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Impact of family conflict in love affairs through romeo and juliet by William Shakespearepar N'dimonté Bienvenue Sekou Université de Parakou - Licence 2020 |
CHAPTER FOUR: CRITICAL ANALYSIS AND PERSONAL STAND4-1 CRITICAL ANALYSIS.After the different analysis made on love through Romeo and Julietin «Romeo and Juliet», I noticedthat love has power to control one's actions, feelings, and the relationship itself through the bond between a destined couple in the extent where none could accept to live alone without his second that why after Romeo death, Juliet bas decided to die too bysaving their love.William Shakespeare has therefore showed that love that people had between each other was so strong.But today it is the contrary we can see.AsDr. Alidou R.Ibourahima Boro said in his article untitled :The Paradox of Love as a Downfall of Man and as a Symbol of Unity through William Shakespeare's Romeo & JulietVolume 8 Issue 1, January 2019www.ijsr.netLicensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY Love has taken or has another face nowadays. Many people no longer see it as an intense feeling for someone or self-sacrifice for the other; one seeks his interest through love. And sometimes this love is measured by the degree of his armor's wallet. Strange but true thing. The world is going backwards and the real reason for love has lost its meaning. This shows that, nobody is ready to sacrifice himself for somebody. I also through the novel saw that the different conflictslived by the two families have had disastrousconsequences yes it is true and as the author showed it in the novel. Not only, those conflicts impact children relationships in love affairs but also constitute a mean of education for them while living within the families, between families, people living within hate. Being in the family, close to one another, in communities would be difficult not to observe conflicts as far as there is exchange between parents and children, and people surrounding you but these conflicts should not be sources of obstacle for their future this must be observed in a moderate way. Having a look on children shall teach them how to grow and argue positively. That is what. Legrand philosopher was saying. I want to point out Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Dans Du contrat social) "The man was born good may it is the society that corrupts him" 17(*) By entering into our context we can say that the author wants us to understand that the child once in the world is holy but if the latter is poorly educated in the condition that he receives bad advices they divert the faculties of their children. Thus, parents are the guiding vectors that must bring their children on a good path. I am witness of such a subject addressed by the author where parents have imposed a husband on their daughter but I assure you today the girl is in paradise while being on earth or she has been there with restraint. It is often thought that the conflict between people is a bad relationship. However many sociologist like Georges Simmel, philosopher like Hegel, Nietzsche psychologist have a positive view of the conflict related to families, romantic relationships as a mode of relationships between individuals. Psychologists: Dominique Picard and Edmond Picard consider that: «Conflicts are not communication errors, but are as normal and commonplace to argue as to get along well. «Relationship problems are inherent in the nature and dynamics of a relationship because living together without communicating is complicated and difficult.»18(*) However conflict is often lived in suffering and contrary to good understanding, it prevents the relationship from progressing and being productive and the partners of flourish.As proof ,the relationship between Romeo and Juliet accentuated tensions between the two families and beyond families both clans. It doubled the existed tensions and conflicts between the two clans. Love which should be a source of peace, happiness and above all unity breaks out in war and in conflict and this leads to the death of Romeo and Juliette a fatality, a scandal and a terror that breaks out on the younger generation. That is why it is often necessary to regulate and solve it. From a psychological point of view, people involved in a conflict or living in a conflict within their own psyche experience strong emotional state: Anger, frustration, fear, sadness, grudge and sometimes aggression and violence. It is this reality which is at the origin of the negative connotation of the word conflict. The conflict is not necessarily destructive it is normal to meet conflicts or problems relational as it is immense the diversity of the human beings of the history of the peoples of their culture, their individual journeys. Rather than the conflicts themselves it's the way to approach them that can be destructive. It comes now we know how to conduct ourselves everything depends on the degree of freedom of expression and equality between individuals. At the origin of a conflict we always find divergent interests, feelings hurt where different desires. In fact the conflict raises the question of the other who sometimes has the bad idea of ??not wanting what we want. Everybody is animated to live conflicts. Moments of crisis are inevitable and often necessary to make the bonds shift to a new equilibrium. Of all the above that is how conflict impacts in romantic relationships. We cannot avoid conflict, but we must know how to go about it when we are in conflict. Conflicts have both negative and positive impacts in love affairs. When parents live in conflicts in love affairs with their children, this impact the whole community in the extent where none of girls could accept to be married. They will stay without husband. Either she kill herself or she gets away from home, and start by involving herself in prostitution, and maybe have children without knowing their own fathers, its led five deaths in six days in Montagues and Capulets. But as far as the positives ones are concerned, its lead to Montagues and Capulets reconciliation after have registered death in the two families. Each family has paid back the evil done to his second one. As we can see children most of the time are the medium for the families living in conflicts. The sacrifice for love leading to death is sometime indispensable for families' reconciliation. In the novel Romeo and Juliette deaths has led to Montague and Capulets Reconciliation. In under the storm of Seydou Badian Africans people have mastered the conflict and we didn't register death it thanks to conflicts lasted so long old Benfa was convinced later and therefore let his daughter choose the man of his life. Those Africans have played a great role in this novel because of their consciousness they have. If not we were going to notice the same happened in others novel. * 17Rousseau, J.J. Du contrat social * 18Edmond Picard, Edmond Marc, petit traité des conflits ordinaires .Le seuil p8. |