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Impact of family conflict in love affairs through romeo and juliet by William Shakespearepar N'dimonté Bienvenue Sekou Université de Parakou - Licence 2020 |
2-3-FAMILY CONFLICTS IN LOVE AFFAIRS IN UNDER THE STORM OF SEYDOU BADIANRomeo and Juliet is the most famous novel written by William Shakespeare who stood out in the period of renaissance a great poet and playwright and has written plays in a variety of genres including histories, tragedies, comedies etc. In this novel he relates the hatred, love conflicts between families in ancient times based on some reasons .But let's know that Romeo and Juliet relationship is not the conflicts' cause between their family .The hate, the conflicts have been existing for a long time and .we really don't know the main cause only Romeo and Juliet relationship has raised or woke up their anger. And then apart from Romeo and Juliet many articles, novels, documents have dealt with the issues of conflict and love affairs even if they do not directly develop the same theme, they point out the notion of love and conflict as we noticed in <<under the Storm<<sous l'orage>>. In the storm where the triumph of love features a couple of young literature whose reciprocal love confronted with the projects of Father Benfa; father of Kany who intends according to custom to make his daughter marry a rich and old merchant Famagan. Faced with Kany's reluctance, Father Benfa exiles him to his uncle Djigui's village. This is the opportunity for the young girl to reconnect with certain forgotten ancestral traditions and to plead her case with Djigui, who ultimately decides to intervene in her favor. Before the authority of his older brother, Benfa bowed and the two young people could finally get married. Through the characters, a central theme emerges that of the conflict between generations. Of all of the above the author uses the preposition "under" to show that said disturbance hovers above us all, above our heads. In the artwork, this Kany marriage affair, the storm is the disturbance, the source of division for all of Father Benfa's family members, the parents on one side and the children on the other. The storm, it is this matter of marriage of Kany which shakes the whole family, causing a break within it. Not only does this novel show love but also show conflict in father Benfa's family. At the start there was harmony in father Benfa's family but his decision for the marriage of his daughter Kany led to the division between family members to the point where conflicts between them had become a fix of the day. «That I see you together you will have the husband I would like to give to you».4(*) Affirmed Benfa when he learned that his daughter was in company with the boys of class that she attended. Through this affirmation of Benfa we could already understand that he does not agree at all that his daughter walks with the boys. And once while walking with these young people will fall in love for other and which could compromise his project of marriage to his daughter to the rich merchant of the village Famagan which will be responsible for all the conflicts. Such a reaction from father Benfa already maintains a conflict between his daughter and him. Under his words the Muezzin declares. «My daughter to me will never see the doors of this place»5(*) For the Muezzin, the school is a place of formation of practices which go against the tradition because the educated woman can oppose the decisions of her husband and therefore she will have the authority to choose a man of her choice; which would be, a shame, disrespectful, frowned upon by his neighbors especially since he knew that the marriage had been preparing for a very long time. All this opens more to Father Benfa to remain firm on his decision. When we love someone we really love and this can be demonstrated through several ways of doing. We do everything for the person this can be through songs, adorations, we prophesy better things for that person. Warning about the young boys of whom he spoke without already knowing that among them Kany dreamed of love, of the future, saw a better future embellished by the presence of Samou and often we heard him singing the song of the oath that young girls say when they have chosen through a poem written in 11 verses as follows: «Oh may my head be between two swords I will remain faithful to him. The shepherd thinks of his star' The prisoner remains faithful to the murmurs of the river, The bird greets the sunrise, The child laughs on the ancestor's lap, And I think about him That I sing with these words all the time. To throw my hands tied Deep in the water, I will sing it»6(*) Through this poem, it really shows that Kany loved Samou and had always thought of him and would like to spend the rest of his life with him. This part is from the evidence which shows that the theme "love" is addressed in this book in theextend where the words and expressions used in the poem such as: faithful, think of him are most of the time love terms. Kany was doing all this without his father knowing which all necessary business was because if his father knew so soon it could have had huge consequences. Father Benfa still in his decision and said of Muezzin still discussing conflict with his daughter without knowing what could be the impacts of his decisions on his daughter. He said in these terms. «My father and my father's father did so; if you feel bad, go with the whites. I put you in school so that you could read. I never wanted you to become white»7(*) This statement from Benfa shows that the school through education has had impacts on the way that marriage was doing.As proof, the school through education has totally destroyed a large part of culture within the framework of marriage within the African community to the detriment of modern marriage in the extent where, it has made the majority of our senior executives forget almost all the principles of African marriage process. It has also transformed our young girls today. Formerly in Africa and more precisely in Mali, it is the parents who took care of the marriages. For them it was a question of taking into account some criteria going to the social class of the future bride and groom. The parents directly proposed the woman to the child boy at marriage. Without any dispute, the young boy is satisfied with the choice of the parents. But before proposing the woman, the parents find out about her social situation, that is to say her ethnicity and her education. There was understanding and cohesion and the number of divorces was counted at your fingertips. At that time, women were victims of all kinds of violence, and despite everything they remained submissive and obedient because, at that time there It was believed that an obedient woman will have blessed children. In the old days young girls were in their parents' houses, at that time our parents thought that marriage was very important and should not be taken away the slight. Today it is the opposite we observe the principles of marriage are flouted. Today, the school through women emancipation in our African societies has had positive and negative impacts on the way that marriage was previously perceived. In terms of positive impacts, it has allowed girls to choose and to create their own future rather than that imposed by families and community. This allowed young girls to say "No" to arrange marriages and to marry according to their own tastes, their own desires. Regarding the negative impacts, infidelity and betrayals have become the favorite pastime of our young couples. They get married, saying that they love each other and end up tugging, martyring each other to end up in front of the judge. Bars and night clubs and in public places they line up. Some young girls even wish to remain voluntarily without a husband which was not observed in the past. Weddings have become those of interests only. The tension thus already born in the family following the decisions taken for the marriage project of Kany leads to conflicts, misunderstandings between his brothers. Sibiri who is on his father's side began by making malicious remarks towards his brother Birama who is on the side from his sister Kany which led to a discussion in the form of a dialogue presented as if. «I knew you were insolent, Birama, I just found out that you are crazy. You have to be crazy to tell me what I just heard. What does Kany's point of view do in this case? We decide, as is customary. It's up to Kany to follow. Since the world is world, marriages have been made as we do. You are too small to show us the wayBirama's eyes shone with anger, her face hard. Ah, that's it! He yelled. Well! Since the world is world, marriages were bad facts! By the way, it's not a marriage, he said, but an auction. You act as if Kany was not a person, but a common sheep. What interests you is how much you get out of it. You deliver it to the highest bidder and you no longer worry about what happens to it. Let her be Famagan's slave, relegated to the bottom of a hut in the middle other slaves, you don't care. What matters to you is what you receive! -I think you've lost your mind. Besides, everything you just said fits well with your conduct, to you who deny your environment, to you who are ashamed of your origin, to you who dream only of imitating your masters, the Whites. Yes, we have the right to tax whoever we want to Kany because Kany has something of us: it bears our name, the name of our family. Let her behave badly and shame falls on our family. It's not a person, but from everyone. Are you talking to me about your comrade? Let's see, who chose it? Kany, will you tell me; but, tell me, do you think that Kany alone can judge better than all of us reunited? Marriage is no joke, it cannot be settled by those who only dream movies, cigarettes and balls. We know Famagan. We inquired on him. He has his place among us. That's why Kany will marry her. You tell me about the money he gave us. You know very well that long before Famagan we lived and we did not beg. And then you have to be Birama to believe that a man can be rich enough to pay a soul. The money symbolizes the effort that Famagan makes to access our family»8(*) This short dialogue sums up, among other things, what Birama and Sibiri have said and really shows that there is conflict. * 4Badian, S(1964).Sous l'orage, Bamako. * 5Badian, S(1964).Sous l'orage, Bamako. P7 * 6 Badian, S(1964).Sous l'orage, Bamako. P7-8 * 7 Badian, S(1964).Sous l'orage, Bamako. P8 * 8 Badian, S(1964).Sous l'orage, Bamako. P17 |