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The three shifts of the new paradigm

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Marika Bouchon
University of Western Sydney - Master in social ecology 1998

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

3.1.2 Metaphors for complexity and unertainties

Moreover, the above theories seem to be fundamentally flawed, in my view, in that they seek elegant, integrative ways to explain everything with certainty. According to my redefinition of 'science', I need to seek instead the various aspects of the complex that a human being is, not worrying about certainties. It is my experience that even theories, models, and explanations can drastically change as my experience takes new forms. Over the past two years of my quest, I have re-interpreted my past entirely at least four times. Each time, the new explanations triggered the thought: 'Oh, so this is what really happened!' or 'Oh, so that is what is really going on!' I no longer invest my models and explanations with a value of absolute truth. Rowan wrote a typical description of this process, relative to creative visions (Rowan, 1993, pp.195-198).

I began with psychological explanations of 'pathology', and went on to humanistic ones of growth and self-actualisation. From there, I expanded into purely spiritual interpretations, and on to more rigorous 'transpersonal' ones. This directed toward mystical views and rekindled my old interest the cosmologies of physicists but also threw me back to old dualist science explanations. Social ecology led me to face the complexity and find brain new 'complex-'simple', scientific and humanist ways of understanding things, with elements of all of the preceding. I have learned to relativise what I think I know, indexing* it mentally with (a) the theoretical framework I use, (b) the date at which I developed the explanation, (c) the context of my personal concern at the time. The complex-simple approach seems to be the most practical for me now. It allows for uncertainty about many issues, and for expansion of the points of view I will peruse in the future.

Understanding what I call, without definition for the time being, the 'Higher mind' or '~ew Paradigm mind', requires a capacity to appraise the many aspects of the mind-body-person complex, which are embedded in a 'lifeworld' as Husserl defined it. At the core of it all is the composite 'Body-Mind-Experiencer' or 'BodyMindSelf'. My picture of this is shown in. Figure 8.

* Korsybski's (1933) General Semantics deals with how language limits the reality we experience, and how using various devices of language and thought can expand our reality. 'Indexing' is one of them.

BodyMind Medicine

BRAIN & other systems

Bo dy-Min d-Experiencer

Left Right





Conscious Unconscious

Emotions Empathy


Ego/Personality Shadow

Transpersonal Self

Figure 8: Metaphors for human nature, for 'person': Mine is 'Body-mind-self'

To build a complete picture of the functioning of the human 'power of Creation', I will need to review literature from a number of fields related to the many aspects of human living experience.

The 'self' or 'experiencer' part accounts for psychological, spiritual and philosophical ways of making sense of the process of living. The sense of self rests on both the body, which gives us our physical sense of being a specific entity, and the mind that thinks, apparently to most of us, independently from the body, the mind that learns, knows, creates, has a purposive drive, and various ways of knowing. It is active thanks to all forms of life energy. These various dimensions are addressed b y a number of fields I survey.

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Qui vit sans folie n'est pas si sage qu'il croit."   La Rochefoucault