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Des règlements intérieurs pour le parlement haà¯tien

par Louis Gineaud
Université d'état d'Haiti - Port au Prince - Licence en droit 1998

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

B- Payments of the 46ème Legislature

If the first two legislatures could evoke alibis to dodge the question relating to the vote of their rules of procedure or at least their nonapplication, the 46ème for its part does not have the choice.

Actually, it profited in one way or another from a political stability and a technical assistance of the international community which should have allowed it not only to have its own rules of procedure but also to apply them. However, reality proves the opposite. The Senate of the Republic adopted a new law carrying new rules of procedure of the Upper House which until now is not in force; and the House of Commons works on his interior draft Regulation.

a) The law of June 1996 carrying new rules of procedure of the Senate.

In its first article it is known as :

« These internal payments fix the statute, the organization and the operating mode of the Senate of the Republic. For all that is not envisaged with the present payment or does not make object of a special order of the assembly it will be taken account of the habits, formalities and procedures ordinary ».

Let us see now the innovations that it is necessary to underline in this payment.

1. Innovations brought to the Senate by the text of 1996.

The text of 1996 is a first in annals of the Senate of the Republic. It reconsiders the authority of the Senate in the exercise of the legislative power while allowing the large body like with its members enjoying all the constitutional prerogatives.

1.1. Senatorial institution

The Senate is a public institution equipped with the legal personality which can be party to legal proceedings and which manage its own inheritance with an administrative autonomy and budgetary. (art)

This payment defined clearly and in a precise way the missions of the large body in its article 4. Article 5 reiterates its sovereignty. The office of the Senate from now on is composed of a President, a vice-president, two Secretaries and a renewable questeur elected for two years.

1.2. Privileges of the Senators

Adequate monthly expenses for the establishment and the operation of an office of the Senator in his senatorial district and to the Capital are envisaged, as well as the assumption of responsibility with the budget of the Senate as contractual of an agent of safety, a driver, and an expert attached to his particular cabinet.

1.3 Conference of the Presidents

The rules of procedure of the Senate create a new body called Conférence of the Presidents. This conference brings together the presidents of the office, the presidents of the standing committees and the parliamentary groups. The office of the conference of the presidents is composed of the President of the Senate (President of the office of the conference of the Presidents) of a vice-president and a Rapporteur - The latter are indicated for one one year period- (cf art). The Conference of the Presidents second the office of the Senate of the Republic. It thus has the capacity of :

- to allocate with each parliamentary group a total time of word while taking account of the Right to the word of the independent senators ;

- to decide about priority to grant to the questions to discuss in assembly;

- to deliberate by majority vote on the proposals submitted by its members and on the organization on the general discussion on the texts submitted to the assembly...

1.4. Parliamentary groups

The Senators can set up political groups at a rate of at least three Senators per group. No Senator can be member of more than one group. (cf Art 194)

1.5. Commissions

At the beginning of each legislature and each replacement partial of the Senate, the Parliament forms ten standing committees. Each commission is named for a two years mandate. The subcommittee bureau includes/understands a president and a rapporteur.

The parliamentary groups have at the standing committees a number of seats proportional to their numerical importance subject to the rights of the independent Senators.

The quorum of each commission is half of its members and the senator absent three times without valid excuse during one month, loses the 1/3 of his basic allowance for this month.

The senators associate with the standing committees of the special subcommittees and mixed. Article 177 of the payment creates a new commission called: Special subcommittee of parliamentary privileges, whose mission is to intervene with the public authorities to defend the interests of any Senator victim of violation of their privileges and immunities.

2. Withdrawals or abrogations of the rules of procedure of the Senate

The law of June 1996 makes certain modifications relating to the operation of the internal bodies of the Senate of the Republic, that it is on the level of the personnel or the means of organization of the legislative process.

2.1. Employees of the Senate

The payment does not fix the number of employees of the Senate and does not envisage any heading relating to the organization of the parliamentary personnel. That falls within the competence of the office which is charged to into force regulate the services of the Senate in accordance with the administrative rules and with the need for the large body.

2.2. Delegations

The training of the delegations is not any more exclusive competence of the president of the Senate. It is thus about a decision taken as a Parliament.

2.3. Mode of voting

The votes are done by raised hands or ordinary open vote. The secret vote is repealed.

b) The interior draft Regulation of the House of Commons

Since the House of Commons did not vote its rules of procedure yet, we will present only the innovations in its organization and current operation starting from the text of reference which is this draft Regulation of the 46ème legislature.

1. Innovations in the organization and the operation of the House of Commons

The new payment of the House of Commons A took again the same bodies of the Senate with light modifications in the composition of the commissions. It also establishes a framework of formal communication between the Room and the Government as well as a technical structure for good unfolding of work of the Deputies.

1.1. Bodies of the House of Commons

The House of Commons is composed of:

- the Parliament of the Deputies or Plenary assembly

- the office

- parliamentary groups

- standing committees

- the conference of the presidents

- commissions

Article 31 of the project provides that these bodies are assisted of an administrative service called the Secretariat-general of the House of Commons directed by a secretary-general whose operation and organization are defined by the administrative and financial payments.

1.2. Relationship with the Executive

The project grants an important place to the relations between the Legislature and the Executive. It defines the procedure to be followed for the ratification of the Prime Minister and the exercise of the supervisory powers on the government. This control is done by communications such as:

1o) the assessment of the Prime Minister to the opening of each parliamentary session

2o) declarations of the Government in front of the Parliament with or without debate

3o) oral questions organized by the conference of the presidents

4o) written questions published, during the sessions and except sessions, with the Official Journal as well as the answers of the Ministers

5o) interpellation of a Minister or Government

6o) the convocation of the Ministers by standing committees...

1.3. The technical council of framing

The interior draft Regulation of the House of Commons envisages a council of technicians which can accompany the commissions and the office by the Parliament.

1.4. Office of the Deputy

September 9, 1992, the 45ème legislature voted for a resolution creating an administrative entity called office of the Deputy in each electoral district. The project of the 46ème legislature regulates the operation of this office and envisages a remuneration for its members and an emanating operational budget of the budget of the Room. The chief of the office of the Deputy could be regarded as his assistant and ensures the connection with the other bodies.

We showed up to now some modifications in the structures and the operation of the Haitian Parliament since 1987. The constitution of 1987 reorganized the exercise of the legislative power and executive by making Parliament the exclusive authority legislation control of the Government. However the imperfections in the regulation of this capacity constitute a major handicap for the institutionalization of the young Haitian democracy. Also is advisable it to underline in the next chapter the problems arising from the application of the rules relating to the operation of the Haitian political system.



Chapter I: Considerations on the problems arising from the imperfections and the gaps of the rules of procedure of the 46 ème Legislature.

The constitution of the Republic of Haiti defines the legal framework of the organization of the Haitian political system. However, each capacity must obtain with rules and procedures for the exercise of their mandates. At the Haitian Parliament, not only there is a deficiency as regards payments, but those existing present obvious imperfections which deserve to be analyzed. In the first section, our analysis will relate to the working procedure of the parliamentary Parliament and in the second section we will tackle the question of the relationship between the Legislature and the other capacities.

Section 1. Problems encountered in the working procedure of the Haitian Parliament

In the dynamics of parliamentary work, it is essential that the Parliament obtains a framework regulating its operating conditions. The 46ème legislature functions with exceeded rules of procedure which do not take account of the reality of the political system recommended by the constitution of 1987. What involves weaknesses in its internal structures and of mistrust in the relationship with the other capacities.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"En amour, en art, en politique, il faut nous arranger pour que notre légèreté pèse lourd dans la balance."   Sacha Guitry