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Revue du module AR (comptabilité client) du progiciel JDEdwards d'une société pétrolière dans le cadre d'une mission d'audit financier

par Jarraya Bacem
Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de SFAX
Traductions: en Original: fr Source:

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5.3.2 Safety of JDE

As one evoked on the level of the introduction, the principal purpose of the review of the controls automated on the level of J.D. Edwards is to provide to Management a reasonable insurance as for the integrity and the reliability of the data processing.

To reach and confirm this insurance, the data-processing team of audit must focus part of her work on the review of the controls applied to the level of the organization, the environments, the menus and the procedures in order to guarantee the safety of J.D. Edwards.

Controls are summarized at the following points :

Key controls


Segregation of the tasks:

g An effective segregation of the tasks must exist in the data-processing environment.

g Examine the report/ratio of the SODA8(*);

g To count the users who have an office plurality of incompatible tasks;

g Divide this figure by the total number of users having a profile under AS/400 and J.D. Edwards. This percentage is used for the notation.

Data-processing environments:

g The data-processing environments must be limited to those of production, test and development.

g To carry out the program «F0094 " to determine the number of existing data-processing environments;

g To carry out the program «F0093» To identify the rights of access allotted to the users for the various data-processing environments.

Systèmes9 orders(*):

g The launching of the orders systems should be suitably restricted.

g To identify the rights of access allotted to the users for these functionalities in the data-processing environment by carrying out the program «F0093»;

g To discuss the results obtained with the administrator of the system and to obtain explanations for all the users profiting from this access.

Fast access (Fast Path):

Description: J.D. Edwards allows the fast access to its modules and standard reports/ratios by using specific orders (exp. : the execution of the order «G09» allows the fast access to the general ledger G/L).

g The fast accesses must be suitably restricted.

g To carry out the program «F0092» to identify the rights of access allotted to the users in the data-processing environments;

g To discuss the results obtained with the administrator of the system and to obtain explanations for all the users profiting from this access.

Shortcut keys (Function Key):

Description: J.D. Edwards gives access quickly the resources of the system by using combinations of keys of the keyboard.

g The short cuts giving access quickly all the resources of the system must be suitably protected.

g To carry out the order «G94» to identify the people who have access to the shortcut keys.

Opening and closing of the accounting periods:

g The possibility of opening and of closing the accounting periods must be limited to a restricted number individuals.

g To carry out the program «P00105» to identify the people who have the possibility of opening and to close the accounting periods.

User profile:

g A user should have one profile under J.D. Edwards.

g To re-examine the file of the authorizations of SODA to determine the number of profiles per user.

Creation of user profiles:

g An adequate procedure must exist for the follow-up of the creation of new user profiles under JDE.

g The procedure must include an adequate estimate of the segregation of the tasks.

g To discuss with person in charge J.D. Edwards the existence for such procedure;

g To test the case of profiles recently created.

Rights of access:

g The rights of access of the users under JDE should be cancelled or changed in an adequate way when the latter are transferred or left the company.

g To discuss with person in charge J.D. Edwards the existence for such procedure;

g To publish the list of the profiles of the users starting from the system;

g To test samples of profiles.

* 8 SODA  : Tool developed by PricewaterhouseCoopers to check the respect of the separation of the incompatible tasks in the company.

* 9 Orders Systems  : are requests launched by administrator J.D. Edwards (the first person in charge for system J.D. Edwards) to extract from the source data of the system.

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