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The image of the woman in Okot p'Bitek's Song of Lawino and song of Ocol

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Guershom Kambasu Muliro
Unviersité de Kisangani (RDC) - Licence 2007

Disponible en mode multipage

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1. Interest and Choice of the Topic

In any literary work, the writer wants to share his experience and his point of view with his contemporaries. We need also to share the point of view of the Eastern Ugandan poet Okot p'Bitek in his poems Song of Lawino and Song of Ocol. We are interested in reading him with care so that we can interpret his thinking. So then, we can share or reject his opinion. In our field of work, we want to analyse Okot p'Bitek's poems and find the developed themes to discover the image of the woman.

2. Purpose and Methods

a. Purpose

The purpose of this work is to analyse some literary techniques used in Okot p'Bitek's poems to enrich the meaning of Song of Lawino and Song of Ocol. This analysis will help us to enter p'Bitek's mind and discover the deep hidden image of the woman portrayed in those poems.

Our analysis will also help us find how and why the main characters act as they do.

b. Methods

Every domain of research has its own methodology. It can require a questionnaire, an interview, an explication...

As quoted by Vwakya (2006:3) there are three major ways to write about work of literature and art. One can write to

- Understand a work of Literature,

- Interpret a work of Literature,

- To evaluate a work of Literature.

One our part, however, we are going to deal with analyzing the poems in order to interpret them and find out the image portrayed in those poems. In our analysis, some factors such as social, religious, educational, contribute in supporting our themes as well.

In short, we are going to apply the new Criticism in our analysis so that we can study each social problem from the first page to the last. Thus, we shall follow poem from its opening line up to its end so that we can draw an occurrent conclusion.

3. Hypothesis

In the present work, we are going to focus our attention on the attributed image to the woman in Okot p'Bitek's Song of Lawino and Song of Ocol. We shall observe p'Bitek's attitude towards Eastern woman's behaviour.

We can state the following hypotheses:

- P'Bitek can be discouraged by the way Eastern women are treated by their husbands;

- He does find any Eastern Africa woman who is not influenced by European culture;

- He does not find Eastern Africa woman who can defend the customs of her ancestors.

4. Limitation of the Work

We have limited ourselves to the literary analysis of Okot p'Bitek's poem in order to find the real image of the woman in those poems. Thus, the work is much devoted to summary of the poems, characters and characterization, point of view, context, imagery, form and interpretation, mood and tone, themes, philosophy of the author, finally the image of the woman.

5. Review of the Literature

After reading Okot p' Bitek's poems, we have found it better to produce a work on them. In some Kisangani libraries there are less work on literature, and mainly on African literature. Also, recent documents rare in Kisangani libraries. Ofcours there are some comments on websites on p'Bitek and his famous Song of Lawino and Song of Ocol.

But the topic as approached was not available yet, that is why we have dicided to full the gap by writing a work on the image of a woman as analysed in those poems, to allow Kisangani researchers and others have an important tool in African literature and fix their ideas on Okot p'Bitek and his masterpiece.

6. Division of the work

The present work is divided into three chapters. Chapter one deals with «The Poet's Life and Work». In this chapter we give a shot survey on the author's life, his background and works.

Chapter Two is concerned with «A literary Analysis of Okot p'Bitek's Song of Lawino and Song of Ocol». In this chapter, we present the summary of the poems, we analyse the literary techniques used by Okot p' Bitek in his poems. They are point of view, characters and characterization, context, theme, tone, mood, imagery, form and interpretation, philosophy of life. We select them according to their use in the poem.

The last chapter treats the image of the woman in Okot p' Bitek's Song of Lawino and Song of Ocol. In this chapter we want to show the image of the woman that Ocol describes in his poems in every aspect of life such as social, educational religious...

A general conclusion which we draw to show Okot's philosophy towards Eastern African problems will put an end to the work.




This chapter deals with life and work of Okot p'Bitek, a Ugandan poet. This chapter provides an over view to the reader about this poet. It allows us to get more information about Okot's background.

1. Life

Okot p'Bitek was born on July 20, 1931 in Gulu, and died in 1982, in North Uganda grasslands into a family of Luo people.

His father was a school teacher and an expressive storyteller, his mother Lacwaa Cerina was a traditional gifted singer, composer, and leader of her clan. From his mother's name, the title Song of Lawino is derived and she taught him many songs that he enjoyed throughout his life. At that time Uganda was a protectorate of British Empire. Under the influence of his mother, p'Bitek grows up learning the tales, proverbs and songs of Acholi folklore sometimes referred to as lwo or luo.

He was educated at Gulu High School, then King's College in Budo, and later at Universities in the United Kingdom.

An outstanding student, p'Bitek was noted as a great singer of Acholi songs, a dancer, a drummer and athlete. He composed and produced a full-length opera while still in high school. He travelled abroad first as a player with the Ugandan national football team, in 1958. At this point, he gave up with football as a possible career; staying on in Britain he studied education at Bristol University, and then Law at the University College Wales at Aberystwyth. He then took a B. litt. degree in Social anthropology at the University of Oxford with a 1963 Dissertation on Acholi and Lango Traditional Cultures.

He lost his commitment to Christian belief during these years. This had major consequence for his attitude as a scholar of African tradition, which was by no means accepting of the general run of earlier work. He wrote an earlier novel in Luo, Lak Tar Miyo Kinyero Wilobo (1953) later translated into English as `' If your Teeth Are White, Laugh!''

It concerns the experiences of a young Acholi man moving away from home, to find work and so a wife. P'Bitek organised an Art festival at Gulu, and then at Kisumu (Kenya).He taught at Makerere University and then was director of Uganda's national Theatre in 1956.

In the summer of same year, he participated in the Olympic Games in London and remained in England to study at several institutions including the institute of social Anthropology in Oxford and University College, Wales.

In this capacity, he founded the highly successful Gulu Arts Festival, which celebrates the traditional oral history, dance; and other arts of Acholi people.

He became unpopular with the Ugandan government; and took teaching parts outside the country. He took part in the International writing program at the University of Iowa in 1969. He was at the institute of African Studies of University of College in Nairobi from 1971 as a session research fellow and lectures, with visiting position at University of Texas at Austin and University of Ife in Nigeria in 1978-179. He remained in exile during the regime of Ugandan Dictator Idi Amin, returning in 1982 to Makerere University to teach creative writing. He died of a liver infection on July 19, 1982. His daughter, Jane Okot p'Bitek, is also a writer, whose Song of Farewell (1994), a poetry volume was dedicated to the memory of her father.

2. Work

He was first recognized as a major voice in African literature in 1966 when he published Song of Lawino, with which achieved a wide international recognition Song of Lawino, a long poem of around 5000 lines dealing with the tribulations of a rural African wife whose husband wishes every thing to be westernised. It was originally written in Acholi language, and offer translated into English.

It was a breakthrough work, creating an audience among Anglophone Africans for direct topical poetry in English, and in corporating traditional attitudes and thinking in accessible literary vehicle. It was followed by Song of Ocol (1970), husband's reply. In this song of Ocol Lawino's husband responses to her worries, expressing his disgust for African ways and the destructive force of his self-hatred. Okot p'Bitek's next major work two Songs (1971), won the Kenya Publishers Association's Jomo Kenyatta prize in 1972. Widely praised for its political significance, Song of Prisoner describes the anguish of a convicted criminal as he suffers from depression, delusions, and claustrophobia. The specific nature of the prisoner's crime remains unclear; he first claims that he was arrested for lottering in the park but later asserts that he has assassinated a political leader whom he describes as a «murderer, a racist , a tribalist , a clanist , a brotherist''. Song of Malaya, on the other hand, is narrated by a prostitute («Malaya» translates loosely to «whore») whose strength and stable personality prevail as she exposes the hypocrisy of tolerance for human diversity. In his later years P'Bitek focused on translating literature and in 1974 he published The Horn of My love, a collection of Acholi folk songs about death, ancient Acholi chiefs, love, and courtship. Hare and Hornbill (1978) is a collection of folk tales presenting both humans and animals as characters. In 1989 p'Bitek's first published work, a novel entitled Lak Tar Miyo Kinyoro wi Lobo?(Are Your Teeth White? Then Laugh!), was published in English for the first time as White Teeth.


Some elements in Okot p' Bitek's life and work will light us deepen his mind and face, his attitudes towards African leaders, particularly Acholi people. For instance Okot's mother was a traditional singer, a composer and leader of her clan. Okot also become a great singer of Acholi songs under the influence of his mother. Then he wrote those songs, songs of Lawino which is a plea for protection of Acoli cultural tradition from encroachment of Western influence. After he added Song of Ocol which is Lawino's husband responses to her worries, expressing his disgust for African ways and the distractive force of his self- hatred.

This Chapter is a key to the next chapters which will be developed.




In analyzing each of the techniques and devices Okot p'Bitek uses in Song of Lawino and Song of Ocol in this Chapter, we fulfil one of the requirements of our analysis.

In this Chapter One, we deal with the Summary of the poems, the characters and characterization, the point of view, the context of the poems, the imagery, form and interpretation, the mood, the theme, and finally the philosophy of life of the author

1. Summary of the Poems

Together Song of Lawino and Song Ocol contributes a heated debate over the future of Africa. In graphic metaphor and with grammatical intensity, the author presents the conflict between modern civilization and old traditions.

As far as our concern is the image of woman in Okot p' Bitek's Song of Lawino and Song Ocol, our much attention will focus on Song of Lawino.


Song of Lawino is an epic poem written by Ugandan poet Okot p' Bitek. First published in 1966in Luo then after translated into other languages, including English. Song of Lawino has become one of the most widely read literary works originating from sub-Saharan Africa that addresses the issues facing a liberated Africa. The poem poses a question: what kind of liberation should Africa take on? Should it honor its traditions, or should it adapt the European values that were already set in place during colonialism? Okot p'Bitek addresses this question by telling the story of Lawino, a woman whose husband, Ocol, throws her out of their home and brings home a more Europeanized woman as a wife. The story is told as a dialogue between Lawino and Ocol. The poem itself is separated in different sections or Chapters, each one detailing the social problems facing Lawino and Ocol in their marriage, their differences and value systems.

The first Chapter sets up the differences between Lawino and Ocol. Ocol despises Black people and their traditional ways and has adopted Europeans values. Because he works in the government, he wants to modernize Africa in those values. Lawino disagrees and implores her husband to stop hating his own people:

«He says Black people are primitive

And their ways are utterly harmful

Their dances are mortal sins

They are ignorant, poor and diseased! ...»( SOL, P. 36).

In this Chapter, Lawino asserts that Ocol is rude and abusive both to her and other people:

«My husband abuses me together with my parents

He says terrible things about my mother

And I am so ashamed! ...» (SOL, P.35).

The Second Chapter addresses the issue of Ocol's new wife. Ocol's new wife, unlike Lawino, is thoroughly Europeanized. Here we note that the attack starts as a fairly straight forward factual account of Lawino's husband's preference for a modern girl. Then to enable Lawino to advance her argument forcefully, Okot gives her the gift of wit and employs Acoli poetic forms to produce a pungent work of satire. She first displays her wit forcefully at the beginning of Chapter two, where (she) Lawino makes a mockery of modern notions of beauty, including the use of make-up and cosmetics, by comparing her rival, Clementine, the girl of modern ways, to what in traditional Acoli Society must be regarded as the ugliest and most weird of all creatures. That which is considered most beautiful by admires of European culture is made to appear absurd and grotesque. We quote a long passage to show how she builds up her argument:

«Ocol is no longer in love with;

The old type;

He is in love with a modern girl;

The name of the beautiful one;

Is Clementine;

Brother, when you see Clementine!
The beautiful one aspires;

To look like a white woman;

Her lips are red-hot;

Like glowing charcoal;

She resembles the wild cat;

That has dipped its mouth in blood;

Her mouth is like raw yaws;

Tina dusts powder on her face;

And it looks so pale ;...»( SOL, P.37).

In the Second Stanza the tone changes dramatically to a contemptuous one: «Brother, when you see Clementine!» Then the criticism gathers momentum and builds up to a crescendo as we get horrible image after horrible image in the process of which Clementine is disfigured and transformed from «the beautiful one into a veritable»guinea fowl». But that is not the end .Before Lawino is done, she must demonstrate to us how she, Lawino, is possessed by strange ghosts which make if necessary for a whole ritual to be performed before she can recover:

«The smell of carbolic soap;

Makes me sick;

And the smell of powder;

Provokes the ghosts in my head;

It is then necessary to fetch a goat;

From my mother's brother;

The sacrifice over;

The ghost -dance drum must sound;

The ghost be laid;

And my peace restored.»(SOL, P.37).

In this Chapter Two, Lawino is not unfair to Europeans. She is not trying to impose her set of beliefs on them. She is using her prejudices in an argument with other Africans within Africa. But she is unreasonable in some of her criticism of Clementine and Ocol. Some of her comments are little more than scandal-mongering for example when she first attacks Clementine, the climax of her abuse is:

«Perhaps she has aborted many!

Perhaps she has thrown her twins

In the pit latrine!» (SOL, P.39).

In this same chapter we notice that Lawino is not only witty, she also versatile, conjuring up all kinds of images to bring her going home. This talent is coupled with a sense of humour and an ability to admit her weaknesses in a clever way, as in the following passage in which she cunning confesses that she is jealous of the woman she ostensibly despises:

«Forgive me, broth

Do not think I am insulting

The woman with whom I share

My husband!

Do not think my tongue

Is being sharpened by jealousy.

It is the sight of Tina

That provokes sympathy from

my heart.» (SOL, P.39)

Then the truth comes out:

«I do not deny

I am a little jealous

It is no good lying,

We all suffer from a little jealousy.

It catches you unawares

Like the ghosts that bring fevers;

It surprises people

Like earth tremors:

But when you see the beautiful woman

With whom I share my husband

You feel a little pity for her.» (SOL, P.39).

By the end of this section, Lawino turns on her attacks and exposes their own immorality and hypocrisy.

These attacks on Western ways are one of the reasons for the popular success of the poem. Okot is making a number of very serious points through Lawino's mockery of Westernized ways. Here, Lawino shows ways in which Western things can be dirty, stupid or hypocritical. At the same time she shows how traditional ways of life allow her to express herself fully and freely as a woman. Both ways of life are open to criticism, both ways are valid. If Lawino has learnt one way of life, why should she change? Why should the Massai wear trousers? The words like «Witch», «Kaffirs» and «sorcerers» that Ocol throws at her don't answer that question.

But Lawino does not believe that the two ways of life are equally valid for Africans, and neither does Okotp'Bitek. She thinks the customs of white probably suit white people. She does not mind them following their own ways.

«I do not understand

The ways of foreigners

But I do not despise their customs» (SOL, P. 41).

The poet has used the proverb in closing this second chapter which is an Acoli proverb:

«The pumpkin in the old homestead

Must not be uprooted» (SOL, P.41).

According to Okot (1972:6) pumpkins are a luxury food. They grow wild throughout Acoli land. To uproot pumpkins, even when you are moving to a new homestead, is simple wanton destruction. In this proverb, then, Lawino is not asking Ocol to cling to everything in his past, but rather not to destroy things for the sake of destroying them. In other words, what Lawino has to say would have been better expressed by another Acoli proverb Doko abila ni eye meni (Your first Wife is your Mother) (SOL,P.13).To mean that you cannot abandon your first pot, for your first pot is always the best one.

In Chapter Three, Lawino praises the cultural dances of her people:

«I cannot dance the rumba,

My mother taught me

The beautiful dances of Acoli.

I do not know the dances of white people.

I will no deceive you,

I cannot dance the samba,

You once saw me at the Orak dance

The dance for youths

The dance of our people» (SOL, P.42).

Accoding to p'Bitek, the «dirty gossip» of colonialists condemned African dances because of the immorality of nakedness. Lawino does not waste her time on a reasoned and balanced defence of dancing naked. She presents the openness, liveliness and healthiness of Acoli dance positively, without apology:

«When the drums are throbbing

And the black youths

Have raised much dust

You dance with vigour and health

You dance naughtily with pride

You dance with Spirit,

You compete, you insult, you provoke

You challenge all», (SOL, P.42).

Notice that the dramatic reversal of values is not limited to cosmetic and make-up. It is only a prelude to a more generalized attack on European social and cultural values which go against traditional codes of behaviour. Imported forms of dancing, for example, result in immoral behaviour when each man dances with a woman who is not his wife .Then, Lawino goes to attack:

«Each man has a woman

Although she is not his wife,

They dance inside a house

And there is no light

Shamelessly, they hold each other

Tightly, tightly,

They cannot breathe» (SOL, P.44).

Western dances are immoral because people embrace in public and dance with anyone, even close relatives said p'Bitek. Apart from being immoral, their kissing and dancing are seen as grotesquely ugly:

«You kiss her on the cheek

As white people do,

You kiss her open-sore lips

As white people do

You suck slimy saliva

From each other's mouths

As white people do.»(SOL, P.44).

The Fourth Chapter details when Lawino was a young woman and how Ocol once wooed and won her .While she remembers Ocol `s wooing of her and the beauty of her home, Lawino's voice takes on a note of nostalgia:

«When Ocol was wooing me

My breasts were erect

And they shook

As I walked briskly, And as I walked

I threw my long neck

This way and that way

Like the flower of the lyonno lily

Waving in a gentle breeze.» (SOL, P.47).

Then after, Lawino laments because her husband does not love her any more:

«My husband says

He no longer wants a woman

With a gap in her teeth,

He is in love

With a woman

Whose teeth fill her mouth completely

Like the teeth of war- captives and slaves» (SOL, P.49).

Chapter Five looks at question of what is considered beautiful. Ocol thinks the way Lawino does her hair is ugly; then she laments:

«He says that I make his bed-sheets dirty

And his bed smelly

Ocol says

I look extremely ugly

When I am fully adorned

For the dance!» (SOL, P.53).

On the other hand Lawino praises her beauty and the beauty of her people:

I am proud of the hair

With which I was born

And as no white woman

Wishes to do her hair

Like mine,

Because she is proud

Of the hair with which she was born.» (SOL, P.56)

Then after Lawino criticizes Ocol's wife's hair and that of his people:

«When the beautiful one

With whom I share my husband

Returns from cooking her hair

She resembles

A chicken

That has fallen into a pond;

Her hair looks

Like the python's discarded Skin.» (SOL, P.54).

In the previous paragraphs, it is said that Lawino is proud; she is proud; not only of her beauty, but of every aspect of her way of life. From this position of pride she attacks:

«I have no wish

To look like a white woman.» (SOL, P.56).

Now Lawino makes the argument here that Ocol should not try to be something he is not:

«No leopard

Would change into a hyena,

And the crested crane

Would hate to be changed

Into the bold-headed,

Dung-eating vulture,

The long-necked and graceful giraffe

Cannot become a monkey.

Let no one

Uproot the pumkin.» (SOL, P.56).

The message conveys by Lawino in this section is that African women are invited to run away from artificial and European ways of cooking hair for their beauty. They must remain natural. They could not abandon their traditions. The poem becomes an argument honoring the traditional African values.

Along this Chapter, we also see Lawino's wit at work when she gives an account of the differences between European and African traditions and values. Ostensibly, her argument is that European culture is good for Europeans and African culture good for Africans, but in an apparently objective comparison she uses subtle animal imagery to portray a negative picture of things for European and a positive picture of African values. This is particularly striking in this Chapter Five, where the dominant motif is the comparison of the «graceful giraffe», which symbolizes the beauty of the African Woman, and the «monkey» which stands for the Ugliness of white women and those who ape whites by wearing white people's wigs: See the example given above from song of Lawino page 56.

Chapter Six deals with food and Ocol criticizes his wife for not cooking white people's meals:

«Ocol says

Black people's foods are primitive,

But what is backward about them?

He says

Black people's foods are dirty:

He means,

Some clumsy and dirty black women

Prepare food clumsily

And put them

In dirty containers.» (SOL, P.62).

Lawino again argues that the food that is native to her people is best for them:


Straight before you

Is the central pole

That shiny stool...

At the foot of the pole

Is my father's revered stool.

Further on

The rows of pots

Placed one on top of other

Are stores

And cupboards.

Millet flour, dried carcasses

Of various animals,

Beans, peas

Fish, dried cucumber...» (SOL, P.59).

Ocol criticizes the improved stove and Lawino praises it; Ocol gives his point of view of that improved stove:

«I really hate

The charcoal stove!

Your hand is always


And anything you touch

Is blackened;

And your finger nails

Resemble those of poison woman.» (SOL, P.57).

Now Lawino reacts:

«I am terribly afraid

Of the electric stove,

I do not like using it

Because you stand up

When you cook.» (SOL, P.58).

She points out another disadvantage of electric stove and she apologizes that she has no notion about cooking white food.

«The electric fire kills people:

They say

It is lightning...» (SOL, P.57)

In this passage she accepts that she does not know such a cooking:

«I do not know

How to cook

Like white women;

I do not enjoy

White men's foods;

And how they eat

How could I know?

And why should I know it?» (SOL, P.62).

In the closing lines of the poem of this section, the poet gives his point of view throughout Lawino that:

«I do not complain

That you eat

White men's foods

If you enjoy them

Go head

Shall we just agree

To have freedom

To eat what one likes?»(SOL, P.63).

He also shows the importance of the traditional cooking stove in many societies which is improved for domestic cooking. So the poet shows Lawino's weakness for not being to school to learn how to use white men's cooking stoves. Lawino confesses:

«I confess,

I do not deny!

I do not know

How to cook like a white woman.» (SOL, P.57)

The Seventh Chapter deals with the issues of time. In this section, Ocol puts accent on the respect of time. His wife Lawino reacts that Ocol abuses of the way of using time because of his arrogance for he loses his dignity. He is always in a hurry. He is always ruled by time. Everything he does must take place at a fixed time:

«If my husband insists

What exact time

He should have morning tea

And break fast,

When exactly to have coffee.»(SOL, P. 64).

Lawino doesn't understand the need for these set times. She does things when she wants to. Children are fed or washed when it is necessary and:

«When sleep comes

Into their head

They sleep,

When sleep leaves their head

They wake up.»(SOL, P. 69)

If visitors come when you are doing something, you stop and enjoy their visit. But Ocol has no time to enjoy anything:

«He never jokes

With anybody

He says

He has no time

To sit around the evening fire.» (SOL, P. 67)

All Ocol`s life is haunted by his fear of wasting time. For him, time is a commodity which can be bought and sold. It must not be wasted because:

«Time is money» (SOL, P. 67);

While for Acoli time is not a commodity that can be consumed until it is finished:

«In the wisdom of the Acoli

Time is not stupidly split up

Into seconds and minutes

It does not flow

Like beer in a pot

That is sucked

Until it is finished.» (SOL, P. 69).

Ocol in his arrogance does not know how to welcome visitors. When they appear at his door he tries to get rid of them quickly with the question:

«What can I do for you?» (SOL, P. 68)

And even the crying of children makes him wild with rage because it interrupts his work:

«He says

He does not want

To hear noise,

Those children's cries

And coughs disturb him!» (SOL, P. 67).

Despite his high opinion of himself, he is no more than a servant of time:

«Time has become

My husband`s master» (SOL, P. 68).

No one likely to respect him because of his unkindness, and because he:

«...Runs from place to place

Like a small boy,

He rushes without dignity» (SOL, P. 68).

In addition to investing Lawino with a witty mind, a sense of humour capacity for dramatization, Okot p`Bitek has the ability to make use of traditional troupes and modes of expression in a manner which enriches his poetry and lends it a peculiar freshness. Comparing the modern technological concepts of time with Acoli concepts, Lawino describes the Acoli idea of late morning in the following terms:

«When the sun has grown up

And the poisoned tips

Of its arrows painfully bite

The backs of the women weeding or harvesting

This is when

You take drinking water

To the workers »(SOL, PP 64- 66).

To end this section, it is seen that Ocol is governed by time, often stating the hour whenever the sun rises. Lawino does not understand the importance of being led by such strict definitions and thinks everything happens in its own time without forcing it. This idea is followed into Chapter Eight when Lawino also argues that breast feeding isn't something you can hold strictly to time. When children are hungry, then they will be breastfed. To do it by Ocol's way, children should be fed even if they are not hungry. Religion, healthcare, politics are also dealt with.

In Chapter Eight and Twelve, we have Lawino's explanation of what has gone wrong. Ocol's teachers were like Lawino's teacher in the evening speaker's class. If Ocol had run from them to the dance as Lawino did he would have learnt things that meant something to him:

«We joined the line of friends

And danced among our age- mates

And Sang songs we understood.

Relevant and meaningful songs,

Songs about ourselves» (SOL, P.79).

Ocol wants Lawino to be christened, but she says that her elder sister was a protestant and she suffered bitterly in order to buy the name Lawino joined the catholic evening Speaker' class, but she did not stay long in, she ran away:

«I ran away from shouting

Meaninglessly in the evenings

Like parrots

Like the crow birds

The things they shout

I do not understand»(SOL, P.75).

They do not understand what they shout and the teacher of the evening class controls them only by anger. It seems as if Ocol is still like a parrot, boasting in the market place and condemning everything that the white priests told him to condemn, instead of picking out the good from both African and European ways.

Now Lawino is obliged to leave evening speaker's class:

«Anger welled up inside me

Burning my chest like bile,

I stood up

And two other girls stood up

We walked out

Out of that cold hall» (SOL, P.79).

To end this section, Lawino argues that their spiritual beliefs are just as valid as Catholicism, but also points out the ignorance and arrogance of priest and nuns who run the missionaries in their villages.

In Chapter Nine we see another aspect of Ocol's arrogance. Here Lawino asks questions in a genuine mood of enquiry. She does not ask silly questions:

«Where is the pot?

Where it was dug,

On the mouth of which River?» (SOL, P.87).

Somewhere in Chapter Three, Lawino has spoken about immorality in the dances of white men. The same question of sexual morality is involved in her late comments on catholic priest and nuns. The tradition of priestly celibacy has a long history in Europe. There is also a long tradition of priestly hypocrisy, and of literary mockery of this hypocrisy. To Lawino the whole idea is completely incomprehensible. So when the Padré and the Nun shout at her, it must be their sexual frustration expressing itself:

«They are angry with me

As if it was I

Who prevented them marrying» (SOL, P.85).

Again no priest can possibly discipline his sexual desires. They teacher from the evening speaker's class follows her to the dance. And every teacher must be like this:

«And all the teachers

Are alike

They have sharp eyes

For girls' full breast

Even the padres

Who are not allowed

To marry

Are troubled by health» (SOL, P.81).

To conclude this section, let us write that the problems of who created the creator and the mystery of the virgin birth are problems which better educated people have found to be barriers to Christian belief. An educated Christian like Ocol ought to have considered them. If he were really interested in knowledge, he would be willing to discuss these things. But Lawino does not thing he is really interested in knowledge. She wishes she had someone else to ask:

«Someone who has genuinely

Read deeply and widely

And not someone like my husband

Whose preoccupation

Is to boast in the market place...» (SOL, P.90).

Brief Lawino really makes us wonder whether this progressive and civilised man deserves any respect with all his status. He surely ought to have a little more dignity. Above all he ought to treat his wife, his parents and his home community with a little more respect.

Chapter Ten deals with Lawino's culture and its values. In this Chapter we are given further examples of Ocol's intolerance. Ocol will let neither Lawino's relatives, nor his own relatives into his house because they might make it dirty or give diseases to his children.

«My husband complains

That I encourage visitors

Who should not

Come into his house,

Because they bring dirt and house-flies!» (SOL, P.91).

Ocol condemns all traditional medicines:

«He says

The medicine gourds are filthy,

And the herbs

Are drunk from unhygienic cups

My husband agrees

That sometimes by accident...»(SOL, P.93)

Again he condemns all traditional religious beliefs, because he is an educated man and a Christian. In the years since Uganda's independence, there has been a great deal of reassessment of missionaries views of African traditional beliefs by African Christians .Ocol's attitudes have not changed at all. For him traditional beliefs are no more than foolish superstitions:

«He says

No such things exist

It is my eyes

That are sick

And only foolish superstitions.»(SOL, P.92).

Ocol not only rejects these superstitions himself, he wants to wipe them out. He prevents Lawino from visiting the diviner priest or making sacrifices when she is in trouble:

«My husband has threatened

To beat me

If I visit the diviner- priest again.» (SOL, P.93)

When his father was alive, he:

«Once smashed up the rattle gourd

Cut open the drum

And chased away the diviner priest

From his late father's homestead.» (SOL, P.95).

He later tried to destroy the tree on father's shrine. Ocol is a religious man yet. Lawino must not wear charms, yet he wears a crucifix:

«My husband wears

A small crucifix

On his neck»(SOL,P.93).

For him prayer can be effective:

«It is stupid superstition superstition

To pray to our ancestors

To avert the smallpox,

But we should pray

To the messengers of the hunch back

To intercede for us.»(SOL, P.93).

Ocol sees no similarity between the two sorts of charms or the two sorts of prayer. Ocol continues to praise White man's medicines. Since the time of patient has not yet come to death every medicine cures him says Lawino:

«It is true

White man's medicines are strong,

But Acoli medicine

Are also strong.

The sick gets cured

Because his time has not yet come.»(SOL, P.101).

Once the time comes, the death knocks at your door, there is no stop. Whatever medicine cannot cure the sick. Even crucifixes, rosaries, toes of edible rates,...none of them can block the path of no return (SOL, P.102

«When death comes

To fetch you

She comes unannounced

She comes suddenly

Like the vomit of days...»(SOL, P.102).

Lawino says that Ocol should be tolerent for, once mother death comes, there is no excuse, neither black nor white it calls them and they have no power on it:

«White diviner priest,

Acoli herbalists,

All medicine men and medicine

Are good, are brilliant

When the day has not yet dawned

For the great journey

The last safari

To pagak.» (SOL, P.103).

Brief you may be the man of whatever rank, you cannot resist when death comes to fetch you. Chapter Eleven of Song of Lawino is a very rich poem, Addressing important issues affecting post-independence Africa. The poem is a satirical comment on the neo-colonial mentality of the African petty bourgeoisie-the intellectuals and political leaders of Africa. The target of Lawino's criticism, Ocol, is the representative of this class. He is both an intellectual and politician an embodiment of the disease Lawino diagnoses in her song, satirizing the ills of Africa leaders described elsewhere by Okot in an essay entitled «Indigenous social Ills», in which he refers to them as culturally barren ladies and gentlemen. Ocol's behavior does not lift up him before the leaders of his party. He behaves like: ... a newly-eloped girl (SOL,P.108) he says in his speeches that he is lighting for national unity:

«He says

They want to unite the Acoli and Lango

And the Madi and Lugbara

Should live together in peace!

The Alur and Iteso and Baganda

And the Banyankole and Banyoro

Should be united together» (SOL, PP.103-104).

However, his political energies do not really seem strong for bringing about unity, national or local. Most of his time as a politician is taken up with condemning other people.

Ocol says that the Congress Party is against all Catholics, and that they will steal all their property

«The Congress Party

Will remove all Catholics

From their jobs

And they will take away

All the land and schools

And will take people's wives

And goats, and chickens and bicycles,

All will be came the property

Of the congress people.» (SOL, PP.105-6).

And it is not only the other party that he condemns. When he talks to the party leaders, he accuses other party

«Everybody else is us

He alone

Is the hard working...?» (SOL, P.108).

The most destructive result of his political activity is its effect on his own family. Ocol's brother is in the congress party. His thinks his brother wants to murder him. Now is this the unity of Uhuru? Is this the peace that Independence brings? (SOL, P.105). He forbids Lawino to talk to the man who may one day become her husband.

Okot does not ignore economic problems in his poems. In this section of song, Lawino criticizes Ocol and the African political elite for political ineptitude and economic mismanagement. She lashes out at corruption, points out that many politicians joined the campaign for material gain:

«Someone said

Independence falls like a bull buffalo

And the hunters

Rush to it with draw knives,

Sharp shining knives

For carving the carcass.» (SOL, P.107).

Using political power for personal wealth is a common feature of petty bourgeoisie in developing countries, for in these countries there is no true national bourgeoisie, as in the USA or EUROPE, which derives its economic power from is the only means by which the political elite can acquire substantial wealth. Lawino speaks in ironic terms when she says:

«The stomach seems to be

A powerful force

For joining political parties,

Especially when the purse

In the trouser pocket

Carries only the coins

With holes in their middle.» (SOL, PP.108).

Lawino is not blind to the fact that, while politicians are fighting to enrich their own pockets and inter-party strife rages, the common people suffer, for they bear the hardest part of the economic problems due to the ineptitude of the political elite:

«And while the pythons of sickness

Swallow the children

And the buffaloes of poverty knock the people down,

And ignorance stands there like an elephant,...»(SOL,P.111).

Politics has destroyed the unity of home and brought misery member of it:

«The women there

Wear mourning clothes

The homestead is surely dead.» (SOL, P.111).

Now, where is peace of Uhuru when there is no harmony and confidence at home?

«Where is the peace of Uhuru?

Where the unity of independence?

Must it not begin at home?

And the Alico and Lango

And the Madi and Lugbara,

How can they unite?

And all the tribes of Uganda

How can they become one?»(SOL, P.107).

This view of African petty bourgeoisie in control of political power is corroborated in song of Ocol by Ocol. First, he is so thoroughly colonized that he hates himself for being black:


This rich granary,

Of taboos, customs,


Mother, Mother,


Why was I born?

Black?» (SOO, P.126).

Accordingly, he and his fellow members of the elite want to destroy all things African, anything that reminds them their African past. Instead, they will erect monuments to the architects of African colonialism-Bismarck-David Livingstone, Leopold of Belgium and others:

«To the gallows

With all the Professors

Of anthropology

And teachers of African History,

A bonfire

We'll destroy all the anthologies

Of African literature

And close down

All the schools

Of African studies.» (SOO, P.129).

Secondly, Ocol lends weight to Lawino's view that the misdemeanours of Africans politicians lead to the impoverishment of workers.

The power of the song of Lawiro is due in large measure to the author's successful portrayal of an authentic spokesperson, an uneducated woman who has become highly aware of the necessity for her race to preserve its own culture and identity. She is a vivid and memorable character. At first she may appear lighthearted and flippant, but in fact she advances a sound serious argument. Unlike the negritude poets, she does not overtly claim that African culture is superior to European culture.

Her central argument is summed up at the end of chapter Two:

«Listen Ocol, my old friend,

The ways of your ancestors

Are good,

Their customs are solid

And not hollow

They are not thin, not easily breakable

They cannot be blown away

By the winds

Because their roots reach deep into the soil.

I do not understand

The ways of foreigners

But I do not despise their customs.

Why should you despise yours?» (SOL, P.41).

The politicians, Okot mentions in this section are too busy fighting one another. Certainly Ocol sees no reason to do anything in Chapter Six of Song of Ocol, he asks the voters to agree that because he has worked harder for Uhuru he deserves:

Some Token Reward (SOL, P.139).

He is not responsible for the sufferings of the waters, although he was rewarded of a large house in the town and a big form in country:

«Is it my fault?

That you sleep

In a hut

With a leaking thatch?»(SOO, P.139).

Song of Ocol again confirms Lawino's opinions. In Chapter Two Ocol trots out for us the attitudes to Africa that he as a politician has swallowed whole from the missionaries:

«What is Africa?

To me


Deep, deep fathomless

Darkness...» (SOL, P.125).

There are two critical quotations we feel should be quoted for this special launch of Ocol's attitudes towards Africa. First is by Professor Eskia Mphahlele from his book with the title: The African Image (1962), whatever single image may emerge of Africa must continue to shift. This is not a continent lying in state. Our heroes also rise and fall. We also have our political clowns, political executioners, political spits, grafters in high places, as every other continent has. We are a vibrant people too. Second is the quotation taken from Okot p'Bitek's book Song of Lawino and song of Ocol (1972):

«I do not understand

The way of foreigners

But I do not despise their customs.

Why should you despise yours?

Listen, my husband,

You are the son of a Chief.

The Pumpkin in the Old homestead

Must not be uprooted!»(SOL, P. 41).

Both quotes impress on Afrocentricism. Particularly, the p'Bitek's written discourse introduces an interesting dialogue between husband and wife. The wife in this case reminds her husband about his Africaness. Our feeling is that we cannot avoid dealing with these bipolar realities that is being African in the current situation that is moved by continuous on a daily basis. This change manifests in many ways; political, social, and economic, spiritually, biotechnologically to name only these. In this regard, the African image and mind wrestle to find place and space. Since Afrocentricism is concerned, we can raise the questions below: Who is an African? Do we need African centers in Africa? Are Africans in a foreign continent? How can they sing being in a foreign land? How foreign is Africa to Africans? Africa needs to assert itself within the context of its diversity.

In Chapter Three of Song of Ocol, Ocol condemns all efforts to find reasons for pride in Africa's past. He would prefer to forget his past:

«Smash all these mirrors

That I may not see

The blackness of the past

From which I came

Reflected in them.» (SOO, P.129).

In other words, Ocol wants to deny his Africanness. These feelings wring from him the cry of anguish which ends Chapter Two of Song of Ocol.

«Mother, mother


Why was I born?

Black?» (SOO, P. 126).

In Chapter Twelve, Lawino summarises what has happened to Ocol. «Ocol has read many books among white men and he is clever like white men» (S.O.O.p113). This section, from which the above quotation is taken, constitutes the climax of Lawino's argument and demonstrates Okot p'Bitek's use of Apostrophe. The section falls into three major subjections if we go by Lawino's subject matter and her audience. In the first subjection Lawino addresses her clan men. The subject matter is her husband's dark forest of books. Although Ocol has read many books among white men those books has not helped him. Instead he has lost his head:

«Listen, my clansmen,

I cry over my husband

Whose head is lost

Ocol has lost his head

In the forest of books.» (SOL, P.113).

This as we shall see, is at the heart of her argument. In the second subsection she addresses Ocol in the words quoted above and does not mention books at all. Then she ends the section by going back to address the clansmen and returning to the subject of books. And in the end the books have destroyed him:

«... the reading

Has killed my man,

In the ways of his people

He has become

A stump» (SOL, P. 113).

Ocol still has the roles of husband and head of household, but he is no longer able to perform them. Instead he has become:

«A dog of the Whiteman!» (SOL, P. 115).

The Whiteman is his ultimate master, acting on him through his continuing cultural and economic influences. Ocol obeys his master's call and is pleased only by those things that belong to his master. Ocol no longer owns anything. Every thing he uses belongs to his master:

Aaa! A certain man

Has no millet field

He lives on borrowed foods

He borrows the clothes he wear

And the ideas in his head

And his actions and behaviour

Are to please somebody else

Like a woman trying to please her husband!

My husband has become a woman! (SOL, P.116).

And many young men are the same. Lawino calls on her clansmen to weep for them because:

«Their manhood was finished

In the classrooms

Their testicles

Were smashed

With large books!» (SOL, P.117).

Here Lawino is mocking all those Olcols who are carrying the habit of slavish imitation of white men they leant in the mission school into every sphere of their lives in the new nations of Africa. For her, this is not the last word. She thinks there is still hope for Ocol. Ocol only needs treatment to rid him of his disease.

In Section Thirteen, the last section, Lawino's whole approach, manner and tone of voice change: She tones down the bitterness in her voice and instead of lampooning her husband she cajoles him, coaxes him like a loving wife, even advising him to buy clothes, beads and perfumes «for the woman with whom I share you» (SOL, P.120). She assumes the role of both a teacher and a loving wife.

In Section Thirteen, she does not address her clansmen at all. First she recommends physical remedies to Ocol. Ocol's throat is blocked by the shame that has been choking him for so long:

«The shyness you ate in the church...» (SOL, P.118).

It must be cleaned out by traditional foods and herbs. His ears are blocked by the things he has heard from priest and teachers. They must be cleaned. His eyes, behind his dark glasses, are blind to the things of his people. They must be opened. His tongue is dirty with the continuous flow of insults he has been pouring on his people. It must be cleaned.

When the physical remedies have been completed, Ocol will be ready for the real cure. He will be ready to regain his roots among his own people. Lawino explains how he nearly lost those roots:

«When you took the axe

And threatened to cut the Okango

That grows on the ancestral shrine

You were threatening

To cut your self loose,

To be tossed by the winds

This way and that way...» (SOL, PP. 119-120).

For this real cure, Ocol must beg forgiveness of all those he insulted. But he must also seek the blessing of the elders and beg forgiveness from the ancestors, because:

«... when you insulted me


I was a mere village girl,

You were insulting your grandfathers,

And grandmothers, your father

and mother!»(SOL, P. 119).

If he does all these things he will become a man again, the ancestors will help him recover:

«Ask for a spear that you will trust

One that does not bend easily

Like the earth-worm

Ask them to restore your manhood!» (SOL, P. 119).

Lawino's final appeal concerns her domestic situation. She wants things to be normal in the household again. She wants Ocol to behave like her husband. And when he is recovered, if he only gives her:

«... One chance» (SOL, P. 120).

She is certain that things will become normal. When his ears are un- blocked he will hear the beauty of her singing. When his blindness is cured, he will see and appreciate her dancing:

«Let me dance before

My love,

Let me show you

The wealth in your house...» (SOL, P.120).

In Chapter Three of Song of Ocol, Ocol briefly, but effectively, comments on traditional medicine. However foolish he might be in condemning all traditional remedies it is difficult not to share some of his horror at the scene he describes:

«That child lying... A gift of death»(SOO, P. 127).

Traditional remedies should have some place here in Africa, but they cannot solve all her medical problems.

In Chapter Four of Song of Ocol, Ocol considers the position of women in traditional societies. It is interesting to compare his description of the walk to the well. Lowino is happy with her traditional role, but she does have to work rather hard:

«Woman of Africa


Smearing floors and walls

With cow dung and black soil

Cook, ayah, the baby tied on your back


Washer of dishes,

Planting, weeding, harvesting,

Store-keeper, builder,

Runner of errands,

Cart, lorry

Donkey...» (SOO, P.133).

And in some ways here status is rather low:

«In Buganda

They buy you

With two pots

Of beer,

The Luo trade you

For seven cows...» (SOO, P.134).

Really, if we read carefully Section Thirteen, Lawino does not address her clansmen. In Section Twelve, however, her clansmen occupy the center of subject matter which becomes even more apparent when it is compared with Song of prisoner, whose density of texture is sustained throughout and whose language is packed with emotion and feeling.

Some of the traditional modes of expression Okot employs in Song of Lawino do not come off-at least for those readers who do not understand Acoli. In this connection, the proverb which says the «Pumpkin in the old homestead should not be uprooted» occurs frequently, and is clearly meant to play a key role in conveying Lawino's message. But to the author of this thesis, to whom Acoli is a strange language, the proverb conveys little or no meaning. This is also true of some of Okot's imagery. Consider, for instance, the fallowing lines from Section Two where Lawino introduces the conceit of Clementine as the woman with whom she shares her husband:

«Her body resembles

The ugly coat of the hyena;

Her neck and arms

Have real human skins!

She looks as if she has been struck

By lightning;

Or burnt like the Kongoni

In a fire hunt». (SOL, P.37).

This is far from being as effective as the description of Clementine which occurs at the beginning of the same section and which was quoted earlier in the chapter.

There are also some inconsistencies and contradictions in song of Lawino. As a character, Lawino sometimes gets out of hand and Okot is not able to control her and shape her plausibly. What Lawino says in Section Eleven is out of character. Her analysis of behaviour of politicians in Uganda is so sophisticated that one wonders whether she is the same woman who is at one time amazed at the ticking of Ocol's clock (section7).

In Section Eleven Lawino does not strike the reader as a simple woman commenting in a simple way about political rivalry. Naturally, we are not suggesting that peasants cannot be political analysts. They can in fact be more revolutionary than the intelligentsia; but the problem here is that Okot presents us with a seemingly simple peasant woman and then turns her into a political scientist without creating the circumstances that give rise to such a transformation.

To conclude this Song of Lawino and Song of Ocol, in the last chapter of the book, the core of Ocol's speech is his expression of faith in the urban future of Africa, and in the foundations of that future laid by Europeans. Naively and improbable he promises to:

«... Erect monuments

To the founders

Of modern Africa:

Leopold II of Belgium,

Bismarck...» (SOL, P .151).

However, most of the speech is in the form of challenges to various people in positions of influence in Africa to explain the African foundation of their activities. Okot is mocking the borrowed plumes of all these dignitaries and challenging them to justify their borrowings.

Why should lawyers and bishops wear long robes as the English do? Why the African legal system should be based on English Law Reports? Why should all officials in local government take their names from English equivalents (Mayors, councillors, Town clerks). Okot's most serious challenge is to the scholar:

«Can you explain

The African philosophy

On which we are reconstructing

Our new societies...» (SOO, P.150)

Okot has made the foundation on which he wishes to build African nations abundantly clear throughout his poems, Song of Lowino andSsong of Ocol. He wants to challenge all concerned with nation building to make their own activities in light of his ideas. If they do not accept the challenge, then like Nyerere and Sengor who are looking for an African mould for nation-building will be utterly defeated by the continuing cultural influence of Europe on Africa.

In order to provide an easy understanding to our readers, we give some definitions of some techniques according to the dictionary of the English Language.

2. Characters and characterization

a. Character

For some good understanding, let us first define the terms characterization.

A character can be defined as a person or an animal acting in a play, a poem or in a novel.

b. Characterization

It can be defined as the creation of characters in novels, plays and short stories. From this definition applied to these terms, we have good tools to understand the way Okot p'Bitek uses this technique in his poems Song of Lawino and Song of Ocol.

In Literature, characterization conveys the theme and characters move the plot or the context. So characterization in Song of Lawino and Song of Ocol is central to understand the themes developed by Okot p'Bitek.

In studding characterization, we determine whether the character is the protagonist or the antagonist, the minor, supporting the character. For instance, the protagonist Lawino: the hero of Song of Lawino and Song of Ocol endures insults from Ocol who behaves like a White man. Ocol is consideres as the antagonist to whom p'Bitek centers the debate. The following chart can help us for better understanding.




The main characters are Lawino and Ocol who are always central to the conflict as we discover in the poems during our analysis. Lawino stands for African culture and Ocol stands for Western culture. The characters such as Clementine, Clansmen, brother, Lawino's mother are minor characters for they do not support the debate from the beginning to the end.

If we read carefully the text we realize that sometimes, Clementine disappears on the stage and other characters never appear such as Ocol, Lawino's mother, Clansmen, brother; to say that most of the characters are hidden behind the poem. So Okot p'Bitek uses personas as characters acting in the poems. Only Lawino monologues on the stage. This is the way p'Bitek presents his characters in his poems. The narrator expresses his feelings as a single speaker on the stage that is the point of view.

Okot p'Bitek uses a technique of presenting his characterization in a form of a long speech uttered by the speaker. What we call a dramatic monologue.

In the poem, there is a series of conflicts which begin with Lawino who lives in a home with harmony together with her husband. Now she undertakes a journey. She has to leave her home to so journey where she can find peace. The journey motif is that Ocol puts her out. He is no longer in love with Lawino his traditional wife. He is in love with Clementine, the modern wife. Lawino also does not want to see her rival, the woman with whom she shares her husband.

After a long time of debating, Lawino asks forgiveness. Here we meet a partial resolution to the conflict:

«Forgive me, brother

Do not think I am insulting

The woman with whom I share my

Husband!»(SOL, P.39).

Chart.1 illustrates this first conflict and the partial resolution.






Lawino apoligies and asks forgivenes

Clementiné sight




So the series of conflicts continue and we illustrate them on the following triangular relationships which follow the movement at its any point according to the character motivation. Here we notice that if there is a challenge, the conflict has been found or the character reintegrated home where he finds resolution: The second conflict is between Ocol and Lawino for the latter praises the traditional dancing which is despised by Ocol. Afterwards, comes another conflict between Lawino and Ocol because of Clementine's artificial beauty. Ocol prefers artificial beauty and Lawino the natural one.

Chart .2



Clementinés artificial beauty


Traditional dance


The fourth conflict is between Ocol and Lawino because of not cooking on electric stove and not cooking white men'food. Ocol does not like anymore traditional food. Another conflict is between Ocol and his wife Lawino for the latter does not respect the time. Lawino says that Ocol is a slave of the watch. Time has become Ocol's master.



Chart .3





Food and stove





The sixth conflict is between Lawino and Ocol because Lawino does not have a Christian name. He rejects her because she is not baptized and she has no Christian name. Ocol as a progressive man does not pronounce Acoli names which do not sound good he says.(SOL,P.81). Another conflict between Lawino and Ocol is that Ocol does not like Lawino anymore for she is an illiterate. He says that Lawino is not educated. (SOL, P.88).

Chart .4



Not being educated

Chritian name





The eight conflicts between Ocol and Lawino is due to the fact that Lawino wants to pray her ancestors. Accoding to Ocol we should cry to Mariya if we suffer misfortune and we should pray to Joseph, Petero and Luka, and other ancestors of white men (SOL, P.93). Lawino does accept this and then there is confrontation. Another conflict is between Ocol and Lawino for the latter does not take care of rules of health.

Chart .5



Not praying ancesters of white men


Not taking care of rule of health


The tenth conflict between Ocol and Lawino is due to the fact that Lawino mixes up matters of health and superstitions while Ocol trusts in modern medecines, the white man's ones. Lawino says that white man's medicines are irrelevant when someone's mother lifts her breast and asks him: Did you suck this? If some one's father lifts his penis towards him, know that he is in deep trouble and to overcome this, he has to look for traditional medicine. Another case is that of someone's uncle's curse says Lawino (SOL, PP.99-100).

The eleventh conflict between Ocol and Lawino is due to Ocol's politics. Ocol's politics destroys the unity of his home and brings misery to every member of it. Lawino has joined her home, but her husband`s political activity has created new conflicts. Ocol and his brother want Uhuru and peace, but they do no join hands however, they split up the army into two hostile groups (SOL, P.111).




Chart .6



Reconciliation restoration



Traditional medecin,



According to the above chart the conflicts ends with reconciliation of two characters.

According to the above chart, the conflict ends with reconciliation of the two characters.That is to say reconciliation of the two cultures: African and European. There is a restoration of harmony in Ocol's home with Lawino. Ocol insulted Lawino, he said that black men `s food is primitive, Lawino also said that she cannot cook on electric stove and eat white man's food, even use white man's medicine, even Ocols who declared not to use anymore traditional medicine. Ocol insulted Lawino because of not respecting time. When a visitor wants to visit him, his face darkens and instead of greeting him, he asks him what can he do for you! Lawino also does not care about the watch while everything has its time.

Another faced problem is that of using modern notions for their beauty on the two hands.

After a series of conflict the two characters stay in harmonious life. However, politics would like to destroy again that harmony. After a very long debate it is seen that there is no bad culture, but we should consider the best aspects of each culture. So let no one be uprooted. We should preserve our culture from whatever influence. There is no bad culture and civilization.

II. 3. Point of view

In any literary field, this technique is very important. Let us draw some definitions of point of view.

CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL DICTONARY OF ENGLISSH defines point of view as «Someone's particular way of looking at or considering some thing, or his opinion about something.»

OXFORD ADVANCED LEARNER'S DICTIONARY defines it as «an attitude, an opinion.»

INTERMEDIATE DICTIONARY defines it as «a position from which one looks at something; an attitude of mind».

These different definitions help us analyse the poem with complete confidence according to the way the poem is written.

But in a technical sense, and in any literary work point of view refers to the identity of the person who records the events of any story in a novel, a poem, that is the person who speaks, tells the story says professor Louis GBAIBA LONU in his course of Explanation of texts of English authors 2nd licence.

The points of view used in Song of Lawino and Song of Ocol are «Lawino and Ocol».The poem is told from the point of view of Lawino herself in first person. In Song of Lawino, Lawino the narrator is into action. In Song of Ocol, Ocol also is into action. To mean that Lawino is the spokesman and Ocol is the spokesman in the poems too.

Lawino records her laments, she describes her native civilization, and she condemns her husbund's disdain for Afeican ways.

In Song of Lawino, the point of view gives us its objective look; attitude towords her comptemporary whitemen's civilization. In the 1st person of view «I», «me», Lawino presents her laments:

«Husband, now you despise me

Now you treat me with spite

And say I have inherited the

Stupidity of my aunt;

Son of the chief,

Now you compare me

With the rubbish in the rubbish pit» (SOL, P.34).

Lawino condemns her husband's disdain for African ways, describing her native civilization as beautiful, meaningful, and deeply satisflying:

«Listen Ocol my old friend,

The ways of your ancestors

Are good,

Their customs are solid

And not hollow...» (SOL, P. 41).

The narrator laments her husband's disrespect for his own culture and questions the logic of many western customs:

«At the height of season

The progressive and civilized ones

Put on blanket suits

And woolen socks from Europe...» (SOL, P. 45).

Lawino continues to lament that Ocol has rejected her and his own Acholi heritage in favor of a more modern lifestyle perceiving progress; Ocol devotes his attention to Clementine (Tina), his westernized mistress:

«Ocol rejects the old type

He is in love with a modern woman

Ocol is no longer in love with

The old type;

He is in love with a modern girl

The name of the beautiful one

Is Clementine» (SOL, PP.36-37).

Ocol is no longer in love with the old type:

He is in love with a modern girl. The name of the beautiful one is Clementine (PP.36-37).

Lowino claims that Ocol, her husband, hotes her and loves her rival, his darling wife. Ocol has turned against the old and follen for the new, he is in hot pursuit of some girl who has been at school, the said beauty goes by the name of Clementine:

Brother, when you see


The beautiful one aspires

To look like a white woman; (SOL, P.37).

Lawino continues to claim that Clementine douches powder all over her face, looking deadly pale like a night dancer on the verge of the nightly tyrips to dance naked, obscene, and bewitching. She becomes sickly lach time; she smells Joyce soap provider which does not agree with her. Powder is a thing that suits Europeans; they are already dirty white. But when a black girl heaps dust on her face, she looks sickly pale. Powder chemicals have corroded Clementine's face; her fore head is bleached, there are brown patches here and the as if affected by rainbow, or struck by lightning flash. The skin of her face looks like a baby's. To her, that's the thing her face is freckled, she looks like Hyena. Her neck and arms still look nice like ours. Clementine looks like a person burnt by fire, like the bushbuck burnt in a ranging grass fire. Her mouth swollen red likes yaws; and her overgrown hair, with hair standing out like owl's, her eyes pale and wan:

«He lips are red-hot

Like glowing charcoal

She resembles the wildcat

Her mouth is like raw yours...» (SOL, P.37).

Finally the point of view apologies by asking forgiveness to the reader:

I beg you don't think I am a busing my rival, no, or that my tongue waxes grand because of anger, no: I mourn with pity my lost friend Clementine. I won't deny I am prey to being jealous I won't deceive you: we all get jealous once in a while jealous strikes you all of a sudden like a fit; but, jealous aside Tina is a pity to be hold.


On the one hand song of Lawino, which is a narrative poem, describes how Lqwino's husband, Ocol, who is the son of the tribal leader of their specific Acoli tribe, has taken a new wife. Although Ocol's polygamy is accepted by society, and by Lawino herself, it is apparent from his actions (as described by Lawino) that he is shunning her in favour of his new wife. Ocol is also said to have a fascination with the culture of the white colonialists, as does Clementine as an example of this, Lawino says Ocol no longer engages, or has any interest in, the ritualistic dance but prefers the ballroom style dances introduced by colonizing Europeans. This loss of culture on the part of Ocol is what disturbs Lawino to Ocol to stay true to his own customs, and to abandon his desire to be white.

Song of Lawino is text that illustrates the very notice-able effects that can be achieved when developing stands of argument are skillfully integrated within the total form of polemic poem. The work, a long narrative lament that runs through thirteen separate episodes, from the slyly funny «woman with whom I share my husband» to «from the mouth of which river?», represents an extended dramatic monologue with the lamenting argument coming from the wife of Ocol, a chief's son.

It is important to note, however, that while Lawino's lament is aimed primarily at her husband (in the first instance), the poem, as a whole, works as a comprehensive satiric assault. The assault, as Ngugi has pointed out, quoted by BEELER KARIN (1993:34), is «on the African middle-class elite that has so unabashedly embraced western bourgeois values and modes of life»; thus song of Lawino operates within both an individual and a collective frame of reference, with Lawino's biting comments constantly extending the arena of polemical debate away from her husband and towards a general critic of the traditional-modern confrontation in Africa.

The generalizing process can be seen through out the poem in section where Lawino lashes out at her husband's sexual neglect of her, seeing his neglect as evidence of a wider problem:

«For all our young men

Were finished in the forest,

Their manhood was finished

In the class-rooms,

Their testicles

Were smashed

With large books» (SOL, P. 117).

Here the personal experience is widened into a critic of a whole generation. Larger questions regarding the concept of manhood, the significance of «book-leaning» are brought into play as part of the poem's polemic values (compared with modern) as being meaningfully coherent values, values that should retain their place in contemporary Africa. All that Lawino asks is that her husband should stop his insults, should stop being half-crazy that he should consider her view, the ways of your ancestors/ are good/ their customs are solid/ and not hollow/ they are not thin, not easily breakable/ they cannot be blown away/ by the winds; (SOL, P. 41), because their roots reach deep into the soil.

Okot P'Bitek allows Lawino to ask some pointed political questions: what is the meaning of Uhuru? Why do the political parties of the post- Uhuru period which both claim to fight for peace and against poverty, split of the nation (U ganda) into hostile group? Why do they not join hands? The poet leads Lawino to a strikingly effective metaphoric summation of situation (SOL, P.111).

Lawino as a socio-political observer is allowed to conclude that if only the parties would like fight poverty with the fury with which they fight each other, that if only disease and ignorance were assaulted with the deadly vengeance with which «Ocol assaults his mother' son then «the enemies would have been greatly reduced by now». By careful control of the twin polemical strands, Okot successfully broadness the traditional-modern debate into an area where a possible reconciliation of competinglife-styles can be considered:

I do not block my husband/ from his new life/ if he likes, let him build for her/ an iron roofed house on the hill! / I do not complain, / my grass thatched house is enough for me. (SOL, P.41).

On the other hand, song of Ocol, which was written after song of Lawino is Lawino's husband responds to her lament, expressing his disgust for African ways and the destructive force of his self-hatred: smash all these mirrors/ that I may not see/ the blackness of the past/ from which I came/ reflected in them»Rather than reflecting the superiority of western civilization, Ocol's voice has been characterized as an enraged, violent outpouring against Africa and African culture.

To close these lines, Okot asks us to prevent our culture from western influence and do not despise cultures of other people: «don't you look down upon your own; occasional treats you can never depend upon don't uproot the cultures of your land». (SOL, P.41).

II.5. Imagery, form and interpretation

Before pointing out the different divices used by Okot P'Bitek in his poems let us define the terms imagery, form and interpretation.

· Imagery is defined as a language that produces pictures in the minds of people reading or listening (Hornby 2000: 596)

Imagery can be drefinided as comparisons, descriptions and figures of speech that help the mind to form forceful or beautiful pictures.

· Form is definided as the arrangement of parts in a whole, especially in a work of art or a piece of writing

· Interpretation is a bringing out of the meaning (a dramatic work, a character...)

While reading Okot P'Bitek, we find him using some devices:

1. Simile is a figure of speech that compares two dissimilar things by using a key word such as like or as. For instance: «It looks like an open ulcer/like the mouth of a field!»(SOL,P.37)

2. Hyperbole: is a deliberate exaggeration or overstatement

«Clementine`s body resembles/ The ugly coat of the hyena;/ She resembles the wild cat/ that has dipped its mouth in blood» (SOL, P.37)

3. Metaphor: is a figure of speech in which one thing is spoken in an imaginative way to describe something else. In section five, Okot uses metaphor and simile, where dominant motif is the comparison of the «graceful giraffe» symbolizes the beauty of the African woman and the «monkey» stands for the ugliness of the white woman and those who ape whites by wearing white people's wigs (SOL,PP.50-56)

4. Irony: is a figure of speech in which what is meant is contrary to what the words appear to say. There is a dichotomy between what is and what appears to be. For instance in section five of Song of Lawino, the woman is not beautiful at all. After putting curly in her head, she becomes like a chicken that has fallen in a pond. It is an irony to say that she is a beautiful woman.

The devices that are most frequently and most effectively used are apostrophe and lampoon.

5. Apostrophe: is a figure of speech in which a person, a speaker directly addresses an absent person or personified quality, object, or idea.

In this context, apostrophe is a device by which the protagonist or persona directely addresses the interlocutor or imagined audience. For instance, Lawino frently addresses her husband using such expressions as «Listem, my husband», «my husband, Ocol», «Ocol, my friend» (SOL, P.41). Apostrophe is also simultaneously with the satirical mode of the lampoon.

6. Lampoon: is a piece of writing that attacks and makes fun of a person. For instance: «The name of the beautiful one/is Clementine/ her lips are red-hot/ Like glowing chancool» (SOL, P.37).

7. Repetition: Is the fact of doing or saying the same thing many times. For instance:

«You kiss her on the cheek

As whithe people do,

You kiss her open- Sore lips

As white people do

You suck the slimy saliva

From each other's mouths

As white people do.» (SOL, P.44).

8. Parallelisme : Is a speech which recquires some variable features of the patterns (components) some contrasting elements chich are parallel in resped to their position in pattern.

In Song of Lawino, one can cite section (11), were repetition and parallelism help to quicken the pace of the verse as in the following passage:

«The women Yodel

And make ululation!

They yodel and make ululation

Not because they understand,

They yodel so that their voices may be heard

So that their secret loverdman hear them,

They shout and make ululations

Because they are tired

Tired of the useless talk

Tired of the insults

And the lies of

The speakers» (SOL, P.109).


In Song of Lawino Okot P' Bitek replaces the regular rhythm and rhyme of the Acoli version with irregular free verse in English version. His lines in Song of Lawino usually end with strong emphasis. He buils his line around the words he wants to emphasise, crowding weaker words into the beginning of the line:

«They mould the tips of the cotton nests

So that they are shard

And with these they prick

The chest oftheir men!» (SOL, P.39).

This gives a staccato effect to his verse.

Sometimes Okot succefully softens these lines to conveyLawino's wistiful moods. The section from the beginning of chapter four illustrates. The lines flow smoothly to express Lawino's gentler mood.

In Song of Ocol, the emphatic stresses at the end of Okot's lines are replaced by much more varied patterns of stress. The lines are shorter and Okot often misses out structural words which sometimes crowd out the lines in Song of Lawino. Okot also makes very effective use of one or two syllable lines to provide shock changes of pace. This changes the staccato effect into a lively boucing rhythm:

«You sister

From pokot

Who grew in the open air?

You are fresh...



Walk with me...» (SOO, P.138).

They language and imagery of Song of Ocol lack the references to oral tradition which give Song of Lawino some of its richness, but Okot shouws himself well able to create his own image.

From the point of view of the flow of the verse, Song of Lawino is not particularly well constructed. The poetry is much too rugged and devoid of Ly rical qualities. Brief Song of Lawino was originally written in rhyming couplets and had a regular meter. The poem is told from the poem of view of Lawino herself in the1st person.


The poet speaks about the graceful Giraffe which stands for African culture, and of the monkey which sympolizes the Western culture in section five. Along the poem Lawino in her monologue, addresses to her husband Ocol. Lawino stands for African culture and Ocol for Western culture. While analising the poems one can realize that there is a series of conflicts between African culture and European culture. So Okot P'Bitek deals with a clash of two cultures in his master piece.

II.6. Mood and Tone

In P'Bitek's poems, the narrator presents and reveals intense feelings and anxiety. The Songs and dances are full of emotions:

You dance naughtily with pride/ You dance with spirit, / You compete, you insult, you provoke (SOL, P.42). They evoke sexual emotions without touching: Her breasts are ripe like the full moon...The eyes of her love fall one her breasts/Do you think the young man sleeps? (SOL, P.44). The poet through Lawino expresses anger and pity towards African woman:

«Anger welled up inside me

Burning my chest like bile» (SOL, P.79).

«In Buganda

They buy you

With two pots.

They purchase you/On hire purchase oven like bicycles,/ You are furniture,/Mathress for man/ Apillon/For his head Woman of African» (SOO, 134).

From the beginning of the poen, the tone is sharpened. Lawino addresses her husband directly in the second person and at the same time speaks in manner which reduces him to the level of a fool. In chapter 12, Lawono lampoons Ocol by telling him directky how stupid he is to ape and be subservient to white people. Lawino plaeds with her husband, but in a manner that ridicules hipm:

«Listen, my husband... Before your own wife and children?» ( SOL, PP.115-116). In the last section, section 13, her whole approach, manner and tone of voice change, she tones down the bitterness in her voice and instead of lampooning Ocol she coaxes him like a loving wife. The poet generally uses satirical monologues in his poems.

II.7. Themes

Before pointing out the developed themes in P' Bitek's poems, we find it better to define the concept «theme».

According to Intermediate Dictionary, «theme» is a short written composition .From our point of view, theme can be defined as a piece composition that shows what an author says about his subject. In technical, terms, theme is a positive declaration about life.

As far as the theme is concerned, Okot has developed many themes in his poems. His favorite themes are:

Ø Western scholarship:

The negative effects of neo-colonial education:

For all our young men

Were finished in the forest

«Their man hood was finished

In the class-rooms,

Their testicles

Were smashed

With large books» (SOL, P.117).

Here Ocol is mentally colonized onely western values are the best. In the class room, Ocol has read extensively and deeply. And in the reading, the white man says only thing Ocol can find worth is that wich finds its origin in Europe. Lawino is mocking all those Ocols who are carring the habit of slavish imitation of white men. They learnt in the Mission School in to evry sphere of there lives in the new nations of Africa.His master teachs him that modern values are more worthy than the traditional values. So, Lawino's biting comments constantly extending the arena of polemical debate away from her husband and towards a general critic of traditional-modern confrontationin African. Furthermore the personal experience is widened into a critic of a whole generation. Larger questions regarding the concept of mahood, the significance of book-learning, are brought into play as part of the poem's polemical trust.

Lwino Criticism proceeds from an after matry stance that traditional values (compared with the modern) as being meaning fully coherent values should retain their place in contemporary Africa.

Ø African Religion: The negative attitudes of African chritians:

«I ran out of the church,

I was very sick!

O! Protestants eat people!

They are all wizards,

They exhume corpses

For dinner!

I once joined

The Catholic evening speaker's class

But I did not stay long

I ran away,

I ran away from shouting

Meaning lessly in the evenings

Like parrots

Like the crow birds» (SOL, P.75).

Here the sermons are preached by padres in Latin which Christians can hardly understand. The Bible is considered by the priest only. His utterance is considered as a shaut by the members of the church. They are singing things wich they do not understand. They repeat after the priest things that they do not understand. The Christians diviner-priests and the white nuns think the girls understand while no body understands. Christians are annoyed by saying Maria the clean woman. Mather of the hunch bach pray for us, who spoil things ful of graciya. From my point of view, they are speaking a strange langage. They do not understand whot they shout and the teacher controls them onely by his anger. Ocol is like a parrot, boasting in the masket place and conemning everything that the white priests told him to condem, instead of picking out the good from both African and European ways.

Okot P'Bitek's poetry concerns with social and political themes as freedom:

The fighting for freedom:

«He says

They are fighting for Uhuru

He says

They want Independence and peace

And when they meet

They shout «Uhuru! Uhuru!»

But what is the meaning of Uhuru?

He says

They want to write the Acoli and Lango

And the radi and Lugbara shoud

Live together in peace!» (SOL, P.103).

Ocol says in his speeches that he is fighting for national unity, but his political energies do not really be a means for bringing about unity, national or local.

While fighting for peace and against poverty, the political parties of his post uhuru period should not split the nation (Uganda) into hostile groups. However, they should join hands.

As justice: The mistreatment of the lower class by the political elite.

Political power is the only means by which political elite can aquire wealth:

«The stomach seems to be

A powerful force

For joining Polical parties, especially when the purse

In the trouser pocket

Carries only the coinst

With holes in their middle» (SOL, P.108).


As morality: The negative effect of sexual morality:

Her breasts are ripe like the full moon... The eyes of her love fall on her breasts, do you thing the young man sleeps? (SOL, P.44)

«Women throw their arms

Around the necks of their partners

...Ren hold the waists of the women

Tightly, tightly

And as they dance

Knees touch knees (SOL,P.44).


List of abbreviations

C: Conflict, Confrontation

P: Page

SOL: Song of Lawino

SOO: Song of Ocol.


All said and done, however, we can justifiably say that Okot p'Bitek's achiwement in Song of Lawino is unparalleled in African poetry to date using traditial modes of expression and tropes he created a powerful and memorable poem in the medium of English. His archievement becomes more significant if we take into account the fact that he communicates even more effectively in the Acoli language, the language of the peasant community that gave him the inspiration to champion the cause of African culture. In this poem, Okot successfully resolved the problem of the contradiction between the writer's medium and his audience. He cannot be accused of elitism because he speaks directly to the Acoli masses in their own language and is at the same time atle to communicate with all those who understand English the world over.

Okot p'Bitek's art is an example of that rare phenomenon: popular art which appeals to the highly educated while being intelligible to the common man and woman in the street.

Furthermore, in his Song of Lawino, Okot foregrounds a black female speaker whose pride in the traditional Acoli ways of life inspires her to criticise a husband who has become a product of colonial attitudes. This post colonial text advocates pre-colonial society through the voice of Lawino, who takes pride in her black identity. Okot `p Bitek himself shows his own attitudes towards black feminine difference in Song of Lawino.

Through the analysis of the poems, we have explored some of the strategies and images employed by Ugandan poet Okot in his attack on colonization and apply a number of ideas on the female self to a postcolonial text. Cultural, racial difference and essence contribute to an appreciation of woman and Acoli culture in Okot's companion poems.

Notice that Lawino `s traditional Acoli sense of time, her references to non-verbal forms of expression such as notive dance are constructed with western forms in an attempt to liberate the colonized A frican from the grip of the colonizer. Okot based the Song of Lawino on an Acoli folk Song and originally wrote this piece in Acoli before translating it into English.

This history of conception of Lawino's poem together with the choice of the subject matter enabled Okot p'Bitek to engage in sustained critic of Colonization.

Wich is not achieved as convincingly in the accompanying Song of poem that lacks an acoli version.

Song of Lawino and Song of Ocol are satiritical poems of post-colonial period. Song of Lawino is a debate about moral norms and shared assumptions between satirist and audience. It is satirical comment on the neo-colonial mentality of the African petty bourgeoisie, the intellectuals and political leaders of Africa.

To enable Lawino to advance her argument forcefully, Okot gives her the gift of wit and employs Acoli poetic forms to produce a pungent work of satire.

Although gender is an important factor in these poems, the racial and pre-colonial /colonial tensions seem to establish an essentialist position towards male/ female worlds of experience. Through the voice of the black female subject in Song of Lawino, Okot p'Bitek may conveya resistance to the trappings of colonialism, but he fails to liberate his characters from the strict binary opposition of male and female gender categories.

II.8. Philosophy of the author

Okot P' Bitek is among Africa's best author whose views on important philosophical issues remain UN exoplored. His poems not only locate his views very well within African philosophy, but will provoke and stimulate African philosophers to search for African philosophy, he wrote African religions in western scholarship, Africa's Cultural Revolution, song of Lawino and of Ocol, and other essays. Therefore, in reading Oral traditions as philosophy one gets a holistic purview of P' Bitek's views.

In song of Lowino, Okot P' Bitek takes Lawino as his tool for making his own comments on the way people behave in East Africa. In his philosophy, P'Bitek argues that Africa should reject European ways by having Lawino state that they are good, but only good for Europeans. Okot speaks out against the prejudice that African tribes have received for him, there is no room for song of Ocol, and Okot argues that Ocol is allowed to address his own beliefs, but his argument is not strongly realized at Lawino's. According to P'Bitek, Ocol does not bring up issues regarding healthcare in Africa, stating that traditional medicines harm people rather than help them.

Using Luo toles, Imbo (2002:44) argues that the narratives are best apprehended by a holistic approach that sees the spirits, the living, and the unborn as members of the same extended family.

According to P' Bitek, the spoken can sustain analytical and rigorous philosophical dialogue. Imbue (idem P49) in supporting P'Bitek's view mutatis mutandis, postulates that the spoken word plays an important role within philosophy and as poets, novelists and story tellers. According to him philosophy is the extraction of meaning from the accounts of the oral traditions. That extraction is made richer by admission of oral traditions as texts.

Okot P'Bitek, believed that his work dealt honestly with human condition and had deep human roots although, he has been criticized by other African writers, including Ngugi wa Thiong'o, for not adequately addressing the underlying causes of Africa's problems.

Brief, P' Bitek dealt with the conflict between European and African cultures by using medium of satirical monologues.

In order to provide an easy understanding to our readers, we give some definitions of some techniques according to the dictionary of English language.



In this chapter Three, we quote some passages showing the image of a woman that Okot uses and speaks to in his poems. Before dealing with this chapter, we confirm that the study of literary techniques in the preceding chapter Two is worthy for the good understanding of p'Bitek's Song of Lawino and Song of Ocol. The summary of the analysis helps us enough to get the full meaning of each poem.

We find it better to divide this chapter which treats the image of woman according to different point of view into three subdivisions with a personal point of view which closes the lines: Social point of view educationa point of view and religious point of view.

The woman has a mission of defending her ancestor's traditions and preserving them from western influences.

III.1. Social point of view

A great deal of appeal of Song of Lawino comes from Okot's exploitation of dramatic possibilities of Lawino's rivalry with Clementine. Lawino, the traditional woman is opposed to Clementine, the modern woman. This opposition is due to the fact that the latter praises modern notions of style while the former is making a mockery of them. This traditional woman stands for African culture and the westernized woman stands for European culture.

Okot P'Bitek through Lawino attacks this modern slyly funny woman who has disappeared completely in poem replaced by Ocol:

«Brother, had you beheld the said Clementine,

Her mouth glows red like live embers

Her lips are red like a ghost's after drinking blood,

Her mouth protrudes like yaw-point,

It looks like ulcer,

Like a wild-beast's mouth!

Her face is freckled; she looks like hyena (SOL, P.37)».

The attack on dramatic reversal of values is limited to cosmetic and make-up it yoes on European social and cultural values which go against traditional codes of behavior, imported forms of dancing. African songs and dances are full of emotins said Lawino:

«You dance naughtily with pride,

You dance with spirit, you compete,

You insult, you provoke» (SOL, P.42)

African songs and dances require skill and stamina:

«A girl whose waist is stiff is a clumsy girl» (SOL, P.43)

Where as western dances are stameful, result immorality,

Each man dances with a woman who is not his wife:

«Being held so tightly I fell ashamed,

Being held so tightly in public I cannot do it,

It looks shameful tome» (SOL, P.44).

A part from being immoral, their kissing and dancing are seen as grotesquely ugly:

«You kiss her on the cheek

As their teeth look

As if they have been boxed in the mouth» (SOL, P.44).

From Lawino's point of view, imported forms of dancing result in immoral behavior when each man dances with a woman who is not his wife while dancing, one can told me waists of the woman. Even touch the woman's breasts in order to provoke her for sexual inter course.

Western people's emotions are derived more likely from alcohol than from spiritual means:

«They fall face upwards like fish that are dead drunk» (SOL, P45).

The white man considers the traditional woman as a thing and the modern woman as a University woman: «He has no time to waste discussing things with a thing like Lawino. University man can only have useful talk with another University man or woman» (S O L, 88).

Okot presents the traditional woman as simple preasant woman and then twins her into a political scientist without creating the circumstances that give rive rise to such a shift:

«And while the pythons of sickness

Swallow the children

And the buffaloes of poverty

Knock the people down

And ignorance stands there

Like an elephant»(S O L, P. 111).

If we take into account her analysis of behaviour of politicians, one may wonder if she is the same woman commenting about political rivalry.

Brief colonial education taught African lives. In song of Lawino and song of Ocol, Okot p'bitek laments a situation. Western people consider African woman as a sweeper of the floor, as a mattress for man; her arm as a pillow for his head! (SOO , P.134).

«Thus Alice walker quoter from the site web: www. Unb. c/ca/CACLAS/chin 0 26. Html argues that Apartheid exerts

A double oppression on black woman, since the policy is rife

Wife Un official inscriptions of Manichean gender models, models which are themselves powerful marginalizing structures.

Womanism denotes the impossibility of a unity predominantly

Based either on gender (on gender) or race.»

Moreover, another woman, MS Zollar quoted with grin.

«we woman will never have peace. The troubles with man are ceaseless. At night they are worse «From htt: // query. nytimes.

Com /gst/full page. Html?

III.2. ducation Point of view

On the educational point of views, the traditional woman is considered y the white man as an illiterate for she does not know English, she does not know the names of the names of the moons/ How many moons in a year/And the number of Sabbath / In one moon `(SOL, P. 69)

She is also considered as a numb and an empty head for his husband says, she can not tell when their children were born. (S O L, p 72) in which colonial education emasculates the emerging African elite: «my husband's house is a dark forest of books.../ their manhood was finished in the classrooms, their testicles were smashed with big books.» (SOL, P. 117)

III.3. Religious Point of view,

On the religious point of view, Okot presents the immorality of a woman. For instance, Lawino's preoccupation of sexual morality is in evolved in her later comment on the catholic priests and nuns, the long tradition of priestly and nun's hypocrisy. Again Okot attacks the idea of celibacy which has a serious basis in many people's minds and has been and still is a familiar and influential idea in European culture.

So when then Padré and the nun shout at Lawino, it must be their sexual frustration:

They are angry with me

As if it was I

Who prevented then marrying ( SOL,P.85).

The intellectual woman is hypocrite and again no priest can possibly discipline his sexual desires. So no one can resist another:

«In the Padré's car

The Nun pats them one their backs

And says my son you are good! (SOL, P.86)».

Religion is also against woman's nakedness in Western dances. The teacher from the evening speaker's class follows Lawino to the dance. And every teacher must be like this:

«And all the teacher

Are like

They have sharp eyes

For gils' full breasts... (SOL, P.81).

They white man should accept the traditional woman if she takes the commitment of being baptized and getting a Christian name. According to the white man, the suitable name is that of Maria the clean woman, Mother of the Hunchback:

«Ocol wanted me

To be baptized Benedeta

He has christened one daughter Marta

The other took

The name of the mother of the Hunchback» (SOL, P.81)

The Whiteman rejects Acoli names, meaningful names.

He says that they are folk names. Payan names.

He says belong to sinners who will burn in ever lasting fires (SOL, P.82).

Personal point of view

As far as the debate about two cultures is concerned, the evidence is that one of the two characters, the antagonist and the antagonist pretends to belong to a worthy culture different from another one.

On our part, there is no better culture than another. To avoid the polemic however, reconciliation between the two cultures should be done.

We mean, forgiveness between old type and traditional woman and modern woman has its raison d'être. Neverthless, each man has to defend and protect his culture from foreigner's influence.

Okot through Lawino, the defender of her ancestor's customs shows that white men despise African culture. Colonialism denied Africa the right to cultural development and self expression and set up a state of siege that it justified with theories about cultural assimilation. So Okot as a writer during colonial and post-colonial period attacks colonizers who imposed their culture to African people.

Quote fromthe site web please.Com/Ce 6/People/AO835542html

Okot P'Bitek protest against the white mean of the colonial period like Ferdinand Oyono in his novel: Houseboy because his feels that they deny the African and his power as a human being.

Okot uses a woman Lawino to describe the beauty of the tribal dances, particularly the beauty of the female dancers. Lawino seems to lament to the role that Western females take in the dance of their culture. Perhaps this is importand because it is universally true of their sexuality as it seems to be Okoy for men in both cultures to participate in basturbation.

In the closing lines of the poem there is not only anger, but also devastating sense of frustration and hopelessness on the prantagonist side:


«Open the door,


I want to dance

All the dances of the world

I want to sleep with

All the young dancers

I want to dance

And forget my smallness,

Let me dance and forget

For a small while

That I am a wretch

...Torn down by the whirlwind of Uhuru» (SOL, P.120).

Now the question is that what kind of liberation should Africa take on? Should it honour its traditions or should it adopt the European's values that were already set in place during colonialism? The answer is that Africa should respect its traditions.

After analysis the poems, we realize that Okot speaks out against the prejudice that African tribes have receive during colonial period. He attacks the Western colonizers and addresses the African people to inherit his philosophy, and to stay firm to their culture, not to be uprooted.


Okot P'Bitek presents the traditional woman as an uneducated woman. He uses her like a tool to remind African people to protect their culture and not to forget their africaness. He wants African people to buildnations and to take care of the future of Africa.

Okot throughout fawino does not accept the western people to impose their culture to africanpeople. Although colonizers denied Africa the right to cultural development and self expression, Africa has its own identity and its own civilisation.

Okot throughout the woman he portrays shows his attitude towards negative behaviours of social, educational and religious aspects.

These colonial aspects above developed in the chapter three are the major elements to support my thesis statement. These elements help us to enter into Okot nP'Bitek's mind and share with him the evidence that there is no better culture than another. However, people should sort out the positive elements for the development of their own culture.


To sum up, Okotp' Bitek's idea, we consider Song of Lawino and Song of Ocool as poems of attack against western influences. The poem on the whole is an appeal for African people to be the defenders of African culture, not to be unprooted.

Through out this poem Okot' p Bitek involves the real social problems very common in rural areas of East Africa. Furthermore, the poem is an appeal for renewal of traditional ways. It captures the confrontation of Africa and Europe with eloquent force.

Okot wants African people not to embrace western values and modes of life, but to remove blindness which they got during the pre colonia and the colonial periods.

Taking into account all that we hve developed in the preceeding chapters of the present work, Song of Lawino and Song of Ocol is a concern of a long debate between two characters. The so called debate is about moral norms and assumptions between satirist and audience. Through the song of Lawino, P' Bitek comments on the neo-colonial mentality of African bourgeoisie and politica leaders of Africa.

To make himself understood, P'Bitek uses a black female speaker whose pride in the traditional Acoli way of life inspises her to criticize a husband who has become the fruit of colonial attitudes. Okot' p Bitek through Zawine shows his own attitude towards black feminine difference in song of Lawino.

Lawino in her behavior praises African traditional ways, while Acom a white man indsults Lawino, his wife. Lawino now laments because of Acol's insuts, his attitude towards his ancestor's customs. Thus, the conflict begins between them.

To restore peace between Lawino, the defender of Africa tradition and Acol whose behavior's like a white man, the latter recognizes his identity and asks forgiveness, finally the reconciliation between the two characters.

What we find consistant is that Song of Lawino and Song of Ocol is written in Acoli and latter on translated in English, the two languages that the author masters very well. If we take into account the fact that Acol communicates more effectively in that Acoli language, his achievement becomes more significant and that language helps him to defend the African culture.

Brief, Song of Lawino and song of Acol a text of colonial period is an appeal to the highly educated while being intelligible to the common man and woman in the street.

Finally, it is a text that spreaks out against the prejudice that African tribes received during colonial period.


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http://www. Unb. calcalals/chim026.html

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0.1. Interest and choice of the topic 1

0.2. Purpose and methods 1

0.2.1. Purpose 1

0.3. 2. Methods 1

0.3. Hypothesis 2

0.4. Limitation of the work 3

0.5. Review of the literature. 3

0.6. Division of the work 3


I.1. Introduction 3

I.1.1. His life 3

I.1.2. Work 3


II.1. Introduction: 3

II.2. Characters and characterization 3

II.2.1. Character 3

II. 3. Point of view 3


II.5. Imagery, form and interpretation 3

II.6. Mood and Tone 3

II.8. Philosophy of the author 3

III.1. Social point of view 3

III.2. Education Point of view 3

III.3. Religious Point of view, 3

Conclusion 3


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"Le doute est le commencement de la sagesse"   Aristote