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Impact of family conflict in love affairs through romeo and juliet by William Shakespeare

par N'dimonté Bienvenue Sekou
Université de Parakou - Licence 2020

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

1-2- Characters

Romeo is a Montague. He falls in love with Juliet and proceeds to marry her. He is a tragic character. He is characterized as hasty and emotional. He is young.

Juliet- She is a Capulet. She falls in love with Romeo. She believes marriage should be for love. She is also characterized as hasty. She is young

Lord Capulet: He is Juliet's father. He is strict, harsh, not understanding. He wants her to marry Paris.

Lady Montague -She is Romeo's mother. She is very busy and strict.

Lord Montague -He is Romeo' father. He is stubborn and not willing to forgive.

County Paris - He is kinsman of Prince. He cares about Juliet and wishes to marry her.

Prince Escalus - He is Prince of Verona. He wants to call a truce and end the family feud.

Friar Lawrence - He is the Priest in Verona. He weds Romeo and Juliet hoping it will unite both families. Instead it causes fighting. He later gives Juliet sleeping potion. He helps Romeo out.

Friar John -He was supposed to deliver a letter to Romeo about Juliet, but Romeo did not get it.

The Nurse - She cared for Juliet during childhood. She wants Juliet to be happy. She is very talkative.

Mercutio: He is a good friend of Romeo

Balthazar: He is a servant and a friend of Romeo.

Benvolio: He is a friend of Romeo

Tybalt: He is a nephew of Lady Capulet. He has a bad temper.

Samson: He is a Capulet servant

Gregory: He is a Capulet servant

1-3- Historical Context

The Date and Source of the Play Romeo and Juliet is one of the early plays of Shakespeare. It was probably written in 1594 or 1595, for it is similar in language to A Midsummer's Night Dream and Richard II. Some scholars, however, date the drama to 1591, for there is a reference made by the nurse in the play to an earthquake that happened eleven years earlier. The actual earthquake in Italy occurred in 1580. The majority of scholars today place the play after 1594.

Shakespeare drew most of his plots from European stories that had been translated into English. Romeo and Juliet was probably based on an Italian romance.

1-4-Time of Action

There is no clear indication within the play of the time setting, but it seems to be around 1200 or 1300. In history, rival noble houses existed within that time frame, and their actions disturbed the local peace. People were divided, and a lot of jealousy and tyranny existed. In the play wealth, culture, rivalry, and enmity are all displayed, reflecting this historical time frame.

The time that passes within the play is very clear. Only five days go by from the opening street fight to the death of Romeo and Juliet. On Sunday morning, the brawl in the town square occurs; that same night Romeo meets Juliet at the Capulet feast, and they declare their love for one another. On Monday afternoon, Friar Lawrence marries the couple; later in the day, Romeo kills Tybalt. On Tuesday, Romeo flees from Verona to Mantua, the Capulets announce Juliet's engagement to Paris, and she drinks the magic potion that makes her appear to be dead. On Wednesday, Juliet's body is discovered and taken to the Capulet tomb. On Thursday, Romeo hears of Juliet's death, hastens back to Verona, and commits suicide in her tomb. When Juliet awakens later in the day and finds him dead, she stabs herself. The play ends on Friday morning. (Pink Monkey) 1(*)

* 1

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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