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Internationalisation économique du sport. Les clubs de football sur les traces des entreprises multinationales

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Arnauld Kayembe Tabu Nkang'Adi Nzu
Université d'Anvers - Master en Management international et développement 2000

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


1.B.1. The creation of the centers of formation for young players :

confrontation enters the humanitarian and the business.

To the beginning of this study, we had been also given for task to check if the assertion according to which the clubs of football of the developed countries followed the traces of the multinational corporations and, with them, were established beyond the borders of their countries of origin, was authentic. Through the creation of the centers of formation for young players, located in African or Latin-American open ground, the objective of the clubs in any case seems to put up with a logic of transnationalisation of the activities. One would see from the start a team carrying out expenditure, often colossal in the species, to claim to draw no benefit from it. What it would be necessary to retain, it is that football has few ways to make itself too commercial. But it is worked with length of the days and with the passing of years vessels which ensure to him a continuous and not easily reversible presence in the ordinary business world. We dare to believe that the conversion of the legal structure of the majority of the clubs of association to nonlucrative goal into that of commercial companies made it possible to focus the attention of these new people morals on the advantages of the emergent markets. If « the European firms have to invest more on the emergent markets in order to draw advantage from their fast growth » (Jacquemin Alexis and Pench Lucio R., Editors, 1997, p. 181), the clubs of football did not have for their part need to be made there fold through supplications, as a long time as they had already included/understood and recognized the emergence of Africa and South America as regards football.

Since the experiment did not yet spread to it majority of the teams having certainly their junior teams with the seat even of the club, even of the centers of formation in the country -, the creation of a center of formation by a team, recognized rich, in a developing country starts with the French club of Paris-saint-Germain, before knowing another form with Ajax of Amsterdam.

1.B.2. The Paris-Saint-Germain and the Planet Champions International of


The project of creation of the center of training of the young players launched by Paris-Saint-Germain has, strictly speaking, nothing similar to a project of foreign direct investment. It takes effect in 1997, when the news bulletin of the club diffuses the news below taken again : « Claude Roy prepares the future. Creator, at the beginning of season, of Planet Champions International, a center of formation in Burkina Faso, the Parisian sporting director and the club intend to make of Tunis a head of bridge of their policy of recruitment »

(PSG News-Review of press of Monday January 05, 1998).

Within the limits of the perception of the objectives of the creation of the center, it is released in filigree, the policy of recruitment. Transposed to the universe of football business, the objective of recruitment applies to the clubs what the strategy or the objective of research of the raw materials is worth or straightforwardly of the factors of production for the multinational corporations.

For this reason, it is necessary to compare with the route multinational corporations, the character of direct foreign investment of the center thus created by the Paris-saint-Germain. For that, MUCCHIELLI J.L (1998, p. 46), assistance to discover the characteristics of a direct investment :

1° a concept of control or being able of influence on the management of a foreign company ;

2° a transfer of complex competences (a technological unit and

3° a logic of production. And AAKER D.A (1998, p. 255) to increase : « Many firms test the desire to develop total strategies in the sight to take part indeed in competition ». The logic of production thus seems to be determining. It is thus when the delocalization aims, at the base, to make carry out with the company the economies of scale, which « have a power from the total point of view » (LEONTIADES James, 1984, pp. 30-37).

1.B.3. Quid if a club of football is a company ?

But, right now, it raises the question with the spirit inevitably to know if Paris Saint-Germain is a company, and still if the International center of formation Planet Champions is too. Professor Blanpain (1996, p. 25), taking again the opinion of the Prosecuting attorney Lenz, hears, him also, by companies «of the entities which carry on an economic activity, whatever their legal statute or their mode of financing. It is not required, add-it, that there is a goal of lucre. ». This definition has the merit to retain the essential element of a company, far from any formal legal structure : the exercise of an economic activity. It is done within the framework of a unit known as sometimes of production.

Taking into consideration this precision, it Appert that, without being a commercial company, with the legal direction of the term, the club Paris Saint-Germain, is not less one company, from an economic point of view. As a team of football, it regularly engages the players, to which it pays wages. On the market of the transfers, the PSG is also very active, either as salesman, or as purchaser of the players. This season, the only transfer of Anelka, among so much of others, cost him more than 25 million American dollars. It is besides for this reason which the European court of justice did not hesitate to establish that the exercise of the sports, as an economic activity in the direction of article 2 of the Treaty of Rome, concerned the field of application of the Community legislation (Blanpain, 1996, p. 21).

In the same way, professor Andreff Wladimir (2000, pp. 184-185) continues in the same direction by describing the economic activity of the clubs of football : «Certain clubs, writing-it, specialized in the training of players in order to supply the market of the professional players, and thus to release a source complementary to financing. »

It is that the new characteristic of the sport : « an economic activity like another, which makes it possible to include/understand the chump end abandonment of the principles founders of the Olympic ideal and a recombining of this field around the commercial values » (Borough J.F and Gouguet J.J, 1998, p. 18). All these developments accredit the thesis of professor Blanpain (1996, p. 25) according to whom « the clubs of football can be regarded as companies and the federations like associations of companies. » The version of companies recognized with the clubs is divided by professor Késenne Stefan (1996, p. 21) for which the practice of the sport constitutes an economic activity smell it that are needed two clubs (undertaken) to manufacture a match (the product).

By summarizing all the literature offered to us by the analysts, and by comparing it with the characteristics of the direct foreign investment pre-recalled, we can consider that the act posed by Paris Saint-Germain contains well realities of an investment.

1.B.3.a. the transfer of competences.

Center of formation, Planet Champions International was equivalent for the Parisian club to a unit (of the factors) of production specialized in the training of young players, who certainly would have allowed the PSG to regularly renovate his team, but also to feed the market of the transfers, either directly by these young people come from Burkina Faso, or by the old ones, thus replaced, by the African recruits. It was directed, at the beginning, by technical experts indicated by the PSG and receiving the orders directly him. There can one then claim to find the logic of the production to the profit of the PSG ?

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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