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Using the WACC methodology to improve the assessment of projects in the french farming industry. Empirical evidences from farm's results of Isère

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Anaël BIBARD
Grenoble Graduate School of Business - MBA 2012

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy ROE for Dairy Producers

The group of dairy producers represents 141 different farms studied over the 5 years. The Figure 18 presents the results of the Mood's median tests performed for the ROE of the different groups. First, we can see that the groups 4 and 5, which are the lowest leverages, have the lowest medians. Then, the group 1 shows sign of financial distress: it has the best results in 2007 with a ROE higher than 15%, but is close to be the worst group in 2006 with a ROE close to 0,0%. Groups 2 and 3 seem to be more stable and closer in terms of results, with an advantage for group 2 which is higher than group 3 (except in 2006, a bad year for agriculture in Isère as already presented, explaining that financial distress may have occurs for the most leveraged farms).

Figure 18: Median ROE for each year and each group of leverage for dairy * means significantly higher than **

In 2007, group 1, 2 and 3 were significantly better than group 5. In 2009, it was group 2 and 3 which were significantly better than groups 4 and 5. In 2010, only the group 2 over performed the group 4. For all the other years, there is no statistical difference between groups, and the differences between the medians cannot be interpreted due to high standard deviation (see Appendix 8 for details page 89). ROE for Grain Producers

The group of grain producers represents 126 farms of Isère. The sample is constant over the 5 years.
The Figure 19 represents the ROE for each year and each group. First, group 1 over performed in
2006, 2009 and 2010. This is quite surprising, because 2009 wasn't a good year in terms of price of

grains, and we could have expected signs of financial distress. However, except in 2010, there is no statistical difference showing that group 1 is better than any other groups. This could be surprising regarding the major difference seen in the histograms, but standard deviations are really high for group 1, with a lot of extreme values (see Appendix 10 page 99 for standard deviations).

Figure 19 : Median ROE for each year and each group of leverage for grain * means significantly higher than **

In 2007, the group 2 has significantly better results than the group 5. For 2010, it is group 1 which has better results than groups 4 and 5. For 2006, 2008 and 2009, no statistical conclusion can be made because the Mood's Median and Kruskal-Wallis tests did not reveal any significant results, with P-Values higher than 10% (see Appendix 10 page 99). ROE for Cattle Ranching

For the group of cattle producers, only 45 specialized producers were represented. As the sample is really small, the differences between the groups are in most cases not significant due to the limited number of values in each group of leverage (see Appendix 9 page 95). In figure 18 group 2 seems to over perform the other groups. Years 2007, 2008 and 2010 seem to illustrate that performance increases with leverage, up to a limit at 80% where financial distress may occurs. However, Group 2 is significantly higher than group 5 only in 2008. We cannot conclude anything else from the results of the statistical tests.

Figure 20: Median ROE for each year and each group of leverage for cattle * means significantly higher than **

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Il y a des temps ou l'on doit dispenser son mépris qu'avec économie à cause du grand nombre de nécessiteux"   Chateaubriand