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Des règlements intérieurs pour le parlement haà¯tien

par Louis Gineaud
Université d'état d'Haiti - Port au Prince - Licence en droit 1998

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

Chapter II. - Haitian Parliament and its Payments

As we saw in the first chapter, the Parliament made against weight with the Executive power and represents a fundamental pillar in the establishment of the principle of the separation of the capacities. In this second chapter we will approach the various structures of the parliamentary Assemblies in Haiti and then we will present some elements of the internal organization of these assemblies.

Section 1 - Parliamentary Structures in Haiti.

The existence of any Parliament answers a fundamental question : one needs a single room or a bicameral Parliament ? A return to the various constitutions of the Republic of Haiti will enable us to release the essential elements which marked the monocameralism and the bicameral system.

A. the organization of the Parliament in the Past

Haiti knew two types of parliamentary assemblies in her history : monocameralism and bicameral system.

a) Monocameralism in Haiti

The monocameralism it is the exercise of the legislative power by a single room. Before 1806 one could not speak about the monocameralism, because the constitution of 1805 did not comprise any provision relating to the Parliament. Moreover, articles 19 to 37 of this constitution legalized the concentration of all the executive powers and legislature between the hands of Dessalines. And the Council of State made up of all the generals did not have a definite function. It functioned according to the needs for the Head of the State.

1. Organization of the legislative power in the Haitian monocameralism.

The Republic of Haiti had only two parliamentary Assemblies monocamérales : The Senate under the presidency of Pétion and the House of Commons under the mode of Duvalier.

1.1. The Senate of 1806 to 1816.

The Constitution of 1806 had creates a new institution like a counterweight with the executive power : Parliament. This Parliament was monocaméral. Indeed the legislative power was exerted by a single room : The Senate. The Senate was composed of 24 members for a nine years renewable mandate per third every three years. The Senators were named by the Constituent Assembly and exerted the legislative power in all independence. Omnipotent, all the capacities of the president of the Republic were transferred to him. Article 42 of the constitution made Senate the central body of the government, agent of all the capacities and person in charge for the management of the State. In testifies the provisions of this article of the constitution of 1806 :

«The Senate exclusively has the right to fix the public expenditure, to establish the public contributions, to determine of it nature, the share, the duration, the mode of perception. To rule on the Administration - to order, when it considers it suitable, the alienation of the national fields...»

1.2.- The House of Commons of 1964 to 1986.

Between 1964 to 1986, the Haitian Parliament took again its statute monocaméral. Indeed, President François Duvalier divorced the bicameral system while making vote the removal of the Senate of the Republic. The legislative power was exerted by a single room : The House of Commons, which remained until the inversion of Duvalier. This Room made up of 67 Deputies took the name of Legislative Body.

2. Relationship between the Legislature and the Executive.

The relationship between the Legislature and the Executive appeared generally conflict in Haiti. Under the Republic of Pétion the Parliament in made the expenses not its dissolution and the establishment of a personal capacity to the Head of the State ; Under the mode of Duvalier the legislative power merged with that of the executive under the exclusive dictation of the President of the Republic.

2.1. Reports/ratios in the Republic of Pétion.

From the Constitutional point of view, the Senate was privileged in the relationship with the Executive. It had immense capacities so much so that the Chief of the Executive becomes only one political figure. However, very early a conflict burst between the large body and President Pétion. When the Parliament wanted to fill its constitutional prerogatives by recalling President Pétion to the order, this last threatened it to dissolve it and the Senate ceased sitting until 1811 to transfer all its capacity to Pétion.

In front of the contempt of Pétion with regard to the constitutional recommendations of the Senate, and in front of its ambition to usurp all the prerogatives of the legislative power, the Senators wrote a text entitled : « Remonstrances of the Senate to the Head of the State », where one can read:

« ... The Constitution was not measured with the character of such or such individual ; it was made with the measurement of the principles ; it is calculated so as to cover public freedom ; and if the attributions given to the Executive power are not more extensive, it must you remember it, President d' Haïti, you yourself restricted them by your judicious observations. «(1)

2.2. Reports/ratios under the mode of Duvalier.

From 1964 to 1986, the Haitian legislative power formed a unit with the Executive. Indeed, the pressures exerted against the Parliament by Duvalier make of this last a rampart to legalize the acts of the Executive. The removal of the Senate instituted and consolidated the dictatorial capacity of Duvalier. This return to the monocameralism reduced the parliamentary institution to a simple office of legislative officials appointed by the Head of the State to endorse his acts and its intentions.

The members of the ministerial Cabinet were certainly responsible in front of the Room. However article 117 of the constitution of 1983 recognizes with the President of the Republic the right to defer the sessions of the legislative room. Moreover article 79 allowed him to dissolve the Parliament in the event of conflict with the executive power.


1. CLAUDE, Brace: Constitutions and fights of being able in Haiti, T. 1, imp. the Native one, PAP, 1997, p 41-42

b) Haitian Bicameral system

The Constitution of 1816 founded the presidential mode in Haiti. It delegated the exercise of the legislative function to two Rooms : The Room of the representatives of the Communes and the Senate. It is the birth of the Bicameral system in Haiti. This one was installed definitively in Haiti with the publication of the Constitution of 1843 and its structures were maintained by all the following Constitutions until that of 1950.

1. Bicameral Legislative power

As we mentioned, the legislative power was exerted by two independent Rooms : The Senate of the Republic and the House of Commons. Each one of these Rooms was main of its organization. However to each Constitutionnelle revision, certain modifications were made as for the fields of competence Parliament that to its statute as being able of the State.

1.1. Composition

The Parliament is Composé of the Room of the representatives of the communes and the Senate.

1.2. Elections and Mandates

The Room is elected by the direct vote for all in the primary assemblies for one five years duration. The Senate is elected by the room under the presentation of a list of candidates by the President of the Republic.

1.3. Attributions and operation

The Parliament exerted the legislative function in collaboration with the Executive. However, no law could be voted without the initiative of the President of the Republic. (art 55 of the Constitution of 1816).

The legislative power was shared in an unequal way between the Senate and the House of Commons : Indeed, article 125 of the constitution of 1816 stipulates that:

«  The laws voted by the Room of the representatives must be issued by the Senate which has moreover the privilege to elect the President of Haiti, To sanction the trade or alliance, peace treaties with the foreign powers and to approve the declarations of war. «

With the revision of the Constitution in 1843, the legislative power was thus reinforced and the Parliament shared with the Executive the initiative of the laws on all the objects of law and order. Thus the Executive is put under the permanent control of the legislature. The Ministers or Secretaries of State were responsible before the Parliament and the idea of a Prime Minister Chief of the Government appeared, because it is expected that the ministerial Cabinet is directed by a minister carrying the title of President of the Council of the Secretaries of State.

2. Relations between the Parliament and the Governments

The various constitutional revisions were generally a way of directing the any power of the authority of the State towards the legislative power with the detriment of the Chief of the Executive or towards the chief of the Executive to control the Parliament. Thus certain constitutions made of the President of the Republic a true omnipotent chief having the initiative of the law, the right of veto, the right to dissolve the Parliament..., others reinforced the parliamentary authority by the control of the executive power, the responsibility for the Secretaries of State or ministers in front of the Parliament, the election indirect of the Head of the State by the Room and nonthe dissolution of This one.

2.1. Legislative power with the profit of the Executive.

The authority of the President of the Republic in the exclusive initiative of the law, its right of veto and that to dissolve the Room were devoted in various constitutions of the Republic. The election of the Senate by the House of Commons on a list of candidates introduced by the President of the Republic makes of this last a potentate within the legislative power. Thus the Head of the State could make failure with the Room by the means of the Senate which shared with it the legislative power. One finds in the constitutions of 1816 and 1874 an article which grants the Législative power at the same time to the Executive and with the Legislative Body. By the Senate the President controlled the capacity, it could make failure at the Parliament by issuing the strike of the bills. (1)


1. CLAUDE, Brace: COp, city, p 75

B Parliament in Comparison with the Constitution of 1987.

After twenty two years of monocameralism in Haiti, the revolutionary movements which led at the beginning of the mode of Duvalier carried our components to adopt a new political system which recommends the return to the bicameral system. In this part we will approach the legislative power and its fields of competence in the constitution of March 29, 1987.

a) Haitian Legislative power

The Constitution of 1987 gives rise to a bicameral Parliament composed of and the Senate House of Commons of the Republic.

1. House of Commons.

The House of Commons is composed of the representatives of the people elected by the direct suffrage by the citizens in each electoral district and performs with the Senate of the Republic the functions of the Legislative power.

1.1. Elections and Mandates

Each deputy is elected in the majority absolute of the votes cast in the primary assemblies. The term of the office of the deputy is four years renewable. The mandate of the Room constitutes a Legislature.

1.2. Conditions D `eligibility

Article 91 of the Constitution of 1987 stipulates that :

« To be member of the House of Commons it is necessary :

1. - To be Haitian of origin and not to have never given up its Nationality ;

2. - To be twenty five (25) years old accomplished ;

3. - To enjoy its Civil laws and Political and not to be never condemned to an afflictive or defamatory sorrow for a crime of common right.

4. - To have resided at least two (2) years consecutive preceding the date by the elections in the electoral district to represent.

5. - To be Owner of a building at least in the district or to follow an occupation or an Industry there ;

6. - To have received discharge, if necessary, as manager of public funds. »

2. Senate of the Republic.

The Senate is composed of the representatives of the departments of the Republic. The members of the Senate are elected by the vote for all in the majority absolute in the primary Assemblies.

2.1. Elections and Mandates

The Senators exert the legislative function with the Deputies. They are elected for six years and are indefinitely re-eligible. The renewal of the Senate is done per third every two years.

2.2. Conditions of eligibility.

Article 96 of the Constitution of 1987 shows article 91 of this same Constitution with light modifications relating to the age and the years of residence of the Senator. Thus, the Senator must be thirty years old accomplished. He must reside in the Department to represent at least four (4) Consécutives years preceding the date by the elections.

b) Exercise of the Legislative power.

The constitution of 1987 devotes the principle of the separation of the capacities. The legislative power is exerted by the Parliament : The House of Commons and the Senate. Each Room is independent and shares following attributions :

1) the vote of the Law (art 111, 120)

2) The interpretation of the Law (art 128)

3) Interpellation of the Government (art 129-2, 129-3, 172)

However, the Constitution establishes a certain exclusive field with regard to respective attributions of the French National Assembly and Senate, House of Commons.

1. House of Commons

Article 90 stipulates that :

«The House of Commons, in addition to Attributions which are reserved for him by the Constitution as a branch of the Legislative power, has the privilege to put in charge the Head of the State, the Prime Minister, the Ministers and the Secretaries of State by front High the Court of Justice, by a majority of the 2/3 of its members... » (cf art 186)

2. Senate of the Republic.

Article 97 stipulates that :

«The Senate proposes with the Executive the list judges of the Supreme court of appeal according to regulations' of the Constitution and can set up into High the Court of Justice...»

The Senate gives its approval to the choice of the Commander-in-chief of the Police force, with that of the ambassadors, Consul generals and boards of directors of the autonomous organizations (art 141,142). The Senate elects the members of the Higher Court of the Accounts and the Administrative Dispute (art-6), while it subjects the Candidature of those of the Supreme court of appeal on the list of three (3) people per Siège for the President of the Republic (art)

3. Of the French National Assembly

The French National Assembly it is the meeting of the two branches of the legislative power in only one Parliament. She has as exclusive attributions :

1) To receive the Constitutional Oath of the President of the Republic ;

2) To ratify any decision, to declare the war when all the attempts at Conciliation failed ;

3) To approve or reject the treaties and International Conventions ;

4) To amend the constitution according to the procedure which is indicated there

5) To ratify the decision of the executive, to move the seat of the Government in the cases determined by the article first of this Constitution ;

6) To rule itself on the appropriateness of the state of siege, to stop with the Executive the Constitutional guarantees suspending and to come to a conclusion about any request for renewal of this measurement.

7) To contribute itself to the training of the Permanent Electoral Council in accordance with article 192 of the Constitution.

8) To receive with the opening of each Session, the Assessment of the activities of the Government. (art-3)

Section II - Rules of procedure of the Parliament since 1987.

Since the new Constitution of 1987, the country is with its third Legislature. The establishment of the interior rules to the organization and the operation of the Parliament remains a unsolved problem. In this section we will review the payments which followed one another since, and will present the framework of reference of the operation of the 46ème Législature.

A- First Payments.

The innovations brought in the legislative function by the Constitution of 1987 led our members of Parliament to adopt new payments to fulfill the requirements of the new bicameral mode. Each room is independent and main of its payments. Thus, the various legislatures adopted general rules relating to the operation and the organization of any Parliament and tried to observe their own rules voted by the assembly.

a) Payments of the Senate

Since the re-establishment of the Upper House by the Constitution of 1987, the Senate forever have its own payments. However the Senate organizes its work by provisions drawn from the former payments, habit and parliamentary jurisprudence.

1. The framework of reference of the Senate of the Republic.

The internal organization of the Senate of the Republic is based on texts regulating the former senatorial assemblies and the House of Commons. The Senate adopts general theories for the formation of its internal bodies and the behavior of the Meetings.

2. Practices of the Senatorial Parliament.

The rules of procedures are the fundamental element of the legislative process. To mitigate the inexistence of these rules, the Senate of the Republic applies parliamentary jurisprudence and the doctrines of the parliamentary right. Admittedly, one is pilot of a certain negligence and inconsistency in work, but the Senators could vote laws, adopt resolutions, ratify the Prime Minister, exert a control on the government and contribute to the formation of other institutions envisaged by the constitution such as : the Court Superior of the Accounts and the Administrative Dispute, the Provisional Electoral Council, supreme court of appeal etc

In addition, the Senate finally adopted its first rules of procedure in June 1996. However for lack of rules of procedure and its inadequacy to the standards in force the Senators agreed not to apply them. We will bring from there some precise details in our next subdivision.

b) Payments of the House of Commons

Contrary to the Senate of the Republic, the House of Commons adopted its rules of procedure. Indeed, its payments were conceived by the 44ème Législature which unfortunately was dissolved in June 1988 after five months of operation. 45ème A took again its payments and brought certain amendments.

1. Tally of reference of the rules of procedure of the House of Commons

The 44ème Législature had not had time to apply its rules of procedure. Moreover, the vote of the final document had not taken place yet and the Room was dissolved.

February 5, 1988 the Room had modified some Articles of the Regulations of 1953 and had thus established its framework of reference for its organization and its operating mode. This payment had took again the same titles as that of 1951 and there were no rules of procedure. The Deputies of the 44ème Législature adopted the general principles of right parliamentary and created new bodies of working procedure required by the Constitution.

2. The Payment of the Deputies of the 45ème Legislature

June 11, 1991 the House of Commons voted the first rules of procedure of the 45ème Législature. This payment comprises new titles or chapters which were ignored up to now in our parliamentary culture such as: like those creating the parliamentary groups or the conference of the presidents.

Article 41 stipulates that:

«The Deputies can gather by political affinities. No group can include/understand less than ten Deputies. The groups are constituted while giving to the president of the Room a signed political declaration their members, accompanied by the list of those. These documents are published in the Monitor.

A Deputy can form part only of one political group. The deputies who do not belong to any group can adhere to the group of their choice with the approval of the office of this group. They count for the distribution of the seats in the commissions «.

The participation of the political groups is determining in the work of the Parliament, thus article 45 stipulates that:

«Once per week, per hour and the day envisaged by the office of the room, the secretariat convenes the chairmen of the political groups to the conference of the presidents which is taken place under the direction of the president of the office, also the presidents of the commissions with advisory voice take part in it».

Article 45-1 rules on the voting rights to the conference of the presidents. Thus, only the chairmen of the political groups or their duly elected possible substitutes have voting rights proportional to the manpower of their group.

These provisions devote political pluralism definitively and make place with the emergence of a constructive parliamentary opposition.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Il existe une chose plus puissante que toutes les armées du monde, c'est une idée dont l'heure est venue"   Victor Hugo