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The contribution of rwandan health insurance in economic development of rwanda

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Dusabimana Athanase
Umutara Polytechnic University - Degree of Bachelor of Commerce with Honours (Economics) 2012

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

2.12. An overview of literature review

The entitled chapter is detailed with views from different authors related to the research under study. Mutual health insurance is an insurance policy which covers the future healthcare costs by providing the necessary healthcare relatively more affordable and thus more available to all «Pooling» health risks and these does not need to be done through commercial insurance markets. The function of insurance is to provide protection to individuals against financial loss. (Jutting, J, 2003:132). Economic development refers to social and technological changes. Economic development typically involves improvements in a variety of indicators such as literacy rates, life expectancy, and poverty rates.

A country's economic development is related to its human development, which encompasses, among other things, health and education (Ibrahim, 1998:2). This chapter also addresses the conceptual understanding of research literature on CBHI in Rwanda and mutual health insurance in general, definition of key concepts, the requirements for economic development, community health insurance schemes in Rwanda, the interventions on the policy of health insurance, current problems of mutual health insurance schemes in Rwanda, global overview of Rwanda health insurance schemes, principal objectives of insurance schemes, organization and management of mutual health insurance schemes in Rwanda, HIWTP, challenges of health insurance schemes in Africa .

Through this information gathered from different author's works, the researcher clearly understood the research objectives and research questions and this understanding helped me to set up the questionnaire which is helpful to answer the research questions and to meet the specific objectives of the study. For instance reading through Lucas et al` s work, he asserted that while living is expensive, illness is more so thus sound financial investment should offer preventive and promotive health activities to an individual and to the society at large.( Lucas et al. 1999:76). From the writer's point of view of sound financial policy for public healthcare, therefore must be taken into consideration not only for humanitarian and social gains but also some economic advantages should be delivered there from.

Public health is one of the best forms of social and economic insurance, different studies which were undertaken by various scholars have demonstrated that without coercive powers of the state, and pressure groups, the sound of community health insurance would prove futile. (PRS annual progress report 2003-2004:56).

From the information gathered above from other authors' views related with this research topic entitled «The contribution of rwandan health insurance in the economic development of rwanda» the researcher come with a very clear understanding on this research topic. Most of suggestions from this secondary data, it was shown that the writers emphasized on the reduction of healthcare costs through risk pooling and shared among healthy beneficiaries and those fallen sick whom are not able to pay their healthcare bills. However this cannot guarantee a hundred percent of these costs and beneficiaries still claiming that healthcare services are high since the policy does not cover all health services costs.

Therefore, the investment in new venture and good management of these MHI contributions should raise the geographical coverage where the beneficiaries of this policy are always saying that there are some services that are not offered to them under pretext that collected contributions are not enough to cover all healthcare costs. This investment will be used generating the income which can be used to support beneficiaries' annual contributions. Hence one day health insurance contributions should be kept at the minimum even cancelled because of these investments which are profitable and make more money for the beneficiaries' gains.

Mutual health insurance's service packages increases and covers all healthcare costs whenever the person falls sick. This improves beneficiaries' behavior on this policy in relation with their contributions. The successful implementation of this policy is justified by the let go at each and every health centre or hospital without a barrier of limited contribution because the invested proportions of MHI contributions support their contributions.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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