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September 11th as a response to the USA external policy

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Hugues SERAPHIN
UAG Martinique - Maitrise Anglais LLCE 2003

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

· D) The media

After the 9-11th attacks, the main question was « why Islamic extremists tried to kill Americans ». Everyone made up their own mind. However, among the different media, there were two tendencies : the right-wing media and the left-wing media. They suggested that the fact that America is « mighty and good » was the roots of terrorists hate. Other, suggested it is the success of American democracy and capitalism that is the real source of hatred. 

Richard Brookisher wrote :

« New-york City is also perceived as the hub of one of those subsystems, the roaring dynamo of wealth. Anyone in the world who look at his lot and is unhappy, looks at us, country and city, and sees an alternative. If he has an aspiring frame of mind, he may try to come here or imitate us. If he has an aggrieved frame of mind, he will hold us responsible. If he has the resources of a hostile nation, or its functional equivalent, he will try to kill us... the world's losers hate us because we are powerful, rich and good. When those who acted on that hatred have been repaid, seven times seven, we will rebuild the World Trade Towers, with one more story, just to rub it in»29(*).

Thomas Friedman, another journalist wrote :

« There is resentment at America's stature as the world's richest nation, its sole superpower, its predominant culture. »30(*)

Robert Kaplan, stated on air :

« It is the success of American democracy and capitalism that is the real source of hatred »31(*)

Some right-wing media openly stated their distrust for the Muslims. Those media might be pointed as one of the causes of the attacks against Muslims in the USA.

Karine Rollins wrote :

« Islamic culture is intrinsically anti-West, innately full of hatred : « there is no evidence that Muslims living in America are necessary all great Patriots »32(*)

The  Boston Herald  even stated that the Muslims were evil, above all it regards all Muslims as terrorists :

« Terrorism is not a deviation but actually the norm for Islamic culture »32(*)

However, left-wing media such as the West-wing  is above this kind of simplistic analysis. This television series that represents American liberal values and democratic culture won several enemies.

First, the « West-wing » made a difference between Muslims and terrorism. The extremists has nothing to do with millions of Muslim men and women faith. The Muslims are quite « normal » people, the only difference with other peoples, is that, they come out of a culture that reinforces their hostility, distrust and hatred of the West and of America in particular.

Then, this television series declared American was not totally innocent in what happened on 9-11th . It stressed on America intervention in the Middle East as the cause of the extremist wrath.

At last, this media, even took side in a way for the « terrorist movements ». A number of left-wing writers compared the Taliban with the Nazis and the people of Afghanistan are the jews in the concentration camps. The « West-wing » declared the analogy absurd, because the Taliban were not racists. Racial equality was a basic tenet of their outlook. Moreover, they were not bent on world domination.

Noam Chomsky33(*) sided the « West-wing » point of view. He regarded the excuses about Middle East jealousy as convenient for the USA :

« The perpretrators acted out of hatred for the values cherished in the West as freedom, tolerance, prosperity, religious pluralism and universal suffrage »34(*)

Chomsky went further when he said, the real terrorist was the USA, he even declared the world regards them as a leading terrorist state. To illustrate his sayings, he took for example the USA's condemnation by the World Court (1980) for «unlawful use of force » or « international terrorism ».


* 29 Richard Brookisher, The new york Observer, September 13, 2001

* 30 Thomas Friedman,  Chicago tribune , September 13, 2001

* 31 Ropbert Kaplan, NPR, Weekend edition Sunday, september 23, 2001

* Karina Rollins, The American Enterprise , December 2001

* 32 Don Feder, November 5, 2001

* 33 Professor of linguistic at MIT and lifelong dissident.

* 34 New-york Times, September 16, 2001

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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