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La protection sociale des expatriés dans le cadre de la mobilité internationale.

par Winnie Patricia Etonde Njayou
G.I.R.H. - Mobilité internationale  2019

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


The international mobility can be considered as a professional transfer involving a temporary settlement in a country other than the country of origin. It covers various facets. It is referred to as expatriation when a Cameroonian employee is appointed abroad. Therefore, we are interested in this social phenomenon under the theme ; « Social protection of expatriates in the context of international mobility ».

The interest of our work requires us to show as we go along how the expatriation process unfolds during international mobility. This work proposes to analyze the different cases of expatriation that can be encountered and what solutions can be proposed according to given practical cases.

To illustrate this work, the use of a double methodological approach has been imperative : the interactionnist approach in its emphasis on inter-individual relationships and the culturalist and historical approach, attempts to describe the practical cases of international mobility from the points of view of history and psychoanalysis. It is on basis that our work has been built in two parts. The first part is titled : « International social security regulations » and the second part is titled : « Social protection of expatriates : the case of Cameroon ».

Key Words : International Mobility, Social Protection, Expatriates, Social Security.




ABREVIATIONS, ACRONYMES, SIGLES........................................III




INTRODUCTION GENERALE........................................................9

I. CONSTRUCTION DE L'OBJET D'ETUDE.....................................10

A. PRESENTATION DU SUJET...................................................10

B. DELIMITATION DU SUJET......................................................10

1- Cadre spatio-temporel de l'étude...................................................11

2- Cadre matériel de l'étude............................................................11

C. LIMITATION DU SUJET..........................................................12

II. DEFINITIONS DES CONCEPTS................................................13

A. LA MOBILITE INTERNATIONALE.............................................14

B. LA PROTECTION SOCIALE......................................................14

C. L'EXPATRIATION...............................................................15

III. PROBLEMATIQUE..............................................................15

IV. HYPOTHESES...................................................................16

V. INTERET DE L'ETUDE..........................................................18

VI. CONSIDERATIONS METHODOLOGIQUES.............................19

VII. ARTICULATIONS DU TRAVAIL..........................................23

CHAPITRE I : Les règlements internationaux en matière de sécurité sociale....................................................................................24

SECTION I : Pour l'expatrié.........................................................25

A- Avant la mobilité internationale................................................26

B- Pendant et après la mobilité internationale.................................32

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Là où il n'y a pas d'espoir, nous devons l'inventer"   Albert Camus