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Implementation of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in cross border mergers: International legal study

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Syrine AYADI
Université de Tunis II - Master Common Law 2007

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Conclusion of the preliminary chapter

In this introductive chapter, we have shown that cross-border merger transaction involves complex working process that requires a very careful preparation during the negotiation and the integration phases.

Companies governed by laws of different countries must be recognized to establish by way of merger without constraint. Failing uniform legal basis in civil law and common law countries recognizing freedom of movement of companies, there is a need to coordinate national conflict of law rules and to harmonize national substantive laws. However, the observed harmonization of the law on cross-border mergers at the European level and within the US is likely to lead to a further, dramatic increase of the number of transatlantic mergers transactions, which will intensify the number disputes relating to these transactions.

Implementing ADR mechanisms to resolve disputes arising out of cross border merger transactions is highly required. In other words, European and American scholars need considerably to take a fresh look at the intersection of ADR and international merger business activity.

To the extent this implementation must cope with the potential
challenges concerning theses alternatives to litigation remain to be seen

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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