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Profil clinique des céphalées à  l'hôpital provincial général de référence de Kinshasa

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Hyppolite Lawulu hyppolite
UTBC " Bel Campus" - docteur en medecine,chirurgie et acouchement 2010

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


1. Kat zaeava Z, Jensen R. Medication-overuse lieudache: Where are we now? Cuur open Nemol 2007; 20: 326-30.

2. Rossi P, DI Lorenzo C, Faroni J, Cesarino F, Bappi G. Advice alone Vs. Structured detoxification programmesdor medication overuse headhace: a prospective, randomized, open-label trial in transformed migraine patients with low medical needs. Cephalagie 2006; 26: 1097-1105

3. Katsarava Z, Sch nee weiss S, Kurth T. et AL. incidence and predictor for Chronicity of headhace in patients with epsodie migraine. Nemology 2004; 62 (5): 788-790 15 a Lipton RB. Tracing transformation: chronic migration classification, progression, and epidemology.Nemology 2009; 72 (5 suppl): 53-87

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5. Rossi, Faromi J., tassorelli C, Nappi G. Diagnostic delay and suboptimal management in a refebal population with hemicinia continua. Headache 2009; 49 (2): 227-234.

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16. NataliWiendel J et al. Maux de tête chronique fréquenter dans la population générale.LeidenUniversityMedical Center, Feb 2008: 978-90-90227 33-7.

17. Wiendels NJ, Ferreri MD, Assendelft WJJ. Cephalis Chroniques Fréquentes: prévalence et Facteurs associés. Céphalées, 2006 ; 26 (12) : 1434 -42.

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19. Bigal ME, Rapoport AM, Tepper SJ et al (2005) The classification of chronic daily headache in dults -a comparision between the second edition of the international classification of headache disordes and alternative diagnostic criteria. Heda 45: 582-589.

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30. Silberstein SD, Lipton RB, Do dick DW. TOPIRAMATE CHRONIC MIGRAINE STUDY GROUP ET AL Efficacy and safety of topiramate for true treatment of chronci migraine: a randimized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Headache 2007; 47 (2): 170-180.

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32. Rapport AM, Sheftell FD, Tepper SJ, Bigal M. levebiracetan in the preventive treatment of transformed maigraine- Curr the res 2005, 66: 212-221.

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35. Bigal M, Rapoprt A, Sheftell F, Tepper D, Tepper S. Mementine in the preventive treatment of refractory migraine Headache 2008, 48: 1337-1342.

36. Slock JL, Cho Hl? Chung CS. From transformed migraine to episodic migraine: reversion faction. Headache 2006; 46 (7): 1186-1190.

37. Garzal, SwaasonJw: Prophylaxiq of migraine. NeuropsychatrDir Treat 2006; 2 (3): 281-291.

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39. Bendtsen L, Jensen R. Tension-type headache: the most Common? But also the most nelected, headache disorder.CurropinNeurol 2006; 19 (3): 305-309.

40. Fumal AS. Chronic tension-type headache in: Goadsby PJ, DodickDw Chronic Daily Headache for clinicians 1st ed. Hamilton, Ontario, BC Decker inc. 2005; 57-64.

41. Crancarelli, Tozzi-Crabcarelli MG, SPACCA g? di Massimo C, Carolli a. Relation ship between brafeed back and oxidative stress I patients with chronic migraine. Cephalalgie 2007; 27 (10): 1136-1141.

42. Martion PR, for sylt MRI, Recce J. cognotive-behavioral therapy versus temporel pulse amplitude brofeed back training for recurrent headache. Behavther 2007; 38 (4): 350-363.

43. Boes CJ, Black DF, DODOCK Dw. Pathophysiology and management of transformed migraine and medicatum overuse headache. SeminNeurol 2006; 26 (2): 232-241.

44. MarmuraMj. Silberstein SD, Cupta M. hemiciania .......: who reponds to indonethacin? Cephalagia 2009; 29 (3): 300.

45. Rozen TD. Relatononresonsivehemiciania .......... Heaache 2006; 46 (7): 1203-1204.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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