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Représentations et apprentissage de l'anglais en milieu scolaire francophone au Cameroun: cas des élèves du lycée d'Ebolowa

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Charles Lwanga BOUH ma SITNA
Université Jean Monnet de Saint-Etienne - Master 2 recherche 2016

précédent sommaire

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

Annexe3. Observation participante


Observation du discours des apprenants. Mené le 03/12/2015 cours d'anglais en classe de seconde A4 Allemand.

En seconde, la version anglaise d'un extrait du poème d'Homère « The Odyssey » (traduit en prose) avait été lue en classe quelques jours auparavant. Dans cet extrait Odysseus un chef grec et ses hommes sont emprisonnés par un monstre à oeil unique dénommé le Cyclops. Convaincu que ce monstre mangeur d'hommes finira par les manger tous, Odysseus va imaginer un stratagème pour échapper au monstre lui et ses hommes. A la fin de cette leçon de Reading-Comprehension, Il a été demandé aux élèves de préparer pour la prochaine leçon une histoire de monstre populaire dans leur culture et de la raconter en classe. La consigne : ` Tell about a monster in your culture or traditions'. Les histoires de monstres produites par quelques élèves ont été enregistrées en voici la retranscription.


32. Teacher : The name is...

33. Student1 : My name is Student1. The Monster in my village is AKPARA/àkpàrá /

34. Teacher: Where is your village located?

35. Student1 : in départment de la Menoua.

1. Teacher : In Menoua division. That's what we say in English. So the monster in your village is Akpara is


36. Student1 : Yes sir.

37. Teacher : How is Akpara ?

38. Student1 : He bok a mask.

39. Teacher : He bok ? What is bok?

40. Class: [rire des élèves...quelques-uns chuchotent «francamglais»]

41. Student1 : [fait un signe de la main sur la figure]

42. Teacher : Not bok, wears. He wears a mask.

43. Student1 : He wears a mask. In the mask he has three oeil.

44. Teacher : three what?

45. Class: [ les élèves répètent partagés entre `oeil', et `I']

46. Teacher : he has three eyes.

47. Student1 : he bok big clothes.

48. Teacher: he wears not he bok

49. Student1: He wears clothes. He has a long fingers.

50. Teacher: He has long fingers. When you say «a» the word is singular so, he has long fingers.

51. Student1: He has long fingers. He shake very good.

52. Teacher: what is « shake »?

53. Class: [rire des élèves] dance...

54. Teacher: He dances very well. Is that all?

55. Student1 : No. Euh...He is very watt.

56. Teacher : He is very....

57. Student1 : Watt...blanc

58. Teacher : He is light-skinned. We say he is light-skinned.

59. Student1 : When people dance he sow a banana. Banana pousse now now.

60. Class: [rires dans la classe... Certains élève répète `pousse now now now' en riant.]

61. Teacher : He plants a banana tree and the banana tree grows right at the moment.

62. Student1 : yes, sir.

63. Teacher : and people eat bananas.

64. Student1 : yes, sir.

65. Teacher : Ok. And what does he do to people?

66. Student1 : He protect the village.

67. Teacher : so akpara is a good monster. He is not wicked.

68. Student1 : yes, sir.


69. Student2 : The monster of my village is Flapajou. Flapajou is a big monster. He has les cheveux.

70. Class: [rire dans la classe...]

71. Teacher : red les cheveux hein ? ... He has red hair. Yes.

72. Student2 : This monster detest children. He has a long finger. He has a black body.



Teacher : He has a black skin, he is dark-skinned.

74. Student2 : This monster habité in the forest.

75. Class: [un élève souffle... « lives »]

76. Student2 : This monster lives in the forest. The people abandonné the forest.

77. Class:[rires...]

78. Teacher : people abandoned the forest. Why?

79. Student2 : Because the monster will eat the children to kill the children.

80. Teacher : You said Flapajou is a big monster with red hair. What about his face. How does it look like?

81. Student2 : He has a mask with the pic...the corne.

82. Teacher : horns...right ? You said the monster detest children. He can eat children. What else does he do?

83. Student2 : he detest people and animals.

84. Teacher : what does he do to people and animals ? To detest is a feeling. How does Flapajou manifest that feeling? How do you know that he detests people?

85. Student2 : [Pas de réponse]

86. Teacher : Ok ...another monster...


87. Student3 : Kokolo and Menguilingui

88. Teacher : In which village?

89. Student3 : Menyina Zoetele in the South. They are horrible big fishers beside river... And they are terrorism children.

90. Teacher : They are terrorising children.

91. Student3 : They have hair and long and big teeth.

92. Teacher : They have long hair and big teeth. What about the body?

93. Student3 : Monsieur il est comme le poisson.

94. Teacher : They look like fish...ok?

95. Student3 : yes, yes.

96. Teacher : How do they terrorise children? What do they do?

97. Student3 : Monsieur c'est parce qu'il est laid qu'il terrorise les enfants.

98. Teacher : Can't you say it in English ?

99. Student3 : [silence]

100. Teacher : Ok... another one...


101. Student4 : The monster of my village is Nkuissier. She is big.

102. Teacher : Is it a female monster?

103. Student4 : He is big, black, his hair... he are a rasta. He are hungry.

104. Teacher : He... He....

105. Student4 : He is hungry...ugly.

106. Teacher : Hungry or ugly?

107. Student4 : Ugly...laid. His clothes are white. He effraying the people in the bosquet.

108. Teacher : He frightens people in groves., that's all? So, the name of the village is...

109. Student4 : Mbankuop in Foumbot.

110. Teacher : Good...[un élève lève le doigt.] Yes, Student5. Now we are listening to student 5. ELEVE 5

111. Student5 : My monster is Kèmbê.

112. Teacher : Your monster?

113. Class: [rires...]

114. Student5 : The monster in my village is Kèmbê.

115. Teacher : So, How is Kèmbê?

116. Student5 : Kembê is a snake the head is cot /c?t/... [rires dans la classe]...cock... la chèvre. [ les élèves rient de plus en plus]

117. Teacher : The head is...

118. Student5 : cot and snake...cot cot la chèvre.

119. Teacher : it is goat... goat. The head is goat and the body is snake. Ok.

120. Student5 : He lives das forest.



Class: [rires...quelques élèves murmurent]...das c'est déjà l'allemand.

122. Teacher : He lives in the forest.

123. Student5 : He kill the woman when the woman go to find the firewood.

124. Teacher : So the only characteristic of kèmbê is that one part is snake and another is goat.

125. Student5 : Yes, yes, das this. He has four eyes. Four big eyes.

126. Teacher : You say he kills women when they go to find for firewood that's all. The village is...

127. Student5 : Makak.

128. Teacher : Makak is in the centre...More stories about monsters?


129. Student6 : I don't have a monster.

130. Teacher : So, what do you have?

131. Student6 : I have Jean Bivesseu

132. Teacher : What?

133. Class:[un élève s'exclame à basse voix] eeeeeeh... Jean les os.

134. Student6 : Jean Bivesseu. It is a human. He kills people and takes their bones and sell in the market.

135. Teacher : So you don't have a monster but you describe what?

136. Student6 : Jean Bivesseu. He kills people and takes their bones and sell in the market. He is very

137. Teacher : You say he is very beautiful. Do we say that a man is beautiful?

138. Class: No....

139. Teacher : So how is the man?

140. Student6 : good-looking.

141. Teacher : good-looking or handsome.

142. Student6 : He lives in cocoa fields. He always has a machete. Jean Bivesseu has one foot.

143. Teacher : He is cripple

144. Student6 : Il a un pied et demi.

145. Teacher : Yes, we say he is crippled. So, Jean Bivesseu is a real person.

146. Student6 : he has died now.

147. Teacher : the story is now a legend.

précédent sommaire

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"L'ignorant affirme, le savant doute, le sage réfléchit"   Aristote