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Evaluation du programme achat de la performance pour l'amélioration de la qualité des soins dans la zone de santé de Goma

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Université libre des pays des grands lacs (ULPGL) - Licence en santé et développement communautaires 2011

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


Our study consists of the assessment of the programme «Performance purchase» on the improvement of health status of the population in Goma Health Zone. The general objective of the study was to assess the programme «Performance purchase» on the improvement of health status of the population in Goma Health Zone. This is an evaluative and cross-sectional study. It deals with a survey conducted among managers of different health facilities in Goma Health Zone and among the beneficiary population.

In order to attain the objective, 380 patients with chronic diseases were surveyed and a structured interview was conducted among the key informants. The report writing, tables drawing and data analysis were carried out by using Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and SPSS respectively.

We used stratified random sampling technique and a structured interview was conducted among the key informants.

We asked the following specific question:

- What contribution does the programme «Performance purchase» have on the knowledge level of the health service providers in Goma Health Zone?

- What is the satisfaction level of the beneficiary population in Goma Health Zone?

To anticipate the answers to these questions, three hypotheses were formulated:

- The programme «Performance purchase» would positively contribute in enhancing the knowledge of the health service providers about primary health care and alert regarding epidemiological situation of Goma Health Zone.

- The programme «Performance purchase» would positively contribute in service organisation such as autonomy among the peers to reference and counter reference systems to health facilities support in drug supply and to the health zone support in fuel and office supplies as well as incentive to the staff memebers.

- The satisfaction level of the population in the Goma Health Zone would be high in a way that subsidies granted to health facilities would tremendously reduce health care costs and would have a positive impact on the quality of health care provided to that beneficiary population. It would help the most deprived people to have access to health care in Goma Health Zone.

In order to obtain the results of the study, the following objectives were fixed:

- To assess the contribution of the programme «Performance purchase» on the health providers' knowledge.

- To assess the contribution of the programme «Performance purchase» on the services organisation.

- To appreciate the level of the population's satisfaction.

After data collection, analysis and the interpretation of our outcomes, the following results were yielded:

- The demographic characteristics of the participants has shown that 66. 7% of health providers are men and 33.3% are women; all of them were married. For the education level, 77.8% have secondary education and 22.22% have university education. Their ages ranges between 22 and 54 years.

- Concerning the demographic characteristics of the beneficiary population, the study have shown that 4.2 % of our respondents are aged between 15 - 25 years, 3.7 % belong to the age group of 25 - 34 years, 30.8% are between 35 - 44 years old, 14.7% are aged between 55-64 years and 26.1% are 65 years old or beyond. Considering the education level, 6.3% of the respondents have no education, 42.6% have primary education level; 39.9 % have a secondary education level and 11.3% have university level.

- The contribution of the programme «Perform Purchase» on the health providers' knowledge revealed that 66.7 % of them were trained on primary health care and 33.3% on the epidemic management.

- The study has proven that the programme «Perform Purchase» has positive contribution on services organisation in health facilities.

In fact the managers confirmed that they receive some grant of drug, fuel and office supplies; they have reported that there is a great change in mortality and morbidity rates due to assisted delivery and supervision plan.

- Regarding the population's satisfaction, the study shows that 56.5 % of the respondents report that the quality of the health care was good, 26.3% considers that the quality of health care was quite good and only 17.2 % said that the quality of health care was bad.

The study indicates that 62.9% of the interviewed people feel healed after treatment; 74% think that the waiting queue was short, 71.9% think that patients were nicely welcomed and only 1.8% think that patients were poorly welcomed. When patients are questioned about the direct change observed in the programme, 73.7 % of them think that health care costs have decreased, 4.6% think that services organisation has improved and 9.7 % testify that there was grant of equipments.

Finally, the following recommendations were made in order to make this study, concerning the assessment of the programme «Performance purchase », useful:

- At the central level

o To elaborate a financial programme based on performance in a context of a fragile country like ours at the national level.

o To decentralize contractual process at health province and district levels with a representative of Performance purchase, able to buy health services in a fragile environment.

- At the intermediary level

o To grant a total autonomy to health facilities;

o May subsidies be rather paid in cash than other forms;

o May public, confessional and private health facilities be integrated and the government regulators be enhanced.

- At the peripheral level:

o May the community association for verification and assessment of patients' satisfaction be set up

o To respect the indicators pre-set for the objectives attainment in order to contribute to the improvement of health services in Goma health zone.

- To the population of the Goma Health Zone

o To take part in all the steps of the planning for a better management and involvement in the health activities.

- To researchers who would like to join global movement of performance based financing

o To tackle the question regarding the incentive to health providers and other parameters that we did not treat in this piece of work.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Entre deux mots il faut choisir le moindre"   Paul Valery