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The contribution of coffee crops to socioeconomic development of Karenge sector in Rwamagana district. Case study of Kopakaka cooperative. period:2008-2011.

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Evariste NIYONSENGA
INATEK - Bachelor's Degree 2012

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy



This chapter attempts to present, analyze and interpret the various research findings in order to relate it with the study objectives. The research dealt with coffee cropsin socioeconomic development. To raise the information, the researcher used questionnaires, interviews and observation as tools of data collection from the farmers as well as the staff of Karenge Sector and KOPAKAKA cooperative.

4.1Field of study description

4.1.1 Presentation of Rwamagana district

According to monograph of Rwamagana,around 80%Ramagana's populationpractices agriculture and thiscontributes in the economy of the District. In this District, farmers are classified into two categories: the first composed of the people who practices agriculture only;include, those who combine agriculture with other activities such as traders and civilians servants.Coffee is a main industrial culture comparatively to the others cultivated in Rwamagana District.It is less cultivated in Kigabirosector,Mwurire sector, Munyaga sector. Whereas in the others Sectors such as Karenge,Nzige,Muyumbu and Nyakaliro; the coffee plantation covers a great area.

4.1.2 Presentation of Karenge sector

According to Monographic of Karenge Sector(2007), Karenge sector has63.19km, 7 cells and 36 villages compound it with 19682 people.Karenge sector is located in south of Rwamagana district toward the EASTof Kigali city.Karenge sector presents the following borders:Insouth there is Mugesera and Rukumberi sector of Ngoma district;inNorth thereis Nzigesector; In EAST there is Rubona sector In West there isNyakaliro and Juru sectors.

A. Socio-economic situation of Karenge sector

Around 90% of the population of Karenge Sector practice agriculture and this one play a great importance in the economy of Karenge sector.Inthis sector there is two categories of farmers: Farmers whopractice agriculture only and farmers who mix agriculture with others works.In Karenge sector the land starts to loose its productive capacity because of more exploitationsand effects of erosion.The agriculture in this area is dominated by provisional culture and industrial culture.

- Provisional culture:according to the economic development and occupation of superficies the culture follow the following order: banana tree 45%Market gardener 15%; cereal 5%.

- Industrial culture:Karenge sector is the best productive of coffee in the areas of Rwamaganadistrict,now days there is 1265000 productive coffee trees and 85000 non productive coffee trees ;both cover 540ha;in this sector,they expect to plant coffee on 280ha in 2012;in this sector one plant of coffee produces 9kg of crops per year,there is also three washing stations which are Nyamatete coffee center,kopakabi and Rwacof -Karenge.The other industrial cultures such as macadamia,moringa,and vanilla are not more expended.(from documentation of Karenge sector)

B. Vision of karenge sector

According to Monographic of Karenge sector(2007) the development of Karenge sector is based on the agriculture and breedthus this sector has target for achieving the great agricultural output particularly for culture of coffee, banana tree, pineapple and tomatoes. In the domain of stock farming,Karenge sector has target for increasing quality and quantity of livestock, with objective ofstrengthening the artificial insemination system for cows and promoting the project «one cow,one family». The objective of developmentof millennium and vision 2020 is to allow to Karenge sector to overcome the state of under development and poverty for the economic development.These are expressed by the socio indicators. Karenge sector has set the following objectives:

- To reduce poverty at 50%.

- To strengththe primaryeducation.

- To strength the fight against HIV, malaria and others epidemics.

- To reduce the children mortality rate to two over three and maternal mortality to three overfour.

- To maintainenvironment protection for long life development.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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