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The contribution of rwandan health insurance in economic development of rwanda

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Dusabimana Athanase
Umutara Polytechnic University - Degree of Bachelor of Commerce with Honours (Economics) 2012

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

2.7. The interventions on the policy of health insurance

Five intervention orientations were strengthening the process of implantation, extension and monitoring of mutual health insurance in the country. The concern notably:

i. Establishment of a technical unit, in charge of the day-to-day management and monitoring of mutual health insurance.

ii. Strengthening of the legal and regulatory framework of mutual health insurance.

iii. Improvement of the funding mechanisms of mutual health insurance.

iv. Strengthening of frameworks for partnerships with mutual health insurance.

v. Strengthening of national and provincial capacities in the area of mutual benefit systems.

vi. Most of mutual health insurance in Rwanda uses a policy of family subscription; and even when the insurance premium is individual, the family must register all the members.

Concerning the insurance premium, there is vast disparity in the present operation of mutual health insurance. In fact, the premium per household members varies from 2000Rwf for those in category I (for this category, its premium is given by the government) 3000Rwf for those in category II and 7000Rwf those in category III and above. (PRS annual progress report 2003-2004:56). The patient's contribution towards the cost of medical treatment, or contribution of the mutual health member at the time of using health services, also varies between 200Frw and 250Frw per disease episode or between 10% and 25% of co-payment of the real cost of healthcare.

Healthcare and services covered by mutual health insurance comprise all services and drugs provided at the health centre. The annual contribution and registration is done at section level (Health center). (PRS annual progress report 2003-2004:56). This rapid increase in the number of mutual health insurance, and beneficiaries testifies undoubtedly to the affirmation of a community dynamics in the search for solutions to the problems of financial accessibility to healthcare and protection against financial risks associated with diseases. The government has designed a scale-up program to expand the community health insurance schemes to all Provinces of the country over the coming years. (Development indicator, 2003:29)

A detailed proposal has been submitted to create a national co-ordination unit or an executive secretariat to oversee the policy implementation of the three-year national mutual support program (PRS annual progress report 2003-2004:56). As explained in the Rwanda Development indicator (2003:29), in order to improve its utilization, the quality of health service is improving through the quality insurance projects within the Ministry of health. Whilst ensuring that the population has adequate financial accessibility to healthcare services which are also improving through community associations for healthcare (Mutuelle de Santé). (Development indicator 2003:29)

2.8. Organization and management

At the village, cell and sector level there are health « mutuelles » committees in charge of the sensitization and mobilization. At the health centre level `Mutual Section' is in charge of reimbursing the cost care to the health centre (cost-based reimbursement). There is a committee in charge of the sensitization and mobilization. At the district level, a Mutual Institution is in charge of reimbursing the cost of care at the district hospital. There is a committee in charge of the sensitization and mobilization. (Atim. C 1999:46)

At national level, there is a technical support cell (CTAMS) and the Pooling Risk in charge of: The capacity building for « mutuelles » managers, the development of policy, strategies and legal frameworks, the payment of the  cost of the package of referral hospital development of management modules and tools, monitoring and training, management of the data base & IT awareness. (Atim. C 1999:46)

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Là où il n'y a pas d'espoir, nous devons l'inventer"   Albert Camus