardian optimism needs to be situated in a scientific context in order to be understood as a counter trend to the pessimistic secular eschatology of our days. Teilhard de Chardin was aware not just of the need to counter pessimism, but also of the need for engagement, rather than withdrawal, and solidarity, rather than isolation. He seemed to be more concerned that humanity would run out of psychic energy before material resources were exhausted. While he may have been naïve about the environmental dangers, the difficulties that are faced by environmentalists today concern the lack of will to change, an apathy in spite of knowing what the dangers might be. In this sense, Teilhard de Chardin seems to be right in his estimation that psychic energy is a prerequisite to action and knowledge. We need to learn to be co-creative with the earth in engaging with it, rather than withdrawing from it by turning away from its demands. The question of whether the evolution of the cosmos has a goal remains the ultimate question to be tackled. We are convinced of the fact that Teilhard's vision can help to sustain hope even in the midst of more pessimistic accounts about the future of the universe and planet earth.

I Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, appendix to Le Ph+nomène humain of Octobre 28th I948. Sorrowful situation of disorder and lack [...],sorrowful situation of decomposition[...], sorrowful situation of loneliness and anguish [...], pains and mistakes, tears and blood, [...], that is, ultimately, what at first observation and reflection, the spectacle of the World in movement reveals to us. But then, is this really all about our world, is there nothing else to envisage?



According to Teilhard de Chardin, Consciousness and Matter are aspects of the same reality, and are called the "Within" and the "Without" respectively. Evolution is the steady increase in the "Within" or degree of consciousness and complexity, through a number of successive stages: the various grades of inanimate matter; life or the "Biosphere"; man or thought or mind, the "Noosphere". Teilhard de Chardin thus follows the evolutionist understanding of an evolutionary progression from inanimate matter through primitive life and invertebrates to fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and finally man; always an increase in consciousness. With man a threshold is crossed: self-conscious thought, or mind, appears. But even humans do not represent the endpoint of evolution, for this process will continue until all humans are united in the "Omega Point"I. Teilhardian cosmology thus revolves around the idea of an evolutionary progression towards greater and greater consciousness, culminating first in the appearance of self-conscious mind in humankind, and then in the Omega point of divinization of humanity. Inviting us not to despair and to believe in the progress of humanity, Teilhard de Chardin asserts:

If progress is a myth, that is to say, if faced by the work involved we can say `What's the good of it all?' our efforts will flag. With that the whole of evolution will come to a halt -- because we are evolution. (...) There is no such a thing as the `energy of despair' in spite of what is sometimes said. What those words really mean is a paroxysm of hope against hope. All conscious energy is, like love (and because it is love), founded on hope.2

I See appendix II.

2 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Phenomenon of man, New York, I959, p. 23I, footnote included.

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Entre deux mots il faut choisir le moindre"   Paul Valery