1. Interest and Choice of
the Topic
In any literary work, the writer wants to share his experience
and his point of view with his contemporaries. We need also to share the point
of view of the Eastern Ugandan poet Okot p'Bitek in his poems Song of
Lawino and Song of Ocol. We are interested in reading him with care so
that we can interpret his thinking. So then, we can share or reject his
opinion. In our field of work, we want to analyse Okot p'Bitek's poems and find
the developed themes to discover the image of the woman.
2. Purpose and Methods
a. Purpose
The purpose of this work is to analyse some literary
techniques used in Okot p'Bitek's poems to enrich the meaning of Song of
Lawino and Song of Ocol. This analysis will help us to enter p'Bitek's
mind and discover the deep hidden image of the woman portrayed in those
Our analysis will also help us find how and why the main
characters act as they do.
b. Methods
Every domain of research has its own methodology. It can
require a questionnaire, an interview, an explication...
As quoted by Vwakya (2006:3) there are three major ways to
write about work of literature and art. One can write to
- Understand a work of Literature,
- Interpret a work of Literature,
- To evaluate a work of Literature.
One our part, however, we are going to deal with analyzing the
poems in order to interpret them and find out the image portrayed in those
poems. In our analysis, some factors such as social, religious, educational,
contribute in supporting our themes as well.
In short, we are going to apply the new Criticism in our
analysis so that we can study each social problem from the first page to the
last. Thus, we shall follow poem from its opening line up to its end so that we
can draw an occurrent conclusion.