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Organisation des stages urbains au niveau de la section 1ère année ASB (Agent de Santé de Base) de l'ESPAS (Ecole de Santé Publique et de l'Action Sociale) de Niamey. « Perspectives d'amélioration »

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Omar Yonli Emmanuel
Institut de santé publique (ISP) du Niger - Diplome d'études supérieures spécialisées en pédagogie des sciences de la santé 2010

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


The choice of this theme « organization of the urban training courses in ESPAS of Niamey » left the report that the training courses are badly planned and executed with difficulty in spite of all the conditions created by the Direction (management) of the school.

For the realization of this work, we opted for a transverse descriptive study describing the organization of the urban training courses in the ESPAS of Niamey to improve him (it).

Two (2) techniques of data collection were combined (organized). It is about the documentary analysis which consisted in analyzing the training program of the ASB taken as case witnesses (batons) and the administration of questionnaires written to the permanent teachers (coordinators of class), to the picture framers of ground of training course and to the students to determine their practice, their degree of implication and collect their opinion (notice) on the difficulties met in the organization of urban training courses.

At the conclusion of this study, get free the following results (profits):

" 2 permanent teachers (coordinators of class) on 13 received a training (formation) in educational planning of the training courses;

" 84,61 % of the coordinators of class assert that the follow-up of the learners for their activities has a practice at the level of the grounds of training course is not made regularly for the same reasons as among others: the working overload at the school or still the absence of functional organization in management of the training courses;

" 61,53 % of the coordinators of class think that the frame (supervision) of the students appears «all the time» as difficulty met in the organization of the training courses;

" 4 of the picture framers of ground of training courses among 15 received a training (formation) in frame (supervision) of training courses.

i' 86,66 % of the picture framers of ground of training courses assert that the plethora of the trainees in the services is the second difficulty most frequently observed in the organization of the training courses after the lack of organization on behalf of the schools of the activities of frame (supervision) with the staff of ground of training course.

i' 4,28 % of the students made more two (2) times the same grounds of training course among two (medicine and surgery);

i' 91, 42 % of the students are of opinion (notice, opinions, and notices) that follow-up and supervision of the staff of the school can be the solution of the good execution of the urban training courses and the effective availability of the picture framers of ground.

i' 60 % of the students consider that the contents of the theoretical education (teaching) are insufficient for the scene training courses.

Considering all which precedes, the organization of the first ASB class urban training courses in the ESPAS of Niamey must be rethought to improve the training (formation) of the learners (agents of health) for the good (property) to be of the populate.

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Il existe une chose plus puissante que toutes les armées du monde, c'est une idée dont l'heure est venue"   Victor Hugo