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Class struggle in in dubious battle (1936) by John Steinbeck and Devil on the cross (1982) by Ngugi wa Thiong'o

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par Ndiaga SYLLA
Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar - Maitrise 2009

précédent sommaire

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


I. Novels under study:

1. Steinbeck; John, In Dubious Battle, Peguin Books USA Inc.1936

2. wa Thiong'o, Ngugi, Devil on the Cross, London , Heinemann,1982

II. Other novels by the authors:

1. By John Steinbeck

-The Grape of Wrath, The Viking Press, New York, 1939

-Of Mice and Men, Peguin Books, USA, 1937

-East of Eden, William Heinemann LDT London, 1976

-America and Americans, The Viking Press, New York 1966

2. By Ngugi wa Thiong'o

-Matigari, London, Heinemann, 1989

-Petals of blood, London, Heinemann, 1977

-A Grain of Wheat, London, Heinemann, 1967

-The River between, London, Heinemann, 1965

III. Other novels referred to:

1. On American literature

· Wright Richard, Native Son, London New York: Harper and brother Publishers 1940, 397p.

· Morisson Toni, Song of Solomon, London ,Heinemann, 1978

· Wright Richard, Black Boy, Editions Gallimard, 1947

2. On African literature

· Gordimer Nadine, My Son's history, Peguin, London, 1942, 277p.

· La Guma Alex, In the Fog of the Seasons' End, London, Heinemann, 1992

· Achebe Chinua, A Man of the People, London Ibadan Nairobi: Heinemann 1969, 149p.

· Fanon Frantz, The Wretched of the Earth, Harmmondsworth: penguin, 1990

· Awoonor Koffi, This Earth, My Brother, London, Ibadan, AWS 1972,

IV. Works on the writers:

1. On Steinbeck

§ Covoci Pascal, JR, ed, The Portable Steinbeck, the Viking Press Inc. New York, 1971.

§ Beach Joseph Warren. John Steinbeck- art and Propaganda, Russell and Russell, New York, 1941.

§ Lisca Peter, The Wide World of John Steinbeck, Rutgers University Press, New Jersey, 1958

§ Gannet Lewis, john Steinbeck. Personal and bibliographical notes, the Viking Press, New York, 1939

2. On Ngugi

§ Ngugi «Africa» quoted by Goetz Peggy in Kenya, Writer Working to Preserve Minority Languages, Irvine World News, 2003

§ Cook Andokenimkpe, Ngugi wa Thiong'o: An Exploration of his Writing, London, Heinemann, 1983

§ Smith Angela, East African Writing in English, Macmillan Publishers, LTD London, 1989

§ Ngugi «On Writing» quoted in African Postcolonial Literature in English by F-K Omoregie, University of Botswana, 2002.

V. Other works consulted:

v Ndaw Cheikh Alioune, Mbaam Dictateur, Presence Africaine, Dakar, 1997, 335p.

v Cabral Amilcar, Unity and Struggle, Heinemann, London, 1986

v Saparta Marc, Histoire du roman americain, Editions Seghers, Paris, 1970

v Mandela Nelson , No easy Walk to Freedom, Heinemann, AWS, 1973

v Baldwin James, Notes of a Native Son, Beacon Press, London, 1955

v Association Sénégalaise de Littérature Comparée, Literature and shared Culture, Presses universitaires de Dakar, 2003.

VI. Internet sources:

Ø www. Rodney, Cabral and Ngugi as Guides to African Postcolonial Literature.htm

Ø www.Subversion versus Rejection Can Postcolonial Writers Subvert the Codified Using the Language of the Empire.htm

Ø www.The Great Depression - pictures & causes of great depression.htm

Ø www.The Main causes of the Great Depression.htm

Ø www.The Great Depression (1929-1939) historical context, economic impact and related links.htm

Ø www.The Depression in the U_S_--An Overview.htm

Ø www.1930' Dust Bowl.htm

précédent sommaire

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Nous voulons explorer la bonté contrée énorme où tout se tait"   Appolinaire