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Impact of family conflict in love affairs through romeo and juliet by William Shakespeare

par N'dimonté Bienvenue Sekou
Université de Parakou - Licence 2020

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


Love in the novel the ghosts of Brazil Brazil, is manifesting between Pierre Kuassi Kpossou and Anna-Maria Dolores Do Mato, two young people from two different world, from two families that nothing brings together except prejudices social and racial. Anna-Maria is an Agouda, a beautiful descendant of slaves with rich parents and Pierre is from slave traders. Their love is therefore considered indecent on the part of the girl's parents. As proof from page 9 to 14, Peter and Anna Maria have been surprised by Eugenio, Octaviano, Fulgencio, the brothers of Anna-Maria in a bungalow at the beach enjoying their carnal antics. They tied Peter up, abandoned him and then went home with their sister. Pierre, after having regained his strength and his spirits, returned home. He is received by his uncle Kpassè in the forest while Anna-Maria, unable to bear the punishment inflicted on her, runs away. In this flight, she did not know where to go and took the direction of the forest. Heavy rain fell on her and stopped her in her race against the clock. She was kidnapped by a group of bandits in which was Adado, the cousin of Pierre. At the same time, his brothers were looking for him, but without success. Adado escaped with her and brought her to her fiancé in the forest at Uncle Kpassè's. He brought them back to town and left them to their fate. Conflicts in this novel are manifesting between both families and most observed mainly through Anna Maria's brothers anger on Pierre. Page 9 to 96 reading shows that there are cultural conflicts between Pierre's Family and the one of Anna Maria. The different colors used by the author on the cover page of the novel have a link with all events happened and helped me to illustrate some of them having a link with the topic under study.

On the cover page we can see two hands: the yellow one and the black one, in chains that are held back by the index and middle fingers. The use of the left hands which are those of the heart and the way in which the fingers are held back testifies to a strong love between two beings who want to unite and who refuse a separation. The broken chain of the Black Hand symbolizes liberation; the many obstacles, the many adventures crossed by the lovers. This shows that the story takes place on African soil. A blue sky indicates tranquility and to warn them of spirituality, it is the paradise: This part of the novel takes into account the last pages of the novel where the two lovers saved their love by throwing themselves into the sea. The book's red color conveys the many issues raised in the novel. As proof taking into account the novel towards the end of novel on Saturday, during the funeral of Manuel Luis da Gonceiçao, the entire Agouda community went to support the widow Bébédicta and during the bourignan marking the reception phase, Anna-Maria was unmasked by her brother Eugenio. Pierre then came to his rescue by throwing himself on the brother. Octavio and Fulgencio joined Eugenio for a merciless fight. But Pierre and Anna-Maria got the better of them by going to throw themselves into the sea to savor their eternal love

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Tu supportes des injustices; Consoles-toi, le vrai malheur est d'en faire"   Démocrite