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Impact of family conflict in love affairs through romeo and juliet by William Shakespeare

par N'dimonté Bienvenue Sekou
Université de Parakou - Licence 2020

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy



The issue of love is so vast and complex that I find it necessary to clarify the concept according to my understanding and specify the limit of my paper. In fact there are many definitions of the concept «love».

According to Merriam Webster:love is a strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties like for instance a maternal love for a child. It can also be an attraction based on sexual desire, finally love could be an affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests9(*) as Dr Alidou R.Ibourahima Boro quoted it in his article entitled: The Paradox of Love as a Downfall of Man and as a Symbol of Unity through William Shakespeare'sRomeo &Juliette Volume 8 Issue 1, January 2019www.ijsr.netLicensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BYAccording to Oxford advanced learner's dictionary 8th edition, love is a very strong feeling of liking and caring for somebody/something, especially a member of your family or a friend For instance. She has earned the love and respect of many people. Love for somebody/something a mother's unconditional love for her children. But here we are dealing with romantic love which is seen between two people in the novel: Romeo and Juliet.

Conflict: is a situation in which people, group or countries disagree strongly in a serious argument. In our context conflict is between two families.

Impact: The powerful effect that something has on somebody as we can motive it through the different characters of the novel.

Love affairs: is a romantic and usually sexual relationship between two people who love each other but who are not married or living yet together; case of Romeo and Juliet the novel under study.

Family conflicts: refers to active opposition between family members or between two different family member's .It may be between parents and children or sibling. But the one developed is most observed between two different families (Montages and Capulets).

In effect love and conflict are the main themes developed in RomeoandJuliet by William Shakespeare. However conflict between family members or different members is not a good thing while living together. It leads families' destruction and even all a given community. It leads war between countries, family as we can see conflicts between Montage's family and Capulets led in six death in five days. There are some passages in the novel illustrating the various conflicts that have existed between the two families and lived by the main characters .Thus the conflict that the author is speaking can be emotional, psychological or even physical. It is that he emphasizes in the act 4 scene 3 through the conflict of traumatic, emotional lived by Juliet when she was asserting in these words.

"God knows when we will meet again".10(*)

Through this assertion, she's doubting on drinking the potion that will lead her into a deep asleep .These words of Juliet shows that she will never see her mother and nurse, she fears to die and that why she is doubting such a decision. Secondly the discussion between Mercutio, Romeo and Tybalt has lead a physical conflict. Through this discussion one can read the following paragraph.

"Mercutio. - O cold, dishonorable, vile submission!

A shock to fix that! (He puts the sword in his hand.) Tybalt,

Rat killer, would you like to take a ride?

Tybalt. - What do you want from me?

Mercutio. - Nothing, good king of cats, just one of your nine

Lives; this one, I intend to enjoy it, reserving myself, according to your future conduct towards me, to chop the other eight.

So quickly draw your sword by the ears, or, before it is out of the case, your ears will smell mine.

Tybalt, sword in hand. - I'm yours.

Romeo: My good Mercutio, put your sword back.

Mercutio, in Tybalt. Come on, sir, your best Past! (They fight.)

Romeo. Quick draw, Benvolio, and let us cut down their weapons.

Gentlemen, out of modesty, retreat from such an outrage: Tybalt!

Mercutio! The Prince expressly prohibited brawls in the

Streets of Verona. Stop it, Tybalt! Dear Mercutio! (Romeo extends

His sword between the fighters. Tybalt reaches Mercutio under Romeo's arm and flees with his followers.) "11(*)

Through this paragraph we notice that conflict is not good thing because it brings human being sometimes to misbehave as an animal and leads us to commit a crime as observed. Mercutio through their discussion was murdered by Romeo.Apart from conflicts developed in the novel the play "Romeo and Juliet" has become forever associated with love. It's a truly iconic story of romance and passion even the name «Romeo» is still used to describe enthusiastic young lovers. But while the romantic love between the titular characters is often what we think of when we consider the love theme in "Romeo and Juliet,"Shakespeare's treatment of the concept of love is complex and multifaceted. Through different characters and relationships, he portrays some of the various types of love and the different ways it can manifest. These are some of the expressions of love Shakespeare threads together to create the play.

* 9Alidou R.Iourahima Boro:The Paradox of Love as a Downfall of Man and as a Symbol of Unity through William Shakespeare?s Romeo & Juliette

* 10 Shakespeare, W (1957).Romeoand Juliet, Verona. Act 4 scene 3, p 106

* 11Shakespeare, W (1957).Romeoand Juliet, Verona. Act 4 scene 3, p 69-70

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