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Redéploiement industriel et grands projets structurants dans la métropole de Chennai: quelle place pour les quartiers Nord ?

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Paul BERTIN
Université Bordeaux III - Master 2 territoires développement et cultures 2011

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


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KRICHEWSKY D. (2009), Negotiating the terms of a new social contract : private companies, civil society and the state in India, CSH occasional paper, n°24

MARIUS GNANOU K. (2010), Nouvelles activités économiques et dynamiques métropolitaine : le cas de la périphérie Sud de Chennai , in Annales de Geographie, 2010

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MARTOUZET D., BAILLEUL H., FEILDEL B.& GAIGNARD L. (2010), La carte: fonctionnalité transitionnelle et dépassement du récit de vie in Natures Sciences Sociétés, vol 18, n°2, pp 158-170.

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PAULET J -P. (2000), Les trés grandes villes dans le monde, Sedes, Paris, 238 p.

PERON F. (1995), Les territorialités étudiantes à partir de l'exemple de la ville de Brest, actes du séminaire <<le territoire, lien ou frontière ? È, Paris, 2-4 octobre 1995

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RAJARAMAN P. (1997), Chennai through the ages, Poompozkil Publishers, Chennai, 202 p. RAMASWAMY K.V. (2008) , <<Regional Dimension of Growth and employement È, in Economic and Political Weekly, New Delhi

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ANNEXE 1 - Localités et infrastructures récurrentes



Name / Gender: Place of birth:

Age: Occupation:

Home place: Work place / Distance:

Can read / Write: Arrival in Chennai (reason if move):

Private vehicle :

Mean of transport used for going to work / school:

How many times a month do you go to ?

- Chennai downtown: - North / South Chennai:

- Cinema: - Family restaurant:

- Shopping: - Supermarket:

How many times a year?

- Out of Chennai (precise which places):

- Out of Tamil Nadu:

- Cultural event/ Concert/Sporting event/Museum/Exhibition? (encircle)

Ever gone out of India?

Access to the i nte rnet (individual / cafe)?

Give details about Electricity / Water facilities situation : Public transport facilities offered here (list):

Evaluation of facilities environment (from worst, 0, to best, 5) - Hospitals:

- Schools:

If you had the power to change your direct environment, what would you need? ( i n terms of accessibility, transports, facilities) :

According to you, what is the best place for living in Chennai?

Now try to list all the places you visited in Chennai during the last month:

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"L'imagination est plus importante que le savoir"   Albert Einstein