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Internationalisation économique du sport. Les clubs de football sur les traces des entreprises multinationales

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Arnauld Kayembe Tabu Nkang'Adi Nzu
Université d'Anvers - Master en Management international et développement 2000

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


Nature envoûtante of the modern economy, founded on the globalisation did not leave any chance to the sports to develop from now on far from its influence. Quite to the contrary, it seems to in general constitute one of the principal causes of the internationalization of the sport, and football in particular. Speaking about the origin about the industrial multinationailsation, GROU P. (ibidem) pointed out that : « a size more important of capital to develop order a space of broader sale. From this report, national spaces of the industrialized countries, particularly European national spaces, became too narrow. The firms may find it beneficial to delocalize themselves in other industrialized countries, and the phenomenon of multinationalisation gradually became the rule », from which, the sport, for its part, could not escape. Enticed by the odor of the money - even if Vespasien, one of the twelve Césars of the Roman Empire thinks of it the opposite, the sporting institutions had to refit the rules of the game. The pressure that they underwent proceeds of universalization, of the invasion of the sport by commercial television and the role of incentive which the tycoons of the multinational corporations play in the sporting movement.

I.B.1. Irreducible push of universalization

While referring with what is marked Ci high, it is noted that the sport knew a deep metamorphosis which revêt three characteristics : the universalization of the images, the marketing of the spectacles, the professionalisation of the athletes. Here are which makes note BOROUGH (1998, p. 29 that « everywhere, indeed, in this end of century, the sport occupies a central place in the imaginary collective. Everywhere also, the market economy is essential like the new fashion of regulation of a practice initially founded on a esthetism, an education and a morals ". The consequences are also calculated by the FIFA and the CIO, author of a great revolution.

I.B.2. The revolution of the CIO

This development, quasi unanimous of the sporting movement, on a planetary scale, is allotted to fact qu ` « at the beginning of the Eighties, the Olympic International Committee made two decisions which had a considerable impact on the practice of the sport. On the one hand, the CIO opened the plays with the participation of all the athletes, without making distinction between amateurs and professionals. In addition, it introduced the system of commercial sponsorship of the plays, thus opening the way with a generalized marketing of all the sports activity. » (European Commission, 1998, p.8).

In other words, explains BOROUGH (COp cit., p. 30), « the emergence of a sporting order commercial and mondialized at the beginning of the Eighties results from the disappearance of two institutional bolts which, lasting nearly one century (1896 - 1980), governed the ethics of the Olympic ideal : exemption from payment of the athletic effort, with the end of amateurism in 1981 on the one hand, impossibility of exploiting the symbols of the OJ commercially, removed in 1986, on the other hand. In addition, the passage of a local sale (negotiation with each of the 197 Olympic national committees) to a world sale (overall agreement of sponsorship with the CIO) opened the whole of the markets to the sponsors by simplifying the negociations. This decompartmentalization contributes to the integration of the national economies in a world logic «, where commercial television (private) appears like an essential partner in all the cycle of the sporting product.

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Le doute est le commencement de la sagesse"   Aristote