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Impact of the cost of the care of health of menages in Kinshasa

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Université de Kinshasa RDC - Licence 2010

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


This chapter is subdivided in three sections:

- Presentation of district MBUKU;

- Methodology of the collection and data processing;

- Interpretation of the results;

- Knowledge of mode of transmission of paludism;

- Impact of the economic cost of the care of paludism.

3.1. PRESENTATION OF DISTRICT MBUKU 3.1.1.Historical configuration

District MBUKU is a decentralized administrative entity deprived of the legal personality and which counts among the 17 districts which form the Commune of Kisenso.

Formerly, it was controlled by the Commune of Lemba.But following the ministerial stop n69/012 of 23 January 1969 fixing the limits of 24 Communes of the Town of Kinshasa, the Police chief Sous-Régionale of Amba Mount will transmit this ground portion to the Commune of KISENSO.

3.1.2. Geographical aspect

The district MBUKU which with 3Km2 of surface is limited:

in North :by the Congo-extremely avenue which separates it from the

District Release;

in the East in the South in the West

by the Kinduku avenue which separates it from the Amba District;

by the Kwambila river, bordering on the Mandela District of Common the Ngafula Mount;

by the Congo-extremely avenue which separates it from the Mbanza-Lemba District of the commune of Lemba.

3.1.3. Administrative subdivisions

The District is subdivided in following grouping:Kwambila, Bandundu, Dibaya, Kahundu, Kimpese, Mangombo, Nzau-Lemba, Fwala, Nzenga, Sindiki.

The district has 26 avenues which are:Congo-extremely, Kuigola, Home 30 Mbinza, Mbandaka, Kianza, Akadi, Kivuvula, Kitambala, Mozengo 1 And 2 Malomba, Kasanza, Mpangu, Pelende, Mandungu,

Tungu, Nsele, Kingudi, Kiboko, Yumbi 1 And 2, Kinzulu, Kwambila, Kinzumbi, Mafwa, Yasa Bomenge, Niwa, Bent.

Moreover, the District at an office which functions with 7 Agents and Heads of district.

3.1.4.Socio-economic aspect

In District MBUKU one finds there the activity in social matter such as: Community organizations Nongovernmental, schools, organizations, centers of public health, dispensaries and private maternities.

The carried on commercial activities are small the retail trade in particular:25 shops, 10 pharmacies, 1 hotel bar, 3 undertaking, 11 houses of communications, 5 couture houses, 1 provided bakery, 1 photo studio, 3 joineries, 2 deposits of cements, and 2 shoe manufactures.

3.1.5. Population

According to the report/ratio of 2010, the population of the District amounts to 18 890 including 18 861 nationals and 29 foreigners.Let us note that the District in majority is inhabited by the students and workers of the University of Kinshasa.

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Je voudrais vivre pour étudier, non pas étudier pour vivre"   Francis Bacon