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Contribution de l'agroforesterie dans l'adaptation de l'agriculture au changement climatique dans les communes nord du cercle de Kayes: cas de Djélébou, Karakoro et Sahel

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Sekou Tiemoko DIAKITE
Fondation 2ie Burkina Faso - Master en ingénierie de l'eau et de l'environnement 2011

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


The African continent in general and West Africa in particular is facing many challenges as we enter the 21st century including its vulnerability and adaptation to climate change (Sena ADESSOU Kwaku, 2007).

The north-western region of Kayes is not immune to this phenomenon, which may jeopardize all efforts so far to promote economic and social development in the region.

This climate change severely affects agriculture, a key driver of the economy and the poorest populations. It has negative consequences in terms of economy and food security. Adaptation options for this global crisis are not only part of the mitigation of climate change, but also with a view to meeting basic human needs and conservation of natural resources. In short, a development that meets present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (CMED, 1987).

According to scientists in the next twenty years, climate change may worsen if solutions are not. Therefore the need to integrate climate change into development plans in the short, medium and long term is necessary.

This is in view of finding lasting solutions against the side effects of climate change on agriculture, that this study "Contribution of agro forestry in the climate changes adaptation in rural communities of Djelebou, Karakoro and Sahel "was initiated.

AHP method (Hierarchical Process Analysis) was used for the study. It is one of the methods of multicriteria decision making developed in 1980 by Thomas Saaty. It aims to refine decision-making process by examining the coherence and logic of the decision maker's preferences. Lacking Expertchoice software is the tool for analyzing the Analysis of Hierarchical Process (AHP), the Excel was used.

Thus, six (06) criteria and seven (07) alternatives were selected on the basis of their relevance in reducing vulnerability and poverty among socioeconomic groups, environmental protection and climate change adaptation.

Questionnaires were submitted to a trial of national and local experts based on their knowledge of agriculture and competence in adapting agriculture to climate change and have evaluated the different comparison matrices.

Contribution de l'agroforesterie dans l'adaptation de l'agriculture aux changements climatiques
dans les communes rurales de Djélébou, Karakoro et Sahel dans le nord ouest du cercle de

The results of different MCA have shown that agro forestry practices are the best options for adapting agriculture to the effects of climate change.

Analysis of Hierarchical Process (AHP) is an important tool for decision making in multi-criteria in the selection of the best options for adaptation of agriculture to the effects of climate change.

Key words:

1 - Vulnerability 2- Climate Change 3 - Agro forestry

4- Adaptation to climate change

5 - Attenuation the effects of climate change

Contribution de l'agroforesterie dans l'adaptation de l'agriculture aux changements climatiques
dans les communes rurales de Djélébou, Karakoro et Sahel dans le nord ouest du cercle de

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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