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The contribution of coffee crops to socioeconomic development of Karenge sector in Rwamagana district. Case study of Kopakaka cooperative. period:2008-2011.

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Evariste NIYONSENGA
INATEK - Bachelor's Degree 2012

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


Table 1: Production of coffee in Rwanda 2

Table 2: Evolution of coffee prices 22

Table 3: Export development (Value in million of USD, Volume in Tons) 28

Table 4: Representations of respondents by profession 37

Table 5: Representations of members by sex 37

Table 6: Distribution of farmers by age 38

Table 7: Coffee trees that hold farmers 39

Table 8: Comparison of income before and after becoming coffee farmers 40

Table 9: Comparisons of times that farmers take meals per day 41

Table 10: Comparison of health insurance of farmers before and after becoming coffee farmers. 42

Table 11: The achievement of farmers in field of housing 43

Table 12: The achievement of farmers in field of infrastructure 44

Table 13: The achievement of farmers in the investing activities 45

Table 14: The annual saving of coffee farmers 46


Figure 1: Linking KOPAKAKA Cooperative with the socioeconomic development 2

Chart 1: Production of coffee in Rwanda 20

Chart 2: Evolution of coffee price 23


In the economy, the coffee is important. According to publications of OCIR-Café, by 2000, coffee process in Rwanda was a traditional way because there were only three washing stations. The traditional process decreased the production quality and quantity and the price of coffee was suffering the consequences. It waited for the month of October 2002 when the Rwandan government has adopted a new policy whose aim was to leave the regular coffee from no washing stations for high quality coffee and specialty. The subject, we wanted to give our participation in a study entitled «Contribution of coffee crops in socio economic development case of Rwamagana district Karengesector: 2008-2011.

To achieve the exploration of KOPAKAKA cooperative contribution and test the relationship between phenomenonsobserved, we are equipped with a questionnaire to identify the activities of coffee farmers of KOPAKAKA cooperative in improving the production of coffee and check the impact of the coffee farmers of the above cooperative in improving the socio-economic sector of the population of Karenge sector.

The answers provided by respondents and observations enabled us to achieve the following results: The KOPAKAKA cooperative activities play great contribution in socio conditions improvement, it rise the rate of entrepreneurship by investing in cultivation of coffee ,by building coffee washing station, by commercialization of coffee crops thus it contributes in reduction of unemployment ; it contributes also in the life conditions such as the improvement of times that farmers take food per day;the contribution in health insurance of coffee farmers ; it helps in the economic development such as building and rehabilitation duelling houses ,it helps them in the achievement of infrastructures,in the investing activities and it increases the saving rate.

We ended our work while recommending to NAEB to motivate people of favourable areas to maximize cultivation of coffee; to encourage investors to increase washing stations as cultivation of coffee increase;to motivate yearly coffee farmers who yield out great production of coffee crops.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"La première panacée d'une nation mal gouvernée est l'inflation monétaire, la seconde, c'est la guerre. Tous deux apportent une prospérité temporaire, tous deux apportent une ruine permanente. Mais tous deux sont le refuge des opportunistes politiques et économiques"   Hemingway