Mineral soil amendments: Lime
According to Tandon (2002), agriculture lime is a material
containing oxides, hydroxides and /or carbonate of Ca and /or Mg used for
neutralizing soil acidity. Functions of Lime
Lime is primarily a soil amendment or conditioner and not a
fertilizer, as is commonly thought. Lime performs several important functions:
1. Corrects soil acidity;
2. Furnishes important plant nutrients: Calcium and
3. Reduces the solubility and toxicity of certain elements in
the soil such as aluminum, manganese, and iron. This toxicity could reduce
plant growth under acid conditions;
4. It promotes availability of major plant nutrients. Calcium
acts as a regulator and aids in bringing about the desirable range of
availability of many plant nutrients. Some elements which lime aids in
regulating are zinc, copper, and especially phosphorus;
5. It increases bacterial activity and hence induces favorable
soil structure and relationships.
Soil structure is also improved by the addition of decayed
organic matter or compost. The soil becomes more porous, increasing air
circulation and the ability of the soil to absorb and hold moisture (Clifford,
Proper applications of lime made to extremely acid soils will
increase the production of most vegetables. The main functions of lime are to
reduce soil acidity, to supply nutrients, mainly calcium, to the soil, and to
bring micronutrients into usable form. A well-limed soil helps to avoid such
problems as blossom-end rot of tomatoes which is related to an inadequate
calcium supply (Stephens, 2004).