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The image of the woman in Okot p'Bitek's Song of Lawino and song of Ocol

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Guershom Kambasu Muliro
Unviersité de Kisangani (RDC) - Licence 2007

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

3. Hypothesis

In the present work, we are going to focus our attention on the attributed image to the woman in Okot p'Bitek's Song of Lawino and Song of Ocol. We shall observe p'Bitek's attitude towards Eastern woman's behaviour.

We can state the following hypotheses:

- P'Bitek can be discouraged by the way Eastern women are treated by their husbands;

- He does find any Eastern Africa woman who is not influenced by European culture;

- He does not find Eastern Africa woman who can defend the customs of her ancestors.

4. Limitation of the Work

We have limited ourselves to the literary analysis of Okot p'Bitek's poem in order to find the real image of the woman in those poems. Thus, the work is much devoted to summary of the poems, characters and characterization, point of view, context, imagery, form and interpretation, mood and tone, themes, philosophy of the author, finally the image of the woman.

5. Review of the Literature

After reading Okot p' Bitek's poems, we have found it better to produce a work on them. In some Kisangani libraries there are less work on literature, and mainly on African literature. Also, recent documents rare in Kisangani libraries. Ofcours there are some comments on websites on p'Bitek and his famous Song of Lawino and Song of Ocol.

But the topic as approached was not available yet, that is why we have dicided to full the gap by writing a work on the image of a woman as analysed in those poems, to allow Kisangani researchers and others have an important tool in African literature and fix their ideas on Okot p'Bitek and his masterpiece.

6. Division of the work

The present work is divided into three chapters. Chapter one deals with «The Poet's Life and Work». In this chapter we give a shot survey on the author's life, his background and works.

Chapter Two is concerned with «A literary Analysis of Okot p'Bitek's Song of Lawino and Song of Ocol». In this chapter, we present the summary of the poems, we analyse the literary techniques used by Okot p' Bitek in his poems. They are point of view, characters and characterization, context, theme, tone, mood, imagery, form and interpretation, philosophy of life. We select them according to their use in the poem.

The last chapter treats the image of the woman in Okot p' Bitek's Song of Lawino and Song of Ocol. In this chapter we want to show the image of the woman that Ocol describes in his poems in every aspect of life such as social, educational religious...

A general conclusion which we draw to show Okot's philosophy towards Eastern African problems will put an end to the work.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Nous devons apprendre à vivre ensemble comme des frères sinon nous allons mourir tous ensemble comme des idiots"   Martin Luther King