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Des règlements intérieurs pour le parlement haà¯tien

par Louis Gineaud
Université d'état d'Haiti - Port au Prince - Licence en droit 1998

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

A- Weaknesses in the internal structures

The internal structures of the two Rooms do not present differences one compared to the other as for their denomination, their organization and their operating mode.

The lack of coherence in the organization of the bodies of the Parliament and the inexistence of certain fundamental structures relating to the constitutional and lawful requirements are the elements which it should be stressed like indicating signs of gaps and problems for the good management of the work of the Parliament in the 46ème legislature.

Indeed, the payment presents a framework in which must fit all the parliamentary bodies. Those consist of a manner proportional to the political configuration of the Parliament and have to engage the institution, according to their competences, in the businesses which are subjected to them.

a) Faulty operation of the bodies of the Parliament

The considerations on the faulty operation of the bodies of the Parliament should not be seen under a reducing angle, i.e. by not holding account of the practice or the activities of these bodies with the 46ème legislature, but also starting from an in-depth analysis of the mechanisms of their composition and their attributions.

1. The Office of the Parliament

The configuration of the office of the Parliament is not defined. Moreover, the conditions of eligibility of its members are not regulated. At the Parliament, the president of the office must be above the parties. This is why in France as in Canada the function of president is incompatible with that of Chief of the Opposition or Deputy fulfilling a governmental function.

The payment of the 46ème legislature does not envisage any mode of consensus in the choice of the members of the office of the Parliament. What involves a lawful absence of framework for the negotiation between the various political forces represented at the Parliament. Thus the office perhaps entirely controlled by the majority parliamentary group. In this case it becomes very difficult to make a good management of the conflicts of interests within the Parliament and one will not be able to establish a balance in the relationship with the other minority groups.

2. Standing committees

The law carrying new rules of procedure of the senatorial Parliament in her article 156 indicates in a vague way the distribution of the seats in the standing committees. The House of Commons for its part did not envisage any mode of co-optation between the various political groups in the commissions.

The criterion proportional of article 156 of the rules of procedure of the Senate remains a pious wish since there is not any rule of definition of this proportionality.

The payments of the 46ème legislature do not envisage any provision relating to the distribution of the presidencies within the standing committees and at the same time do not support the implication direct and responsible for the Deputies and Senators for the majority group and the official Opposition in the control of the businesses for the Parliament.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Un démenti, si pauvre qu'il soit, rassure les sots et déroute les incrédules"   Talleyrand