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September 11th as a response to the USA external policy

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Hugues SERAPHIN
UAG Martinique - Maitrise Anglais LLCE 2003

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


· A) Social services and security

Since their status of « Policemen » of the World, the American Presidents were more turned toward their Foreign Policy than Homeland Policy. They are more aware of the World problems than theirs. Moreover, money devoted to the defense are more and more important to the detriment of the people's welfare. What is deeply wished is that the courage of the low-paid civil-servants such as the firemen after the collapse of the WTC will change the policy of the Administration.

The USA are a very wealthy country, however in 2002, 31 million Americans were living below the poverty line. The USA have failed to provide sufficient amounts of low-cost rented accomodation for law-income groups. The situation has resulted in homeless people throughout the country. Polls in June and July 2001 reported that, of the top fourteen problems facing the country, poor health care, hospitals and high costs ranked fifth ; poverty, hunger and homelessness were seventh ; and medicare and social security were twelfth. The social services debate is whether the US should adapt a nationally organized European type « Welfare State » which provides comprehensive social and medicare schemes for all funded out of general taxation.

Then, official statistics and personal experience surveys suggest that the USA have a high crime rate in comparison with other Western-countries. Firearms are used in three-quaters of these cases. In some urban areas, murder is the main cause of death. Today, there is a widespread lack of public confidence in the ability of the legislator to cope with crime and to protect individual citizens. People feel that they must safeguard themselves. Americans have irrational attitudes to crime and violence and create a self-perpetuating image that the USA are a violent and crime-ridden society. America's fundamental problem is the cult of violence itself and that one way to reduce this is to restrict access to guns.

What a contrast ! the USA have succeeded in overthrowing many governments, and are incapable to cope with the problem of violence in their own country. Moreover, they invest billions in the world, and are at a loss to provide a suitable Social Service to its people. Is the world more important for the USA than its people ?

Regarding G.W.Bush Policy, a return to the Democrat would be better for the country. They have much more consideration for their own people as well as for the world. It is a Democrat, Franklin Delano Roosevelt who have introduced in 1935 the national Insurance Programme known as Social Security. After Clinton's election as President of the USA, the first four and a half years of the new Administration saw more than 13 million jobs created ; he made the largest investment in health care for children since 1965. In 1993, President Clinton unveiled the Global Climate Change Action plan, a strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. He even proposed partnership between government and the auto-industry to develop a new generation of fuel-efficient vehicles. Despite all his efforts to better the life of his people, he did not forget the outside world. The USA have supported all the nations of Middle East who were working a lasting peace, hence the Washington Declaration which is an agreement between late Prime Minister Rabin of Israel and King Hussein of Jordan. The President pledged the government's fullest support in fighting terrorism.

Our world is entering a new dangerous epoch, Samuel P.Huntington even talks about clash of civilization between the West and the non-Western civilization. The battle against terrorism has already started. Since America is both the object and the source of global hatred its idea need to be adapted to our time or improved in any way. The greatest task of the USA and its allies is now to defeat terrorism without letting that happen again.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Il faut répondre au mal par la rectitude, au bien par le bien."   Confucius