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Internationalisation économique du sport. Les clubs de football sur les traces des entreprises multinationales

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Arnauld Kayembe Tabu Nkang'Adi Nzu
Université d'Anvers - Master en Management international et développement 2000

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy
1.5.b.2°. The economic internationalization of the European clubs like consequence of
the stop Bosman (C-415/93 of December 15, 1995).

The Bosman stop returns in the name of the Belgian player, who, in 1990, at the end of his contract of player to Royal Football Club of Liege, considering refusing freedom to carry the shirt of his new club, in fact, the French Club of Dunkirk, by his old club, what it rejected an offer of the latter club to continue to play with the help of wages lower than that that it gained when the contract was still in force.

Bosman carried the business in front of the courses and courts Belgian in front of which, it pled the illegality of the system of the transfers of the players at the end of the contract, and thus its contradiction with the Treaty of Rome, constitutive of current European Union.

Become, like professor Késenne (2000, p. 95) writes it, the victim of a world boycott by the federations of Belgian and international football, Jean Marc Bosman had to wait during long years of misery, the decision of the European court of Justice, in answer to the prejudicial question subjected to him by the Court of Appeal of Liege tending to knowing if it were possible to observe the rules of the European Community legislation to the sport.

The response of the European Court pointing out the economic nature of the activity of the sport, and thus its tender, except with regard to, the case where the sport plays a purely sporting part, to all the legal arsenal already into force, led to the abolition of the allowances of the transfers, in particular for the players end contract and thus, the proclamation, even in the sporting field, of the principle of freedom of movement of the players amenable to the union in European space, as was already the case for the other workers.

But, in what, this stop was it to have a decisive incidence on the transfer, and particularly on the internationalization of this practice in football ?

For apprehending well the range of the question and answer which will be followed from there, it is necessary to point out the notable distinction which BOROUGH and GOUGUET (1998, PP-129-132) make, between the clubs maximisateurs of profits and the clubs maximisateurs of sporting performances.

The first have the legal structure of commercial companies, because they achieve, through all the sporting operations, of the acts considered commercial by the consequent laws their respective countries. Much more, when well even they would have the statutory appearance of non-profit-making associations, the constant and repeated practice commercial acts qualified by the law would not confer less the attribute to them of commercial companies. Such clubs enjoy a great freedom as regards transfer on a market related to commercial. They buy and sell the players on the market of the transfers, and the talents concentrate in rich clubs. The clubs are thus Masters of the players and they pay the latter by taking account of the other players not really transferable, but who render enormous services to the club. It acts like the American clubs. In Europe, on the other hand, the clubs are especially worried by the research of success, because, continue the above mentioned authors, following the nature of the sporting groupings (for the majority with nonlucrative goal), with the existence of recurring deficits in many championships and to a traditional culture of unit of the sport (amateur and professional) melting an ethics, the clubs attempt to constitute the best possible team in order to gain the greatest number of meetings. With this intention and, within the limit of the budget, a policy of recruitment of the best talents is implemented, much more than on the assumption of maximization of the profits.

However, it is made that with the interpenetration of football business in Europe, the clubs initially misaient to preserve and consolidate their success, but at the same time, they realized that football got beyond the success, some financial repercussions which, of the blow, became, more and more, their concern. The discovery of this news gives which was tested in particular by the purchase of the players and their resale, in the hope, often reached important financial appreciations knows a brake with the Bosman stop, which preaches freedom of movement of the European players end contract, i.e., the absence of any allowance of transfer for this category of players.

But, Europe not being only space provider of young players, the clubs quickly thought of Africa where the acquisition of the players does not cost them much money, and in the Latin America, where, the preceding reason applies mutatis-mutandis and whose success of certain nationals in European championships could inspire only confidence and recourse. That, because the leaders of these clubs know that for nonEuropean subjects, provisions of the Community right and jurisprudence

are not opposable for them, as let it know Mr. David H. WILL more

(1999, p. 7) (The viewpoint federations one the new transfer rules, in Késenne S., Jeanrenaud C., COp cit., p. 7) : « this is something that we in Europe tightens to forget, Bosman does apply only in Europe, and only to has share off Europe ; the rest off the football world continuous virtually unaffected by it ».

This way, since «many clubs of football in Europe incorporated always the value of transfer of their players like a credit and used this credit as banker's guarantee for their loans » (Késenne S., 2000, p. 97), currently, these clubs simply moved the context of application of logic. Instead of doing it for the European subjects, for which the transfer is not more advantageous than it was it formerly, they do it for the young sportsmen come from apart from Europe from the Nations, insofar as, in addition to the abolition of the old system of the transfers, the European Court of justice establishes the nullity of the clause of nationality, which limited the number of the foreign players in the European clubs to to the more three. Therefore, intensification of the international transfer operations,

involve also the increase in the international mobility of the work, which, like remarks it professor Késenne (ibidem), constitutes a mechanism of natural balancing to which all the sectors must face the increasing globalisation of the economy. Moreover, it is noted that the force of the transfers is dependant on the effectiveness of its market : the mercato.

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