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A study of the legal problems of state contracts

par Odilon Evrard NGOUNDOU
Institute of International Law of Wuhan University
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In view of all these situations that we explained above, the new practice brought a new trend completely different compared to the old practice of international arbitration or mode of dispute settlement in state contracts or in state petroleum contracts. So what is the basis for this practice? Well, in the context of our petroleum contracts, it is just about the practice

whereby a host state of petroleum investment consent on the one hand, to arbitration a prioriand in general, enacting a domestic law or signing a bilateral or multilateral treaty, and on the

other hand the foreign oil company directly can resort before an arbitral tribunal for a possible settlement of disputes that may arise with that state, owner of petroleum resources contained in its territory. This practice leads to deny any value to any commitments already signed or subscribed by the state and the private party. There is no doubt here that we are in front of the existence of a new arbitration clause concluded obviously in a very special way, between the contracting parties. And so we have a vague feeling that this profound change in the evolution of the law of state contracts within the framework of dispute settlement represents a significant improvement in the field of contractual balance advocated, negotiated and adopted by the parties, in particular by the state. Both contracting parties now have the same right to appeal to an arbitral tribunal. There is however a serious problem for States in these new mechanisms: the one that says that the new mechanisms can be implemented only on the initiative of private parties. And this situation, in my view looks like a «humiliation» suffered by the state, which must submit to the whims of the foreign private oil companies while the petroleum resources to be exploited is located in the territory of the host State of this kind of investment. At this level, certain precautions should be taken in order to avoid that foreign oil companies could abuse the use of their new rights today. States and foreign oil companies are required too, in this new practice of arbitration, to honour their original commitments.



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