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Impact of the cost of the care of health of menages in Kinshasa

( Télécharger le fichier original )
Université de Kinshasa RDC - Licence 2010

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


At the end of this study devoted to the impact of the economic cost of care of health of the households with Kinshasa "case of paludism", the objective is that to evaluate the weight of expenditure related to the care of health against paludism in the total expenditure of the households by the application of the statistical tools.

Answer to this question, we carried out an empirical analysis in order to release the average total expenditure of the households and its characteristics and the average total expenditure of care of health against paludism in households.The following question should find a response in this work:which is the impact of the cost of the care of health relating to paludism in the households kinois of District MBUKU of the Commune of KISENSO?

To direct this investigation, we left the following assumption:

The expenditure of health for paludism takes a very significant share in the monthly expenditure of households.

For the checking, we used and resorted to the documentary techniques, of samplings and interviews more precisely on the statistical analysis with software SPSS. We noted what follows:

- the average size of the surveyed households is of 5,75 people;

- the monthly average total expenditure of the households rises to 247 414,69FC is 271,8$USD;

- The average total expenditure for the care of paludism is amount to 33 727,1 FC is equivalent to 37,0$USD;

- the households having known a case of paludism were neat to 70,2% in centers of health against 29,7% which were done looked after in the hospitals;

- the prescribed drugs are to 16,2% the fancidare, 70,3% compressed and injectable quinine, and 13,5% of artermether;

- 16,3% of the patients lost 2 to 4 working days, 24,3% lost some between 5 and 7 days and 13,5% lost more than 7 working days, the average being 5 days lost of work.

With regard to the knowledge of the mode of transmission, 72,9% of the households know how one catches the paludism against 27,0% which do not know;79,6% know how to fight the paludism against 20,4% which ignoramus,

By comparing the monthly expenditure for the care of paludism which is 33727,1 FC is 37,0$USD and the monthly expenditure of

households which rise to 247 414,69FC, we notice that this expenditure takes a significant share is 13% on the total monthly expenditure of the households. This amount could be well used for another thing if one managed to stop the propagation of this disease

Moreover, by comparing the monthly expenditure of the care of total health of the households which rise with 2159,45FC (or 2,4$USD) is 6,0% of the total expenditure and spend them of the care against paludism which is of 33 727,7FC is 94,0% of total expenditure. We notice that the expenditure of the care of health for the households having known a case of paludism is enormous.

By what precedes, we can conclude that the impact of paludism is enormous in the household expenses.

Vis-a-vis this situation we suggest with the households setting

up the strategies stated by WHO to fight against paludism in particular:

- the cleansing will intra and perished domestic which is the whole of action carried out around and in the house having for goal to fight against the reproduction of the mosquitos, (example:limp of sardines, puddle pools of water).With regard to this point, installation will take into account, the vents air, to cover the windows, the septic tanks and the slits which constitute the hiding-places of the mosquitos;

- the use of the impregnated mosquito nets they are fabrics of synthetic fibre cotton fibres of variable form and various dimensions of which one entour of bed and which one soaks in an insecticide bath called "déltanethrine" which protects from the mosquitos and other insects;

- the brigade of hygiene in particular gives some councils to the heads of the households:

to cover the dustbins;

to clean the gutters;

to manage waste by incineration well;

the hiding and the recourse to a service for waste;

to clear of undergrowth the piece and the environment.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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