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Impact of the cost of the care of health of menages in Kinshasa

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Université de Kinshasa RDC - Licence 2010

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy Expenditure of the rents (Dloy)

It arises from the table 10, that 40,4% of the households spend a sum ranging between 10000 and 20000FC for the rent, 48,9% spent between 20000 and 40000FC, 10,0% spent beyond 40000FC.We notice moreover that the average of this expenditure is 26063,8FC is equivalent 28,6$USD by household. Expenditure of transport (Dtrans)

Table 11, shows us that 57,8% of the households spend a sum ranging between 500 and 1000FC for transport, 11,1% spent between 1000 and 2000FC, 15,6% spent between 2000 and 3000FC, 15, 7% spent beyond 3000FC.The average of this expenditure is 1533,3FC is 1,6$USD by household. Capital expenditures (Déqui)

It arises from the table 12, that 42,9% of the households spend less 4500FC to get the equipment, 35,7% spent between 45000 and 9000FC, 21,4% spent beyond 9000FC.The average of this expenditure is 5785,7FC is 6,3$USD by household. Expenditure of clothing (Dhab)

Table 13, shows us that 51,5% of the households spend below 4500FC for clothing, 15,2% spent between 4500 and 9000FC, 33,3% spent beyond 9000FC.The average of this expenditure rises with 9812,5FC is 10,7$USD by household. Expenditure the transfer (Dtrans)

It arises dutableau 14, that 42,9% of the households spend a sum ranging between 1000 and 10000FC for the transfer in favour of the others, 28,6% spent between 20000 and 30000FC, 28,6% spent beyond 30000FC.The average of this expenditure is 20928,57FC is 22,9$USD by household. Consumer expenditure of water (Deau)

Table 15, shows us that 33,3% of the households spend a sum ranging between 1000 and 3000FC for water, 25,0% spent between 3000 and 6000FC, 16,7% spent between 6000 and 9000FC, 25, 0% spent beyond 9000FC.The average of this expenditure is 5666,67FC by household. Consumer expenditure of electricity (Délect)

Table 16, shows us that 12,5% of the households spend a sum ranging between 1000 and 3000FC for electricity, 25,0% spent between 3000 and 6000FC, 16,7% spent between 6000 and 9000FC, 12,5% spent between 12000 and 15000FC and 33,3% spent beyond 15000;with an average of 9812,5FC is 10,7$USD by household. Expenditure for wood (Dbois)

It is deduced from this table 17, that 11,1% of the households spend a sum ranging between 1000 and 3000FC for wood, 3,7% spent between 6000 and 9000FC, 22,2% spent between 9000 and 12 000FC, 33,3% spent between 12000 and 15000 and 29,6% spent beyond 15000FC.The average of this expenditure is 8722,2FC is 9,5$USD by household. for the embers (Dbr)

This table 18, shows us that 14,8% of the households spend a sum ranging between 1 000 and 3 000FC for ember, 11,1% spent between

3 000 and 6 000FC, 74,1% spent beyond 9 000FC.The average of this expenditure is 8574,0FC is 9,4$USD by household. for the communication (Dcom)

This table 19, indicates to us that 45,3% of the households spend less than 4500 for the communication and 54,7% spent beyond 9000FC.The average of this expenditure is 16344,3FC is 17,9$USD by household.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"L'ignorant affirme, le savant doute, le sage réfléchit"   Aristote