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September 11th as a response to the USA external policy

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Hugues SERAPHIN
UAG Martinique - Maitrise Anglais LLCE 2003

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

· C) New alliances and war

One of the most striking consequence of 9-11th events is the new world order. In fact, as previously said (Part II) many countries pledged support to the USA, among the allies are countries which have sometimes seen themselves as American opponents. Among those former opponents are Russia and Japon. Now Russia is one of the faithful supporter of the USA, though it is a self-interested alliance. But this war has also torn Europe into parts : in a one hand the countries in favour of war, on the other hand, the opponents. This war has built alliances, but it has also destroyed others. The balance is rather negative.

Another consequence of 9-11th , is Bush declaration of war against Iraq on March 20th , 2003. The attack of 9-11th , as well as the Pearl Harbour attack (1941) has given way to a larger war. The USA have launched Tomahawk cruise missiles as part as an apparent effort to kill Mr Hussein and his two sons or other senior members of the Iraqi leadership. Once again it shows the USA's inability to cope with problems with dialogue. As the USA's goal is to control the Iraqi oil, Saddam Hussein dead is better for them. Bush and his Administration are not pragmatic. With this actual war they have engaged their country, and in a slight measure, the World into an unending war. This war will encrease the mounting anger among Muslims toward the USA. The way the consequences of this war will manifest are difficult to foresee, because such consequences became visible only after many years. In all cases, nothing good can be foreseen. Dropping bombs can never make a country safe from attacks.

The 9-11th attacks highlighted a large question, concerning the role of the USA in the world. Many American citizens as well as world citizens were in favour of USA return to isolationism. They thought the USA were foolish to think they could solve the world's conflicts and problems. They even think that the USA should use their military force only when their interests are directly at stake. Despite this wish to isolationism is altogether comprehensible, it is no longer possible. The USA's economy is too entwined with the world's trading system and international financial market. Moreover, isolationist withdrawal would be exactly what the terrorists who planned the attacks were after. Responding this way would be admit defeat.

The better solution to have the World, the USA, safe is to make peace with war, as Europe has done, and above all to engage dialogue between the different cultures44(*). Dialogue also undermean listen to the other, to call oneself into question, and respect. The USA's imperialism is not the main problem. The problem is the way they use their power. Most of the peoples only see the drawbacks of being in affair with the USA. They have to take example of the European Union. The community requires to believe in a common and shared future, where everyone counts, where each one has a role to play and where each one can keep its identity. In a word, the USA have to develop partnership with peoples and not subdued them. To avoid a clash of civilization, the USA must accept that all civilization have the same right to exist, the same freedom to express themselves, and the same liberty to order their society guided by their own moral vision. Moreover, peoples of the world have the right and the freedom to disagree with America.

* 44 Jacque Chirac, Paris Match, December 27, 2001

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Qui vit sans folie n'est pas si sage qu'il croit."   La Rochefoucault