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Stock Market Success For Beginners
Maksim Pecherskiy
Stéphan Laouadi
Bachelor Thesis Spring semester 2008 Atlantis Program
Linköping University: Business Administration
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ISRN: LIU-IEI-FIL-G--08/00246--SE Tutor: Dr. Emeric
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Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, Linköping
Spring sem ester 2008
Authors: Maksim Pecherskiy and Stéphan Laouadi Tutor: Dr.
Emeric Solymossy
Stock Market Success For Beginners
Key words
Investing; Stocks; Stock Exchanges; Funda mental analysis.
Background and Problem discussion
The finance world is complicated and can be very intimidating
to someone who knows nothing about it. This paper provides knowledge in a
simple way for anyone who wants to enter this world by purchasing shares of
stock. It provides general market knowledge and after looking at successful
strategies of the greatest investors it proposes a strategy for investing in
the stock market.
The purpose of this paper is to see what worked for the best,
and what worked historically, combine the data and come up with a strategy that
may not work 100% of the time, but overall provides a positive return.
This paper is based on internal and external secondary
sources. We have used the inductive approach and most our data is
Our theories are based on security analysis and mostly on
Fundamental analysis.
Empirical Data
Our empirical data consists of strategies used by successful
investors: Benjamin Graham, Philip Fisher and Warren Buffett. As well as
internal reports from S&P and Reuters.
Our proposed strategy advocates investing in undervalued growth
stocks with strong fundamentals for the long run.
We would like to thank Dr. Emeric Solymossy for his great
ideas and helping us structure our ideas, Stefan's mom for the French wine and
cheese to help us relax during our work, Charlotte Parkinson for providing us
with some ideas using her knowledge of economics, Cecile Lauroa for letting us
borrow the Methodology Book, Benji Greenberg for looking over our paper and
providing his input based on his knowledge, and to Max's DePaul Professor Eric
Greenberg for getting him interested in the topic and teaching him
Table of content
Abstract ii
A cknowledgements iii
Table of content a
Introduction 1
Background 1
Purpose 1
Problem Statement 2
Research Methodology 3
Nature of the Problem 3
Exploratory Research 3
Frame Of Reference 4
Data Collection 4
Analysis of Data 4
About the market 5
What is a stock? 5
Why, How and Where does A Company Sell Stock? 8
Investing 13
Market Philosophies 15
Evaluating Potential Investments 18
Growth Vs Value 18
Fundamental Vs Technical Analysis 21
Finding Information 55
Companies Themselves 55
Financial Publications 56
Internet 59
Other Medias 62
Personal experience 63
Successful strategies 64
Benjamin Graham 64
Philip Fisher 67
Warren Buffett 71
Proposed strategy 80
Introduction 80
Finding Stocks 82
Evaluating companies behind stocks 84
Other advices 91
Example 93
Bibliography 100
Appendix 104
S&P reports on Hansen Natural 104
Reuters report on Hansen Natural 110