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Le cadre juridique de la lutte contre le terrorisme en Afrique de l'Ouest

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Akpélé Aimé Timalelo KOUASSI
Ecole spéciale militaire de Saint-Cyr - Master 2 Droit international public 2017

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


From our research topic entitled «the legal framework of the fight against terrorism in West Africa», we focused our analysis on the legal corpus of the countries of this area initially under its theoretical aspects. Then, we insisted on its pragmatic implications for citizens and institutions.

Let us specify that West Africa is geographically made up of fifteen States. It would be very difficult to be concise by spreading out us over the legal system of all these fifteen States although on other topics, one could abound in this direction.

Nevertheless, for an analysis more in phase with realities related to terrorism we judged good, throughout our thesis, to occupy us of the West African countries already struck by terrorist attacks on their ground. These countries include Côte d'Ivoire, Niger, Mali, and Nigeria. However, there is, not without valid reason, Ghana. This country, indeed, although not having been touched by this phenomenon is close to countries having been attacked. Consequently, her security response had to adapt to this threat that is getting closer and closer to it.


Thus, our dissertation was based on two parts.

It consisted, on the one hand, of studying all the international, regional texts which laid the legal bases for the fight against terrorism in West Africa. Subsequently, this impulse will give rise to the adoption of West African and national legal instruments against terrorism. Broadly speaking, these instruments tend more and more through the reforms of the countries of this subregion to deal specifically with terrorism. This does not mean that States are relinquishing the stakes associated with organized criminality.

Moreover, the provisions originally adopted to contain terrorism also take this problem into account.

On the other hand, our second axis consisted in questioning the corollaries of the tendency of the countries of West Africa to have for the right as basis in deciding to fight this deep evil.

This study was prompted by the surprising deduction that there is a very limited number of writings pertaining to sub-Saharan anti-terrorism legislations. And even when they exist elsewhere, they are, unfortunately, obsolete.

Our dissertation is precisely concerned with updating the doctrine about this very worrying topic.

To be more concise, it should be noted that our first aspect of investigation has shown that good initiatives have been led by the West African countries under the diplomatic, political, and legal pressure of the UN and the OAU. Indeed, these countries, in addition to collectively adopting UN-inspired legal norms, have themselves nationalized the global counter-terrorism strategy in establishing specific legal regimes in their jurisdictions.

Moreover, long before the events of September 2001, the ECOWAS Conventions governing extradition and mutual legal assistance had anticipated the basics of legal cooperation in the fight against terrorism.

However, most recent acts adopted by these states represent their reaction to the heinous acts committed against civilians on their territory. Adopting the necessary rules must rather become their reflex and not just a pseudo solution as a reply to loss of life.

It is precisely because of this wait-and-see attitude of West African governments that we sought to know whether this technique of "doctor after death" was necessary.


Unambiguously, the measures taken are not negligible but ,alone, they cannot solve the problem arising from this threat.

Similarly, it has been necessary to note the commission by the governing bodies of these states of flagrant deviation with the use of "the fight against terrorism" as an excuse.

Any democracy in the true sense of the term for the respect of the people which constitutes its supreme entity must, by claiming to guarantee the security always, ensure the scrupulous respect of the human rights.

In this same part, we stressed the fact that the law alone cannot be sufficient to help the initiatives of these governments to eradicate terrorism. Peaceful means, based on a socio-political approach, should be used in addition to these legal instruments. Radicalization, precisely, is resolved better by a psychological follow-up than by incarceration. But it is also necessary to foresee all cases such as the possibility of failure or inefficiency of this path.

Thenceforth, the means of force through the forces of order and the deployment of military in support to the sister countries will be the last one solution for the African countries to resorb this cancer to the image of what represents the Appeal if it were to be transposed into legal terms.

However, our points of view on this chronology of the different legal, socio-political, or military solutions should not be perceived only in a legal way. Indeed, faced with the barbarity of terrorism, it is quite legitimate to save the lives of thousands of people even if the language of weapons must be used as the first resort.

Keywords: Africa, West Africa, West African States, fight against terrorism, acts, terrorism, radicalization, law, drifts, islamist fundamentalism.



« Les idées et opinions émises dans ce mémoire n'engagent que la responsabilité de son auteur et ne reflètent en aucun cas celles des chefs de département ou des Écoles de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan. »



« Personne n'aidera l'Afrique à se développer sinon les Africains ». Le milliardaire nigérian Tony Elumelu.

« Qui veut du miel doit avoir le courage d'affronter les abeilles ». Proverbe Africain.

« Un pessimiste voit la difficulté dans chaque opportunité, un optimiste voit l'opportunité dans chaque difficulté. » Winston Churchill.



Ce mémoire n'aurait pu être réalisé sans l'aide précieuse de mon directeur de mémoire, Monsieur Ronan DOARÉ dont les conseils avisés, les corrections et surtout la rigueur m'ont été précieux tout au long de la rédaction.

Je tiens aussi à remercier le personnel du MESS HOTEL BATTESTI à la Caserne Mixte Régionale de MERIGNAC où j'ai séjourné durant ce semestre académique pour leur disponibilité et leur soutien.

Je remercie aussi notre dévoué chef de section, le Capitaine PASQUIET, pour ses conseils et son soutien durant ces trois mois de travail.

Je tiens enfin, à remercier tous les membres de notre famille aux quatre coins du monde, en particulier ma mère, SADIE Odile Akassi et mon père Akpélé Gnamien KOUASSI pour leur soutien et leur réconfort. Mais aussi et surtout, ma défunte tante, SADIE Sophie qui voit son fils devenir un homme.

A vous tous, je dédie ce mémoire.




Première partie : L'évolution de la lutte antiterroriste sur le plan juridique dans

l'espace ouest-africain 26

Chapitre 1 : L'impulsion onusienne et régionale dans la lutte antiterroriste en Afrique de

l'Ouest 27

Chapitre 2 : L'initiative personnelle des pays inclus dans la zone subsaharienne : cas du Mali ,

du Niger , du Burkina Faso , de la Côte d'Ivoire , du Nigeria et du Ghana 71

Deuxième partie : Les répercussions de cet ordonnancement juridique 90

Chapitre 1 : De l'efficacité et de l'efficience de l'arsenal juridique ouest-africain 91

Chapitre 2 : La nécessité de recourir à des outils complémentaires au droit 113

Conclusion générale 125

Table des annexes 127

Sources et bibliographie. 176

Table des matières. 184

Table des sigles et abréviations



AIEA : Agence Internationale de l'Énergie Atomique

· AQMI : Al-Qaïda au Maghreb Islamique

· BCEAO : Banque Centrale des États de l'Afrique de l'Ouest

· CADHP : Charte Africaine des Droits de l'Homme et des Peuples

· CAERT : Centre Africain d'Etudes et de Recherche sur le Terrorisme

· CCT : Comité Contre le Terrorisme

· CEEAC : Communauté Économique des États de l'Afrique Centrale

· CEDEAO : Communauté Économique des États de l'Afrique de l'Ouest

· CEDH : Cour Européenne des Droits de l'Homme

· CENTIF : Cellule Nationale de Traitement des Informations Financières

· CENTIF-CI : Cellule Nationale de Traitement des Informations Financières- Côte d'Ivoire

· CISSA : Comité des Services Secrets et de renseignements Africains

· CPS : Conseil de Paix et de Sécurité

· CREC : Centre de Recherches des Écoles de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan

· DEA : Diplôme d'Études Approfondies

· DSI : Défense et Sécurité Internationale

· ECOMOG: Economic Community of West African States Cease-fire Monitoring Group

· FIDH : Fédération Internationale des ligues des Droits de l'Homme

· Frontex : Frontière Extérieure

· GIABA : Groupe Intergouvernemental d'Action contre le Blanchiment d'Argent en Afrique de l'Ouest

· GAFI : Groupe d'Action Financière

· MINUSMA : Mission Multidimensionnelle Intégrée des Nations Unies pour la Stabilisation au Mali

· MNLA : Mouvement de Libération de l'Azawad

· OCDE : Organisation de Coopération et de Développement

· ONG : Organisation Non Gouvernementale

· OUA : Organisation de l'Unité Africaine

· PIDCP : Pacte International relatif aux Droits Civils et Politiques



PNUD: Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement

· QRF : Quick Reaction Force

· UA : Union Africaine

· UEMOA : Union économique et Monétaire Ouest-Africaine

· UNESCO: Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture

· UNOWA: Bureau des Nations Unies pour l'Afrique de l'Ouest

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Ceux qui rêvent de jour ont conscience de bien des choses qui échappent à ceux qui rêvent de nuit"   Edgar Allan Poe