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The Case for a Data Bank at the Ministry of External Relations - Cameroon

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Ibrahim Ndzesop
Institut des Relations Internationales du Cameroun - Master I 2006

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

- The Communication Unit

- The Computer Unit

- The translation Unit

- The Sub-directorate for Mails and Liaison

The sum-total of these services constitute the principal task of the GS, some of them being innovations of the Head of State's major diplomatic move of the 30th of July 2005. It also runs the day-to-day operations of the ministry while following-up the execution of the decisions of the ministry.

b. The creation of the Career Management Unit

The CMU was created by presidential decree No. 2005/286 of 30th July 2005 organizing MINREX. Before then, the training department of the Directorate of General Affairs managed the career of diplomats. But the missions of that directorate being concentrated elsewhere, the management of such a sensitive and core domain as the career of diplomats was lacking. This led to the creation of this new body (CMU) at the GS. It should be said that the Directorate of General Affairs did not really manage the career of diplomats as such. It simply oversaw and received complains. Diplomacy being the domain reserve of the Head of State, and owing to the latter's political will to make the diplomacy of the state more muscular, decided to create a Career Management Unit as a strategic instrument that can help rationalize Cameroon's diplomacy.

This creation came at a strategic moment in Cameroon and world history, that is, four years after the September 11 terrorist attacks of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Four years after the launching of the African Union. Cameroon was faced with the difficulties of getting the 2002 International Court of Justice decision on the Bakassi conflict applied by Nigeria. Cameroon was also working on wooing investors at the very moment all state forces focused on reaching the completion point of the Heavily Poor and Indebted Countries Initiative. This was also the moment where the world hyper power was formulating «Transformational Diplomacy». The creation of the Career Management Unit, therefore, represented one of the most forceful steps of Cameroonian authorities to modernize its diplomacy. It had been the expectation of most Foreign Service Officers to have this unit created.

c. The missions of the CMU

What therefore are the specific missions of the CMU? CMU's mission has been well spelled out in the July 30 2005 presidential decree mentioned above. It is formulated in the following way;

- The management of usages and definition of modalities for the application and planning of the rotation principle for diplomatic personnel.

- The conception, tailoring and sharing of tools and methods for the better management of careers in collaboration of the administrations involved.

- The making of a databank on opportunities featuring on international public services, and the coordination of matters relating to the preparation of profiles of candidates.

- The follow-up of the application of the status of diplomatic personnel.

- The follow-up of the career of Cameroonians occupying international posts in collaboration with other competent departments.

It is clear from the above that the tasks of the CMU are judicial, institutional and technical. To carryout the above mission, the unit needs equipments, funds, personnel and political ease.

d. The functioning of the CMU

How is the CMU functioning? It is a little difficult to answer this question because the text creating it did not specify how, nor did we find any document explaining this. It is more difficult to explain the functioning because the history of the unit, which would have otherwise guided us on this issue, is quite short. This does not mean that the functioning at the moment reveals any anomaly (probably because the unit is still in gesticulation), but that the need could arise in future when the missions mentioned above all go operational.

The creation decree however specifies that the unit is headed by a unit head. In general civil service terms, a unit head is assisted by a Chargé d'Étude and Chargés d'Étude Assistants. Therefore, a secretary helps with some administrative tasks, while the unit head and his collaborators handle the files.

It is also worth noting, from another perspective that for the particular task of management of diplomatic personnel careers, three stages in the chain of administration of MINREX have been mentioned. First it is the task of the Minister to over-look the management of careers. This appears among the many task of the Minister. Second, it is the task of the Secretary General to manage the career of diplomatic personnel and fully apply the principle of rotation. Lastly, it is the task of the CMU to tailor and coordinate all matters relating to career management. What one can deduct from this triple attribution is that the issue of career management and placing in IOs has come to occupy a central position in the mindset of makers of Cameroon's diplomacy. Equally, the triple attribution should not be read as redundancy, but as a matter of insistence. After all, is the Secretary General not the direct administrative superior to the CMU head? And is the minister not the administrative superior to the former? This merging of coherence and insistence ensures a primal position for the future the career of diplomatic personnel in Cameroon.

e. The challenges of the CMU

The challenges of the CMU are numerous and non-exhaustive. As any novel service in any administration, the CMU is faced primarily with challenge of blooming into maturity. The first challenges are juridical in nature. It is a question of formulating a modern, clear and equitable judicial framework to apply to the diplomatic corps in Cameroon. Such a framework requires a total revision of the obsolete confusing [complex] legal framework that exists presently. It also means re-writing of existing texts relating to the situation of diplomats, as well as creating a MINREX-MINEFI mix commission, which should re-evaluate texts relating to financial indices for diplomatic personnel.

At the technical level, it will be necessary to make an inventory of diplomatic personnel in Central and External services of MINREX. This will require the creation of a databank, which will not only inform concerned quarters but also facilitate the placing of Cameroonians in posts in IOs. At the diplomatic level, the challenge of the CMU also consists of building a diplomatic lobbying. This should operate by having the issue of positioning Cameroonians in IOs and having Cameroon host international events or offices, appear on the minutes of all audiences granted by Cameroonian authorities to state and none-state representatives.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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