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Analyse de l'usage des téléphones portables et leurs incidences d'ondes électromagnétiques sur la vie humaine en RDC, ville de Beni.

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précédent sommaire

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


1. Do you possess a cell phone?

a. Yes

b. No

2. What is the brand indicated on your cell phone?

a. Nokia d. Htc

b. Samsung e. Galace SQ

c. Itel f. Other

3. What local network or what card local SIM do you use?

a. Airtel d. Orange

b. Tigo e. Africel

c. Vodacom

4. What category of the cell phone do you use?

a. Other

b. Android

c. Smartphone

d. IPhones

5. What was enthusiastic you to use the cell phone that you possess?

a. Its Battery

b. Its physical design

c. Its multiple functionalities


6. For what kind of the services do you use your cell phone?

a. SMS e. Camera i. Videos

b. MMS f. FM Radio j. Diary

c. Calls g. Music k. Others

d. Internet h. Games

7. Did you receive a particular training on the use of a cell phone?

a. c. Either or less

d. Auto-Training


b. No

8. How did you obtain your cell phone?

a. a. By a Congolese tradesman

b. Other

At a telecommunication Congolese house

b. An on line Order by the manufacturers

9. Have yourselves an idea of how operate a cell phone?

10. Did you already hear speaking of the SAR of a cell phone (Specific absorption SAR)?

11. How did you have arrived to fall in love with your cell phone?


12. Imagine that the Congolese government decides that all living citizen in the Congolese territory won't have the right more henceforth to have a cell phone; how will you react facing it?

13. According to your experience, the cell phone is it a danger for your environment or not?

14. Do you think that the RDC has more efforts to provide concerning the importation of the cell phone?

15. Did you already hear speaking of the antennas GSM relay?

16. Don't you see any inconveniences that an antenna GSM relay is implanted in your district to some meters of your house?

17. Does your cell phone have caused of the uneasiness to you?


18. Can you describe us the techniques that you use when you have a bad receipt in case of calls?

19. Did you already hear speaking of an electromagnetic wave?

20. Do you know that the electromagnetic waves are harmful to human Health as well as to the environment in which you live in permanent?

21. Do you know also that your portable gives out electromagnetic waves?

22. How do you protect yourselves facing the electromagnetic waves given out by your cell phone?

23. Do some researchers think that the cell phone should be forbidden the teenagers and the pregnant women, how do you react when your pregnant wife asks you to offer her one of it?


24. Do some researchers think briskly that the cell phone is harmful and recommend separating definitely with it, what is your reaction according to that?

25. How do you intend to protect your family of the electromagnetic waves given out by the cell phones?

26. What recommendation, would you be able to provide to the Congolese government comparing to the advent of the cell phones in RDC?



1. Je, utumia simu ya mkononi?

a. ndiyo

b. Hapana

2. ni alama gani inayo andikwa kwenye simu yako ya mkononi?

a. Nokia d. htc

b. Samsung e. SQ Galace

c. Itel f. mengine

3. Unatumia mtandao gani inchi iyi ya Congo?

a. Airtel

b. Tigo

c. Vodacom

4. Unatumia aina gani ya simu?

a. mengine

b. Android

d. Orange

e. Africel

c. smartphone

d. IPhone

5. Kwa nini unatumia simu ya mukononi unayo?

a. betri yake

b. kubuni kimwili

c. sifa zake nyingi

6. Ni aina ya huduma gani unatumia simu yako?

a. SMS

b. MMS

c. wito

d. internet

e. kamera

f. FM Radio

g. muziki

h. Michezo

i. video


j. diary k. mengine

7. Je, umepata mafunzo maalum juu ya matumizi ya simu ya mkononi?

a. ndiyo c. Zaidi au chini ya

b. Apana d. Self-mafunzo

8. Je, Ni Jinsi umepata kununuliwa kiini yako ya simu?

a. Katika sekta ya mawasiliano

b. Kuagiza online kutoka kwa wazalishaji

c. Kutoka kwa mfanyabiashara wa Kongo au nje ya nchi

d. Mengine

9. Je, unawazo lolote jinsi ya kuendesha simu ya mkononi?

10. Je, umewahi kusikia kuhusu DAS ya simu ya mkononi ( ao Maalum Ngozi Rate)?

11. Umefiaje kuanguka katika upendo na simu ya mkononi yako?

12. Fikiria kwamba serikali ya Kongo iliamua kwamba raia yeyote wanaoishi katika wilaya Kongo watakatazwa utumizi wa simu ya mkononi; jinsi uta kuguswa kuhusu hilo?

13. Kwa uzoefu wako, ni simu ya mkononi hatari kwa mazingira yako?


14. Je, unafikiri kwamba DRC bado ina safari ya kwenda katika suala la uagizaji wa simu ya mkononi?

15. Je, umewahi kusikia kuhusu milingoti wa GSM?

16. Je, unaweza kuona hasara yoyote ambayo GSM antenna relay inasababisha mwilini katika eneo lako mita chache kutoka nyumbani kwako?

17. Je, Simu yako ya mkononi imesababisha usumbufu yeyote ile mwilini kwako?

18. Je, unaweza kuelezea mbinu kwamba matumizi wakati una mapokezi mbaya kama wito?

19. Je, umewahi kusikia kuhusu mawimbi ya umeme?

20. Je, unajua kwamba mawimbi ya umeme ni hatari kwa afya ya binadamu na mazingira ambayo wewe kuishi na Huduma Kudumu?

21. Je, wewe pia kujua kwamba simu yako hutoa mawimbi ya umeme?


22. Jinsi gani unaweza kujikinga dhidi ya mawimbi ya umeme inayozalishwa kwa simu ya mkononi yako?

23. Baadhi ya watafiti wanaamini kwamba simu ya mkononi lazima marufuku kwa vijana na wanawake wajawazito, ni jinsi gani unaweza kuguswa wakati mke wako anauliza wewe kutoa yake?

24. Baadhi ya watafiti wanaamini kwa dhati kwamba simu ya mkononi ni hatari na kupendekeza sehemu hatimaye, ni nini majibu yako kwa kuwa?

25. Jinsi gani unaweza kulinda familia yako kutoka mawimbi ya umeme inayozalishwa kwa simu za mkononi?

26. Nini mapendekezo gani unaweza kutolewa serikali ya Kongo kwa heshima na ujio wa simu za mkononi katika


précédent sommaire

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Piètre disciple, qui ne surpasse pas son maitre !"   Léonard de Vinci